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-   -   Mr. Volkerding please release 15.0 as soon as possible even sooner (

igadoter 11-12-2021 07:17 AM

Hey gys I want to apologize. And of course mr. Volkerding please accept my apologies.

This thread is rather about emotional reaction. Kind of "Bob stop reding this newspaper all the time and talk to me".

marav 11-12-2021 07:23 AM


Originally Posted by pghvlaans (Post 6300688)
Never forum-and-drive.

(We don't have a beer smiley, so :) will have to do)



pghvlaans 11-12-2021 07:28 AM


And to you, sir!

~red 11-12-2021 02:45 PM


Originally Posted by Pithium (Post 6300337)
Slackware 15 has already been released. We are just waiting for Bob Dobbs to fix the timeline.

It's released whenever this opens up!

enorbet 11-12-2021 03:31 PM

I can forgive igadoter and others for their impatience since it is rather obviously and objectively true that 15.0-RC1 is WAY more polished and solid than 13.0 was. This is not to be confused with 13.37 which in fact was LEET, but it took more than a year for the move from KDE v3.5 to KDE v4 to become reasonable despite Patrick's valiant efforts to wait longer than everyone else who ignored KDEs warnings and jumped the gun.

Now that I mention it, maybe that is part of why Patrick is so resolved to never release before it's time ever again. I'm so happy with RC1 I don't really care if it takes another 12 months to "Official Final Release". If anyone here has yet to try out 15.0 RC1 I urge you to do so even if you choose to multiboot. It's REALLY good!

hitest 11-12-2021 03:39 PM


Originally Posted by enorbet (Post 6300820)
If anyone here has yet to try out 15.0 RC1 I urge you to do so even if you choose to multiboot. It's REALLY good!

Agreed! Slackware64 15.0 RC1 is amazing. I'm running it on two Dell desktops and two trusty old T410 Thinkpads. :)

rkelsen 11-12-2021 05:02 PM


Originally Posted by enorbet (Post 6300820)
I can forgive igadoter and others for their impatience since it is rather obviously and objectively true that 15.0-RC1 is WAY more polished and solid than 13.0 was.

I don't think that's a fair comparison. I'd say that it's a lot more polished than 14.2, which was probably the best version up to the time it was released... before that I always said that 10.2 was my favourite. But now, it's clear that 15.0 is shaping up to be a clear winner. "Post RC1" -current is very capable out of the box. I can connect to my office VPN and RDP into my Windows machines without needing to add any extra software. This has not been true ever before.

There is a long list of inclusions which weren't in 14.2... ffmpeg, dvdauthor, undervolt, nethack, PAM, SDL2 just to name a few. The list of stuff I add will be the shortest in >20 years of running Slackware.

Originally Posted by enorbet (Post 6300820)
It's REALLY good!

Yes, it absolutely is. Pat also seems to have gone to lengths to remove or replace some of the non-free/proprietary software (such as lha and getty-ps) with free alternatives.

It's a highly polished, cohesive and complete distro. The KDE Plasma desktop 25th Anniversary Edition is the cherry on the cake.

I'm also happy to wait until it's done. You can't rush greatness.

enorbet 11-12-2021 08:40 PM

Actually my point in citing 13.0 was mainly about the possibility that Patrick may have felt rushed into adopting KDE4 and even though he waited considerable time compared to other distros, I'm quite confidant regardless of reasons why he felt he had to, he regrets allowing himself to be forced into that horrid situation and will fight tooth and nail to ever be pushed ever again. It matters not but I totally agree and am perfectly willing to back Patrick's choice and in his own good time. Yes, I also agree with others here who predict 15.0 Final will be the Piece de Resistance, an actual masterpiece.

marav 11-13-2021 05:21 AM


Originally Posted by enorbet (Post 6300854)
Actually my point in citing 13.0 was mainly about the possibility that Patrick may have felt rushed into adopting KDE4 and even though he waited considerable time compared to other distros, I'm quite confidant regardless of reasons why he felt he had to, he regrets allowing himself to be forced into that horrid situation and will fight tooth and nail to ever be pushed ever again. It matters not but I totally agree and am perfectly willing to back Patrick's choice and in his own good time. Yes, I also agree with others here who predict 15.0 Final will be the Piece de Resistance, an actual masterpiece.


Side note:
It's a very old expression
If you want to be more 21st century : Le plat de résistance

sashalq 11-13-2021 06:12 AM

It's becoming such a pain I am considering switching to Arch.

igadoter 11-13-2021 06:55 AM

I am just asking mod for to close this thread. Troll landing seems to be inevitable. To the trolls, just relax

Didier Spaier 11-13-2021 07:25 AM

The real issue is not the length of this development cycle but the lack of a non obsolete Slackware stable release.

hazel 11-13-2021 07:30 AM

According to the Bible:

The days of man are threescore years and ten, fourscore if our strength holds
I'm seventy six and feeling my age. Do you think I shall live to see Slackware 15?

Zexuo 11-13-2021 07:57 AM


Originally Posted by rkelsen (Post 6300247)
Pat was ahead of the curve in dropping GNOME all those years ago!

Yes. Now let's see whether we can get him to drop KDE as well.

SCerovec 11-13-2021 08:34 AM


Originally Posted by Zexuo (Post 6300963)
Yes. Now let's see whether we can get him to drop KDE as well.


We'd be at RC3 at the very least if that was already the case :D

Just replace it with i3 or something - free bonus for cool points too ;)

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