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Old 03-18-2023, 03:24 PM   #46
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When I slowed it down, and then began looking deeper, I found that the problem now, is winbind won't start. I'm peeling through some older threads, yes the process has appearently changed slightly, since older versions, and I came up with this, and I think that it's maybe just in the wrong order. I told you I DID know a little about smb.conf, as it now shows that with THAT file, I'm NOT a total beginner - just with these features.

#! /bin/sh

echo Install packages needed...
apt install samba-common samba winbind libnss-winbind libpam-winbind krb5-user adcli packagekit
sleep 11

echo Set hostname...
sudo hostnamectl set-hostname main-des-linux.smiley000.local
sudo cp -f /etc/hostname /etc/hostname.old
sudo cp -f /usr/bin/hostname /etc
sudo hostnamectl status
sleep 11

echo Fix resolv.conf...
sudo systemctl disable systemd-resolved
sudo systemctl stop systemd-resolved
sudo systemctl status systemd-resolved
sleep 11

echo Copy configuration files...
sudo cp -f /etc/hosts /etc/hosts.old
sudo cp -f /usr/bin/hosts /etc

sudo cp -f /run/systemd/resolve/stub-resolv.conf /run/systemd/resolve/stub-resolv.conf.old
sudo cp -f /usr/bin/stub-resolv.conf /run/systemd/resolve

sudo cp -f /etc/krb5.conf /etc/krb5.old
sudo cp -f /usr/bin/krb5.conf /etc

sudo cp -f /etc/samba/smb.conf /etc/samba/smb.conf.old
sudo cp -f /usr/bin/smb.conf /etc/samba

sudo cp -f /usr/bin/ /etc/samba

sudo cp -f /etc/nsswitch.conf /etc/nsswitch.conf.old
sudo cp -f /usr/bin/nsswitch.conf /etc

sleep 11

echo Test smb.conf
sleep 11

echo Fix pam configuration...
sudo pam-auth-update
sleep 11

echo Restart samba...
sudo systemctl restart smbd nmbd winbind
sleep 11

echo Join domain smiley000.local...
#sudo net join ads smiley000.local -U Administrator

echo Test Administrator user in AD...
#kinit Administrator

#id Administrator@smiley000.local

echo Rebooting in 1 minute...
#shutdown -r +1 "Rebooting for AD logon domain join."

This troubleshooting is actually pretty fun, though I want it to work in the end. It's fun because now, I'm getting somewhere...
Old 03-18-2023, 10:01 PM   #47
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Registered: Sep 2006
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Success, except for sudoers, which is probably neccessary.

My files, now are:
#! /bin/sh

echo Installing...
sudo cp scripts/* /usr/bin

sudo chmod +x /usr/bin/
sudo chmod +x /usr/bin/
sudo chmod +x /usr/bin/
#! /bin/bash

echo Install packages needed...
apt install samba-common samba winbind libnss-winbind libpam-winbind krb5-user adcli packagekit
sleep 11

echo Set hostname...
sudo hostnamectl set-hostname main-des-linux.smiley000.local
sudo cp -f /etc/hostname /etc/hostname.old
sudo cp -f /usr/bin/hostname /etc
sudo hostnamectl status
sleep 11

echo Fix resolv.conf...
sudo systemctl disable systemd-resolved
sudo systemctl stop systemd-resolved
sudo systemctl status systemd-resolved
sleep 11

echo Copy configuration files...
sudo cp -f /etc/hosts /etc/hosts.old
sudo cp -f /usr/bin/hosts /etc

sudo rm -f /etc/resolv.conf
sudo cp -f /usr/bin/stub-resolv.conf /etc/resolv.conf

sudo cp -f /etc/krb5.conf /etc/krb5.old
sudo cp -f /usr/bin/krb5.conf /etc

sudo cp -f /etc/samba/smb.conf /etc/samba/smb.conf.old
sudo cp -f /usr/bin/smb.conf /etc/samba

sudo cp -f /usr/bin/ /etc/samba

sudo cp -f /etc/nsswitch.conf /etc/nsswitch.conf.old
sudo cp -f /usr/bin/nsswitch.conf /etc

sudo cp -f /usr/bin/domain-admins /etc/sudoers.d

sleep 11

echo Test smb.conf
sleep 11

echo Fix pam configuration...
sudo pam-auth-update
sleep 11

echo Join domain smiley000.local...
sudo net join ads smiley000.local -U Administrator
sleep 11

echo Restart samba...
sudo systemctl restart smbd nmbd winbind
sleep 11

echo Test Administrator user in AD...
kinit Administrator

id Administrator@smiley000.local
sleep 11

echo Rebooting in 1 minute...
read -s -n 1 -p "Please enable GUI tool logon in logon manager after reboot, then reboot again..."
shutdown -r +1 "Rebooting for AD logon domain join."

# This is /run/systemd/resolve/stub-resolv.conf managed by man:systemd-resolved(8).
# Do not edit.
# This file might be symlinked as /etc/resolv.conf. If you're looking at
# /etc/resolv.conf and seeing this text, you have followed the symlink.
# This is a dynamic resolv.conf file for connecting local clients to the
# internal DNS stub resolver of systemd-resolved. This file lists all
# configured search domains.
# Run "resolvectl status" to see details about the uplink DNS servers
# currently in use.
# Third party programs should typically not access this file directly, but only
# through the symlink at /etc/resolv.conf. To manage man:resolv.conf(5) in a
# different way, replace this symlink by a static file or a different symlink.
# See man:systemd-resolved.service(8) for details about the supported modes of
# operation for /etc/resolv.conf.

options edns0 trust-ad
search smiley000.local
Code:	localhost.localdomain localhost

# The following lines are desirable for IPv6 capable hosts
::1     ip6-localhost ip6-loopback
fe00::0 ip6-localnet
ff00::0 ip6-mcastprefix
ff02::1 ip6-allnodes
ff02::2 ip6-allrouters
 default_realm = SMILEY000.LOCAL
 dns_lookup_kdc = true
 dns_lookup_realm = true

 kdc = vmain1.smiley000.local
 admin_server = vmain1.smiley000.local
 master_kdc = vmain1.smiley000.local
 default_domain = smiley000.local

 .smiley000.local = smiley000.local
 smiley000.local = smiley000.local

 kdc = vmain1.smiley000.local
 admin_server = FILE=/var/kadm5.log
# Sample configuration file for the Samba suite for Debian GNU/Linux.
# This is the main Samba configuration file. You should read the
# smb.conf(5) manual page in order to understand the options listed
# here. Samba has a huge number of configurable options most of which 
# are not shown in this example
# Some options that are often worth tuning have been included as
# commented-out examples in this file.
#  - When such options are commented with ";", the proposed setting
#    differs from the default Samba behaviour
#  - When commented with "#", the proposed setting is the default
#    behaviour of Samba but the option is considered important
#    enough to be mentioned here
# NOTE: Whenever you modify this file you should run the command
# "testparm" to check that you have not made any basic syntactic 
# errors. 

#======================= Global Settings =======================


## Browsing/Identification ###

# Change this to the workgroup/NT-domain name your Samba server will part of
   security = ADS
   workgroup = SMILEY000
   realm = smiley000.local

# server string is the equivalent of the NT Description field
   server string = %h server (Samba, Ubuntu)

#### Networking ####

# The specific set of interfaces / networks to bind to
# This can be either the interface name or an IP address/netmask;
# interface names are normally preferred
;   interfaces = eth0

# Only bind to the named interfaces and/or networks; you must use the
# 'interfaces' option above to use this.
# It is recommended that you enable this feature if your Samba machine is
# not protected by a firewall or is a firewall itself.  However, this
# option cannot handle dynamic or non-broadcast interfaces correctly.
;   bind interfaces only = yes

#### Debugging/Accounting ####

# This tells Samba to use a separate log file for each machine
# that connects
   log file = /var/log/samba/log.%m

# Cap the size of the individual log files (in KiB).
   max log size = 1000

# We want Samba to only log to /var/log/samba/log.{smbd,nmbd}.
# Append syslog@1 if you want important messages to be sent to syslog too.
   logging = file

# Do something sensible when Samba crashes: mail the admin a backtrace
   panic action = /usr/share/samba/panic-action %d

####### Authentication #######

# Server role. Defines in which mode Samba will operate. Possible
# values are "standalone server", "member server", "classic primary
# domain controller", "classic backup domain controller", "active
# directory domain controller". 
# Most people will want "standalone server" or "member server".
# Running as "active directory domain controller" will require first
# running "samba-tool domain provision" to wipe databases and create a
# new domain.
   #server role = member server

   obey pam restrictions = yes

# This boolean parameter controls whether Samba attempts to sync the Unix
# password with the SMB password when the encrypted SMB password in the
# passdb is changed.
   unix password sync = no

# For Unix password sync to work on a Debian GNU/Linux system, the following
# parameters must be set (thanks to Ian Kahan <<> for
# sending the correct chat script for the passwd program in Debian Sarge).
   passwd program = /usr/bin/passwd %u
   passwd chat = *Enter\snew\s*\spassword:* %n\n *Retype\snew\s*\spassword:* %n\n *password\supdated\ssuccessfully* .

# This boolean controls whether PAM will be used for password changes
# when requested by an SMB client instead of the program listed in
# 'passwd program'. The default is 'no'.
   pam password change = yes

# This option controls how unsuccessful authentication attempts are mapped
# to anonymous connections
   map to guest = Bad User

########## Domains ###########

# The following settings only takes effect if 'server role = classic
# primary domain controller', 'server role = classic backup domain controller'
# or 'domain logons' is set 

# It specifies the location of the user's
# profile directory from the client point of view) The following
# required a [profiles] share to be setup on the samba server (see
# below)
#;   logon path = \\%N\profiles\%U
# Another common choice is storing the profile in the user's home directory
# (this is Samba's default)
#   logon path = \\%N\%U\profile

# The following setting only takes effect if 'domain logons' is set
# It specifies the location of a user's home directory (from the client
# point of view)
#;   logon drive = H:
#   logon home = \\%N\%U

# The following setting only takes effect if 'domain logons' is set
# It specifies the script to run during logon. The script must be stored
# in the [netlogon] share
# NOTE: Must be store in 'DOS' file format convention
#;   logon script = logon.cmd

# This allows Unix users to be created on the domain controller via the SAMR
# RPC pipe.  The example command creates a user account with a disabled Unix
# password; please adapt to your needs
 add user script = /usr/sbin/adduser --quiet --disabled-password --gecos "" %u

# This allows machine accounts to be created on the domain controller via the 
# SAMR RPC pipe.  
# The following assumes a "machines" group exists on the system
 add machine script  = /usr/sbin/useradd -g machines -c "%u machine account" -d /var/lib/samba -s /bin/false %u

# This allows Unix groups to be created on the domain controller via the SAMR
# RPC pipe.  
 add group script = /usr/sbin/addgroup --force-badname %g

############ Misc ############

# Using the following line enables you to customise your configuration
# on a per machine basis. The %m gets replaced with the netbios name
# of the machine that is connecting
#;   include = /home/samba/etc/smb.conf.%m

# Some defaults for winbind (make sure you're not using the ranges
# for something else.)
   idmap config * :              backend = tdb
   idmap config * :              range   = 3000-7999
   idmap config SMILEY000 :      backend = rid
   idmap config SMILEY000 :      range   = 10000-999999
   template shell = /bin/bash

# Setup usershare options to enable non-root users to share folders
# with the net usershare command.

# Maximum number of usershare. 0 means that usershare is disabled.
#   usershare max shares = 100

# Allow users who've been granted usershare privileges to create
# public shares, not just authenticated ones
   usershare allow guests = yes

username map = /etc/samba/
min domain uid = 0

#======================= Share Definitions =======================

# Un-comment the following (and tweak the other settings below to suit)
# to enable the default home directory shares. This will share each
# user's home directory as \\server\username
#;   comment = Home Directories
#;   browseable = no

# By default, the home directories are exported read-only. Change the
# next parameter to 'no' if you want to be able to write to them.
#;   read only = yes

# File creation mask is set to 0700 for security reasons. If you want to
# create files with group=rw permissions, set next parameter to 0775.
#;   create mask = 0700

# Directory creation mask is set to 0700 for security reasons. If you want to
# create dirs. with group=rw permissions, set next parameter to 0775.
#;   directory mask = 0700

# By default, \\server\username shares can be connected to by anyone
# with access to the samba server.
# Un-comment the following parameter to make sure that only "username"
# can connect to \\server\username
# This might need tweaking when using external authentication schemes
#;   valid users = %S

# Un-comment the following and create the netlogon directory for Domain Logons
# (you need to configure Samba to act as a domain controller too.)
#;   comment = Network Logon Service
#;   path = /home/samba/netlogon
#;   guest ok = yes
#;   read only = yes

# Un-comment the following and create the profiles directory to store
# users profiles (see the "logon path" option above)
# (you need to configure Samba to act as a domain controller too.)
# The path below should be writable by all users so that their
# profile directory may be created the first time they log on
#;   comment = Users profiles
#;   path = /home/samba/profiles
#;   guest ok = no
#;   browseable = no
#;   create mask = 0600
#;   directory mask = 0700

#   comment = All Printers
#   browseable = no
#   path = /var/spool/samba
#   printable = yes
#   guest ok = no
#   read only = yes
#   create mask = 0700

# Windows clients look for this share name as a source of downloadable
# printer drivers
#   comment = Printer Drivers
#   path = /var/lib/samba/printers
#   browseable = yes
#   read only = yes
#   guest ok = no
# Uncomment to allow remote administration of Windows print drivers.
# You may need to replace 'lpadmin' with the name of the group your
# admin users are members of.
# Please note that you also need to set appropriate Unix permissions
# to the drivers directory for these users to have write rights in it
#;   write list = root, @lpadmin
!root = SMILEY000\Administrator
# /etc/nsswitch.conf
# Example configuration of GNU Name Service Switch functionality.
# If you have the `glibc-doc-reference' and `info' packages installed, try:
# `info libc "Name Service Switch"' for information about this file.

passwd:         files systemd winbind
group:          files systemd winbind
shadow:         files
gshadow:        files

hosts:          files dns wins myhostname
networks:       files

protocols:      db files
services:       db files
ethers:         db files
rpc:            db files

netgroup:       nis
%Domain\ Admins@smiley000.local ALL=(ALL) ALL
The only part that does NOT work, now is, "domain-admins", which goes in /etc/sudoers.d. Now, unless a file is changed, or everything is changed significantly, once again, I will no longer post any file that's not changed. That way, the solution looks better, but here's your WARNING about it.

It appears that everything is working, except for sudoers, and it makes more sense to do something that effects the system in this way, rather than nothing. I think I might have the exact same file as on my other machine, so now I don't know what's wrong. I tried logging off, and on, and I think I might have rebooted once, to no avail.
Old 03-18-2023, 10:02 PM   #48
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I will change the domain name, eventually, at least it's my goal now...
Old 03-19-2023, 07:19 PM   #49
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I built this sudo file, from a tutorial,

%BUILTIN\\administrators                 ALL=(ALL)   ALL
"%SMILEY000\\domain admins"              ALL=(ALL)   ALL
...and that made it work! So from a normal point, the problem is fixed and everything works. However, being the glutton for punishment I feel like for this problem, what, besides syntax, is truely wrong with the "domain admins@domain" group? The syntax is great, but no matter the syntax, it won't understand this group! I heard a lot of things, but with the ssd way, it clearly works, as is, at least on an upgrade of an old version of linux mint, where I'd joined the domain. This way seems supperior, but... How can I create more groups, or fix this one, and make it work in my sudoers file?

I know I just achieved "1.0 status", and can quit, but, I might want to make a more advanced sudoers file, and know what's wrong, so that I can avoid it in the next version of that. I have a complex structure, which is meant to give exactly the permissions I desire. I want to go for broke! My smb.conf, is good enough now, but sudoers needs a lot of work, then done! I might come back and ask (in another thread), how to enable sudoers when I don't have it configured yet by default, like on Mageia. I will probably use that or SuSe, when I redo my servers. Thanks! Sorry for the trouble!

Just in case it changed:
# Sample configuration file for the Samba suite for Debian GNU/Linux.
# This is the main Samba configuration file. You should read the
# smb.conf(5) manual page in order to understand the options listed
# here. Samba has a huge number of configurable options most of which 
# are not shown in this example
# Some options that are often worth tuning have been included as
# commented-out examples in this file.
#  - When such options are commented with ";", the proposed setting
#    differs from the default Samba behaviour
#  - When commented with "#", the proposed setting is the default
#    behaviour of Samba but the option is considered important
#    enough to be mentioned here
# NOTE: Whenever you modify this file you should run the command
# "testparm" to check that you have not made any basic syntactic 
# errors. 

#======================= Global Settings =======================


## Browsing/Identification ###

# Change this to the workgroup/NT-domain name your Samba server will part of
   security = ADS
   workgroup = SMILEY000
   realm = smiley000.local

# server string is the equivalent of the NT Description field
   server string = %h server (Samba, Ubuntu)

#### Networking ####

# The specific set of interfaces / networks to bind to
# This can be either the interface name or an IP address/netmask;
# interface names are normally preferred
;   interfaces = eth0

# Only bind to the named interfaces and/or networks; you must use the
# 'interfaces' option above to use this.
# It is recommended that you enable this feature if your Samba machine is
# not protected by a firewall or is a firewall itself.  However, this
# option cannot handle dynamic or non-broadcast interfaces correctly.
;   bind interfaces only = yes

#### Debugging/Accounting ####

# This tells Samba to use a separate log file for each machine
# that connects
   log file = /var/log/samba/log.%m

# Cap the size of the individual log files (in KiB).
   max log size = 1000

# We want Samba to only log to /var/log/samba/log.{smbd,nmbd}.
# Append syslog@1 if you want important messages to be sent to syslog too.
   logging = file

# Do something sensible when Samba crashes: mail the admin a backtrace
   panic action = /usr/share/samba/panic-action %d

####### Authentication #######

# Server role. Defines in which mode Samba will operate. Possible
# values are "standalone server", "member server", "classic primary
# domain controller", "classic backup domain controller", "active
# directory domain controller". 
# Most people will want "standalone server" or "member server".
# Running as "active directory domain controller" will require first
# running "samba-tool domain provision" to wipe databases and create a
# new domain.
   #server role = member server

   obey pam restrictions = yes

# This boolean parameter controls whether Samba attempts to sync the Unix
# password with the SMB password when the encrypted SMB password in the
# passdb is changed.
   unix password sync = yes

# For Unix password sync to work on a Debian GNU/Linux system, the following
# parameters must be set (thanks to Ian Kahan <<> for
# sending the correct chat script for the passwd program in Debian Sarge).
   passwd program = /usr/bin/passwd %u
   passwd chat = *Enter\snew\s*\spassword:* %n\n *Retype\snew\s*\spassword:* %n\n *password\supdated\ssuccessfully* .

# This boolean controls whether PAM will be used for password changes
# when requested by an SMB client instead of the program listed in
# 'passwd program'. The default is 'no'.
   pam password change = yes

# This option controls how unsuccessful authentication attempts are mapped
# to anonymous connections
   map to guest = Bad User

########## Domains ###########

# The following settings only takes effect if 'server role = classic
# primary domain controller', 'server role = classic backup domain controller'
# or 'domain logons' is set 

# It specifies the location of the user's
# profile directory from the client point of view) The following
# required a [profiles] share to be setup on the samba server (see
# below)
#;   logon path = \\%N\profiles\%U
# Another common choice is storing the profile in the user's home directory
# (this is Samba's default)
#   logon path = \\%N\%U\profile

# The following setting only takes effect if 'domain logons' is set
# It specifies the location of a user's home directory (from the client
# point of view)
#;   logon drive = H:
#   logon home = \\%N\%U

# The following setting only takes effect if 'domain logons' is set
# It specifies the script to run during logon. The script must be stored
# in the [netlogon] share
# NOTE: Must be store in 'DOS' file format convention
#;   logon script = logon.cmd

# This allows Unix users to be created on the domain controller via the SAMR
# RPC pipe.  The example command creates a user account with a disabled Unix
# password; please adapt to your needs
 add user script = /usr/sbin/adduser --quiet --disabled-password --gecos "" %u

# This allows machine accounts to be created on the domain controller via the 
# SAMR RPC pipe.  
# The following assumes a "machines" group exists on the system
 add machine script  = /usr/sbin/useradd -g machines -c "%u machine account" -d /var/lib/samba -s /bin/false %u

# This allows Unix groups to be created on the domain controller via the SAMR
# RPC pipe.  
 add group script = /usr/sbin/addgroup --force-badname %g

############ Misc ############

# Using the following line enables you to customise your configuration
# on a per machine basis. The %m gets replaced with the netbios name
# of the machine that is connecting
#;   include = /home/samba/etc/smb.conf.%m

# Some defaults for winbind (make sure you're not using the ranges
# for something else.)
   idmap config * :              backend = tdb
   idmap config * :              range   = 3000-7999
   idmap config smiley000 :      backend = autorid
   idmap config smiley000 :      range   = 10000-999999
   template shell = /bin/bash

# Setup usershare options to enable non-root users to share folders
# with the net usershare command.

# Maximum number of usershare. 0 means that usershare is disabled.
#   usershare max shares = 100

# Allow users who've been granted usershare privileges to create
# public shares, not just authenticated ones
   usershare allow guests = yes

#username map = /etc/samba/
min domain uid = 0

#======================= Share Definitions =======================

# Un-comment the following (and tweak the other settings below to suit)
# to enable the default home directory shares. This will share each
# user's home directory as \\server\username
#;   comment = Home Directories
#;   browseable = no

# By default, the home directories are exported read-only. Change the
# next parameter to 'no' if you want to be able to write to them.
#;   read only = yes

# File creation mask is set to 0700 for security reasons. If you want to
# create files with group=rw permissions, set next parameter to 0775.
#;   create mask = 0700

# Directory creation mask is set to 0700 for security reasons. If you want to
# create dirs. with group=rw permissions, set next parameter to 0775.
#;   directory mask = 0700

# By default, \\server\username shares can be connected to by anyone
# with access to the samba server.
# Un-comment the following parameter to make sure that only "username"
# can connect to \\server\username
# This might need tweaking when using external authentication schemes
#;   valid users = %S

# Un-comment the following and create the netlogon directory for Domain Logons
# (you need to configure Samba to act as a domain controller too.)
#;   comment = Network Logon Service
#;   path = /home/samba/netlogon
#;   guest ok = yes
#;   read only = yes

# Un-comment the following and create the profiles directory to store
# users profiles (see the "logon path" option above)
# (you need to configure Samba to act as a domain controller too.)
# The path below should be writable by all users so that their
# profile directory may be created the first time they log on
#;   comment = Users profiles
#;   path = /home/samba/profiles
#;   guest ok = no
#;   browseable = no
#;   create mask = 0600
#;   directory mask = 0700

#   comment = All Printers
#   browseable = no
#   path = /var/spool/samba
#   printable = yes
#   guest ok = no
#   read only = yes
#   create mask = 0700

# Windows clients look for this share name as a source of downloadable
# printer drivers
#   comment = Printer Drivers
#   path = /var/lib/samba/printers
#   browseable = yes
#   read only = yes
#   guest ok = no
# Uncomment to allow remote administration of Windows print drivers.
# You may need to replace 'lpadmin' with the name of the group your
# admin users are members of.
# Please note that you also need to set appropriate Unix permissions
# to the drivers directory for these users to have write rights in it
#;   write list = root, @lpadmin
Old 03-19-2023, 08:33 PM   #50
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I DO have a theory, from research! You know how microsoft AD, LOVES nested groups? My theory is that although newer versions of SSSD tolerate them, samba doesn't like them. I'm taking a break, then if no other suggestions, ill try to prove it.
Old 03-19-2023, 08:35 PM   #51
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I could have both types of groups in AD, one for unix/linux, one for windows, if i wanted, if that's the case.
Old 03-20-2023, 12:35 PM   #52
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I've just been reminded about "groupmap", which I "think" might be the problem, maybe. I HAVE worked with samba many times before, but not for this. I've mainly been making an NT4 style DC, and a standalone server, equivalent to Windows 10 being a server, as part of a workgroup. This is new territory, and eventually, I will recreate AD with samba, which in real life, and not school "extras", will be a new experience too. i definately have to work more on servers, at some point, as they need a lot of work.
Old 03-23-2023, 11:06 AM   #53
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I broke something, if I need to, back to basics...
Old 04-04-2023, 11:51 PM   #54
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OK. Back to this problem. I'm going to first revert, to my most working state, and go from there.
Old 04-05-2023, 01:26 AM   #55
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Appearently, I'm having two new problems:

1. There is some sort of package mismatch error. I guess this is why people recommend on Ubuntu, doing "sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade", before going on.

2. The clocks are too far off. I've seen one post about this, I'll now have to either, set clocks manually, or find the article, again, which tells how to get the clocks right. I opt to try the second first.

Fixed the first in my scripts. I guess I could have just redownloaded the ISO, then done it, but I'm trying to do less work. Adding a line or two in my programs, actually seems like less work. This could be why it sundenly stopped working before. Since I think I fixed the first, now on to the second problem.
Old 04-05-2023, 01:28 AM   #56
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I guess though, I may pick up tommorrow, and not finish tonight. It's getting kind of late tonight.
Old 04-12-2023, 02:14 AM   #57
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OK. Great start. I may want to modify especially sudoers in the future. However, for now, I made it work. Everything is as follows: - Used for initial configuration
#! /bin/sh

echo "Update to latest version..."
apt update && apt upgrade
flatpak update
sleep 11

echo "Doing initial configuration..."
apt install vim dos2unix
sleep 11

echo Fixing time servers...
sudo cp -f /usr/bin/timesyncd.conf /etc/systemd
systemctl restart systemd-timesyncd
sleep 11
#  This file is part of systemd.
#  systemd is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
#  terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free
#  Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option)
#  any later version.
# Entries in this file show the compile time defaults. Local configuration
# should be created by either modifying this file, or by creating "drop-ins" in
# the timesyncd.conf.d/ subdirectory. The latter is generally recommended.
# Defaults can be restored by simply deleting this file and all drop-ins.
# See timesyncd.conf(5) for details.

That was initconf

Here is AD Configuration
#! /bin/bash

echo Install packages needed...
apt install samba-common samba winbind libnss-winbind libpam-winbind krb5-user adcli packagekit
sleep 11

echo Set hostname...
sudo hostnamectl set-hostname main-des-linux.smiley000.local
sudo cp -f /etc/hostname /etc/hostname.old
sudo cp -f /usr/bin/hostname /etc
sudo hostnamectl status
sleep 11

echo Fix resolv.conf...
sudo systemctl disable systemd-resolved
sudo systemctl stop systemd-resolved
sudo systemctl status systemd-resolved
sleep 11

echo Copy configuration files...
sudo cp -f /etc/hosts /etc/hosts.old
sudo cp -f /usr/bin/hosts /etc

sudo rm -f /etc/resolv.conf
sudo cp -f /usr/bin/stub-resolv.conf /etc/resolv.conf

sudo cp -f /etc/krb5.conf /etc/krb5.old
sudo cp -f /usr/bin/krb5.conf /etc

sudo cp -f /etc/samba/smb.conf /etc/samba/smb.conf.old
sudo cp -f /usr/bin/smb.conf /etc/samba

sudo cp -f /usr/bin/ /etc/samba

sudo cp -f /etc/nsswitch.conf /etc/nsswitch.conf.old
sudo cp -f /usr/bin/nsswitch.conf /etc

sudo cp -f /usr/bin/domain-admins /etc/sudoers.d

sleep 11

echo Test smb.conf
sleep 11

echo Fix pam configuration...
sudo pam-auth-update
sleep 11

echo Join domain smiley000.local...
sudo net join ads smiley000.local -U Administrator
sleep 11

echo Restart samba...
sudo systemctl restart smbd nmbd winbind
sleep 11

echo Test Administrator user in AD...
kinit Administrator

id Administrator@smiley000.local
sleep 11

echo Rebooting in 1 minute...
read -s -n 1 -p "Please run, after reboot..."
shutdown -r +1 "Rebooting for AD logon domain join."

#! /bin/bash

echo Groupmap...
sleep 11

echo Restart samba...
sudo systemctl restart smbd nmbd winbind
sleep 11

echo Rebooting in 1 minute...
read -s -n 1 -p "Please enable GUI tool logon in logon manager after reboot, then reboot again..."
shutdown -r +1 "Rebooting for AD logon domain join."
"%SMILEY000\domain admins"              ALL=(ALL)   ALL
Everything else, should be as last posted.
Old 04-12-2023, 02:21 AM   #58
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OK. So now it seems to be working and reproducable. I just reproduced it with a pretty clean state. It's joined. It took a few times to logon, but I think that's only because I typed things wrong. The only thing I'd like to still do for it, is to synchronize the clocks to the ntp server before I try to join the domain. I'd also like a server side change to change the AD server so it knows about my ntp server. Not doing so could be asking for trouble.

I can also maybe redo my network stuff now, and try to rebuild my servers, and probably should, but that's another story. If I could learn the above, I'm definately good enough. By the way, sudo does work the way it's intended now!
Old 04-12-2023, 02:22 AM   #59
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Forgot the map-groups file!
#! /bin/sh

echo Making standard groups...

echo Unix groups...
sudo groupadd smb_domadm
sudo groupadd smb_domguests
sudo groupadd smb_domusers

sudo groupadd smb_standard_users
sudo groupadd smb_standard_users_r
sudo groupadd smb_machine
sudo groupadd smb_human
sudo groupadd smb_special

sudo groupadd smb_sguests
sudo groupadd smb_internet_users
sudo groupadd smb_internet_usersl2
sudo groupadd smb_vpn_users
sudo groupadd smb_normal_users
sudo groupadd smb_admins
sudo groupadd smb_adminsl2
sudo groupadd smb_adminsl3
sudo groupadd smb_adminsl4

sudo groupadd smb_jsguests
sudo groupadd smb_jinternet_users
sudo groupadd smb_jinternet_usersl2
sudo groupadd jsmb_vpn_users
sudo groupadd smb_jnormal_users
sudo groupadd smb_jadmins
sudo groupadd smb_jadminsl2
sudo groupadd smb_jadminsl3
sudo groupadd smb_jadminsl4


echo Samba maps...

sudo net groupmap add ntgroup="Domain Admins" unixgroup="smb_domadm" type="domain"
sudo net groupmap add ntgroup="Domain Guests" unixgroup="smb_domguests" type="domain"
sudo net groupmap add ntgroup="Domain Users" unixgroup="smb_domusers" type="domain"

sudo net groupmap add ntgroup="standard_users" unixgroup="smb_standard_users" type="domain"
sudo net groupmap add ntgroup="standard_users_r" unixgroup="smb_standard_users_r" type="domain"
sudo net groupmap add ntgroup="machine" unixgroup="smb_machine" type="domain"
sudo net groupmap add ntgroup="human" unixgroup="smb_human" type="domain"

sudo net groupmap add ntgroup="sguests" unixgroup="smb_sguests" type="domain"
sudo net groupmap add ntgroup="internet_users" unixgroup="smb_internet_users" type="domain"
sudo net groupmap add ntgroup="internet_usersl2" unixgroup="smb_internet_usersl2" type="domain"
sudo net groupmap add ntgroup="vpn_users" unixgroup="smb_vpn_users" type="domain"
sudo net groupmap add ntgroup="normal_users" unixgroup="smb_normal_users" type="domain"
sudo net groupmap add ntgroup="admins" unixgroup="smb_admins" type="domain"
sudo net groupmap add ntgroup="adminsl2" unixgroup="smb_adminsl2" type="domain"
sudo net groupmap add ntgroup="adminsl3" unixgroup="smb_adminsl3" type="domain"
sudo net groupmap add ntgroup="adminsl4" unixgroup="smb_adminsl4" type="domain"

sudo net groupmap add ntgroup="jsguests" unixgroup="smb_jsguests" type="domain"
sudo net groupmap add ntgroup="jinternet_users" unixgroup="smb_jinternet_users" type="domain"
sudo net groupmap add ntgroup="jinternet_usersl2" unixgroup="smb_jinternet_usersl2" type="domain"
sudo net groupmap add ntgroup="jvpn_users" unixgroup="smb_jvpn_users" type="domain"
sudo net groupmap add ntgroup="jnormal_users" unixgroup="smb_jnormal_users" type="domain"
sudo net groupmap add ntgroup="jadmins" unixgroup="smb_jadmins" type="domain"
sudo net groupmap add ntgroup="jadminsl2" unixgroup="smb_jadminsl2" type="domain"
sudo net groupmap add ntgroup="jadminsl3" unixgroup="smb_jadminsl3" type="domain"
sudo net groupmap add ntgroup="jadminsl4" unixgroup="smb_jadminsl4" type="domain"

Old 04-17-2023, 04:11 AM   #60
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OK. Update time!

I changed the server, so it knows about my ntp server, by gpo in domain controllers ou. Whew! Done. Now the other change. I'm going to call it good enough for now, unless in the future, I have time issues with this stuff.




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