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jeremy 06-25-2009 10:05 AM Turns 9
It was nine years ago today that I made the very first post introducing LQ to the world. 3,578,611 posts and 407,152 members later, I continue to be astounded by what LQ has become. One thing that hasn't changed is the fantastic LQ member-base and the dedicated mod team. I'd like to once again thank each and every one of you; you truly make LQ what it is. Feedback and member suggestions have been absolutely critical to our success and growth. With that in mind, I'd like to use this thread to collect as much feedback as possible about LQ. What are we doing well and where can we improve? What new features or sections would you like to see? What should we be doing differently? Let us know your thoughts, we really are listening. As a thank you, I'll be randomly selecting 10 suggestions from this thread and upgrading the posting member to a contributing member for one year.

Happy Birthday LQ!


brianL 06-25-2009 10:12 AM

Happy Birthday, LQ,
Happy Birthday, LQ,
From one of your members,
Could you hear me singing, Jeremy?

colucix 06-25-2009 10:17 AM

100 of these days, LQ! Happy Birthday! :cool:

cmnorton 06-25-2009 10:50 AM

Good ride so far
Let's have many more.
Happy Birthday LQ.

mdg 06-25-2009 12:14 PM

Wow, look how much you've grown!
Happy Birthday!

jtshaw 06-25-2009 12:15 PM

Happy birthday LQ!:)

anomie 06-25-2009 12:21 PM

Hey, same age as my lab/border collie mix. :)

Happy birthday!

H_TeXMeX_H 06-25-2009 03:27 PM

Happy birthday.

Even tho I haven't been here from the beginning, I can see it has come a long way. Usually searching anything Linux related on google almost always leads me here withing the first page of results. It's probably the biggest Linux forum out there from what I've seen. Anyway, good luck and long live LQ !

As for suggestions, I'll think about them ...

alan_ri 06-25-2009 07:49 PM

I could say a lot of things at this moment but I'll say just one;

One can learn a lot from this web site,not just about Linux.

custangro 06-25-2009 09:28 PM

Thank you jeremy for providing us a place where we can come together and help each other out.

This site has seen me through first learning Linux, picking up Solaris, to obtaining my RHCE.

Thanks again! And looking forward to another 9 years!

vap16oct1984 06-25-2009 11:38 PM

thanks Jeremy
Really it was a great wonderful journey. with a lot of fun,knowldge.

i will do my best to give and make us proud and make the history.


linuxlover.chaitanya 06-26-2009 12:05 AM

Happy b'day dear lq....

rigacasey 06-26-2009 12:28 AM

My congratulations to you Jeremy for the fantastic job you have done with LQ!

H_TeXMeX_H 06-26-2009 03:14 AM

Alright, here are the suggestions I came up with:

1) The hit-and-run posters (possibly bots) are a bit of a problem. You know the posters that post a single post consisting of a short phrase with little elaboration on the problem, just a very general badly worded question, and then people fill the thread with all sorts of possible answers because the scope of the question is so broad. The OP never posts again and the thread fades into the abyss, a useless waste of time for anyone who posted in it, and also for the ones who read it. It's usually either a question that has been asked before (by other bots) or a question that is too broad to be answered sensibly and thus the answers vary widely, and anybody seeking help from this thread is also wasting their time, because your chances of finding a working answer are very low for the aforementioned reasons. Now, this problem of hit-and-run posters has been posed before, and I'm not sure if there exists a solution ...

Maybe a stronger or better captcha. Or, because they always post one single post, force people to post their first post in the intro forum. Or, warn users of LQ about such posters and to ignore them, and mods to delete them. Or, all of the above and other things too ...

2) As you might have noticed the "social groups" feature never really took off, most people seem to have abandoned it from what I see. I think it might have to do with the strange interface, or maybe the lack of interest. The interface is not like a regular forum, maybe that has something to do with it.

3) The 'Pictures & Albums' feature is not too useful, not sure what its purpose is. Maybe somehow in conjunction with "social groups" ... but overall not too useful or popular.

4) I used to be able to ignore users by clicking on their name and then it was right there in the menu, that saved me some time, why was it taken off ?

That's all I can think of so far. Otherwise everything else is working fine.

Febi881 06-26-2009 05:04 AM

Happy birthday...................

4nakin 06-26-2009 07:06 AM

Happy birthday LQ :D

Cuetzpallin 06-26-2009 11:01 AM

Well done Jeremy... long life the king!!!!

ButterflyMelissa 06-27-2009 07:59 AM

Annother cndle on the cake!

Ten candles to blow out! Nice going!
Tnx (again) 4 this forum and the speedy and correct answers. These helped the transition from *** to Linux, and now (quite a few posts later) I dont even use *** any more!!!

Free! Free!
(genie that escaped his bottle)



saivin 06-28-2009 10:43 AM

Happy Birthday LQ...! :)

Nine years...! Thats quite mature... I should note here that LQ is also least bothering (in terms of ads) of the forums I visit. Plus the quality... I may not be good enough to help others yet, my post count may be less but I've been greatly benefitted by just reading many posts here.

Thanks Jeremy!

jcasman 06-28-2009 12:58 PM

When Is "The Making of..." Coming Out?

Pretty wild that you could have LQ up and going for so long. I'd be really curious about why, what, how...? I looked through the FAQ and a couple other places, but do you have any of that kind of info posted anywhere? If you get a chance, it would be interesting to hear your story.

Just a thought. Anyway, congratulations!


Jesse Casman
San Francisco, CA

XavierP 06-28-2009 02:45 PM

IIRC, Jeremy kicked off LQ purely as a way to give back to the community. As well, LQ has always been geared towards the absolute newbie, so we're not overly strict about post or title quality, when LQ first started Linux was truly the realm of the nerds and geeks and many forums scared away members simply because they had very many very strict rules. Jeremy has also resisted selling out to big companies and has kept this as a community driven site. It is telling that of all the forums that were about then, many have disappeared - Jeremy was way ahead of the curve in terms of attitude towards members!

jcasman 06-28-2009 05:41 PM


Thanks. Appreciate the response and the details. Cool how these things can grow. Here's to bigger and better!


Jesse Casman
San Francisco, CA

Suncoast 06-28-2009 05:46 PM

What a leap forward from the days of snarky, elitist Usenet forums one had to rely on a decade ago. I mention this only because LQ has clearly dealt with this, making participating here fun. I have never seen a better operated / moderated forums system anywhere. Thanks for all the hard work and dedication. I know you asked for suggestions, but I really can't think of any.

italiano40 06-29-2009 01:22 AM

happy birthday LQ, how for 9 more can't wait to see what else you will amaze us with

obstinatesod 06-29-2009 01:55 AM

Top Site
A great site with great people, Happy Birthday,

kestrel1 06-29-2009 02:19 AM

Happy Birthday LQ.
Unfortunately I do not get a chance to visit the site as often as I would like, so I am not really in a position to add any suggestions, apart from keep up the good work.

JulianTosh 06-29-2009 03:06 AM

Love the LQ community.. Love the help they gave me, love giving back.

Here's my suggestions:

We need some way to identify subject matter experts. This could be done through a "subtitle" calculated via post counts per forum subject and number of thanks.

Also, the thank system needs some advertisement or emphasis. The "Thumbs up" icon just doesn't cut it. Perhaps, it could be tied into the new feature/process that OPs can close the thread as "Solved".

Shake and Bake, baby. Shake and Bake.

Admiral Beotch

automata 06-29-2009 03:09 AM

Happy Birth day
Dear Jeremy:

I would once again say that this is a great effort benefiting and enriching thousands of people like me.



ShaanAli 06-29-2009 03:12 AM

Keep it up good work.... :cool:

joaoPinto 06-29-2009 03:27 AM


as a newbie, I thank you for your initiative. As you know it helped and IS helping a lot of people making the feared transition from the well known windows systems to Linux.

If it weren't for the forums, I wouldn't be using Linux as the main OS!

Congratulations for the LQ and mad props to Jeremy :) Keep up the good work!

Joćo Pinto

camorri 06-29-2009 04:56 AM

Happy Birthday LQ!

This board has helped me over the years solve many problems, and had helped me learn a lot.

For a suggestion, if a thread is opened, answered, but not marked solved, what about sending the originator a friendly e-mail, after seven days or so, and asking for an update? I would also suggest to do this only once per thread, I don't want to bug a poster, and turn them off posting.

Ask the originator to mark the thread as Solved, Found a work around, Partially solved? and ask for if the originator is still looking for a solution?

I have read many threads that simply 'dead end' no solution posted, it appears the thread is ongoing? When you look at the date, the thread is old.

lechuga 06-29-2009 05:37 AM

gr8 !!! I saw that there is possible to search it by PREFIX !!!

Steel_J 06-29-2009 05:45 AM

I agree with post #31 from camorri, of giving some sort of regular reminder to original posters and give them choices to qualify the thread.

You are the reference! Congrats on your 9 years of helping me and countless others.

ricdave 06-29-2009 07:46 AM

Happy Birthday
From a grateful perennial NOOB. I have asked some of the dumbest questions. I have yet to see my first RTFM. I recommend your site every chance I get.

piasdom 06-29-2009 09:07 AM

Happy Birthday and MANY more !!

bbneo 06-29-2009 09:08 AM

Awesome Web service...
I love working in Linux... it doesn't get in the way of what I want to do on the computer or the web. The time I invest in learning more about Linux is not wasted on some proprietary system that might be trashed in the next iteration of the OS.

Thank you,! Happy 9th Birthday!

kabith 06-29-2009 10:16 AM

Happy birthday, LQ, I love you guys.
Keep it going.

webwannabee 06-29-2009 10:32 AM

Happy Birthday!!
Happy Birthday linuxquestions! Thanks for all your help over time, and this ROCKIN forum !!! :)

DkAfOaWq2ZxSaEr 06-29-2009 10:48 AM

Happy birthday
Happy birthday, LQ, I love you guys.
Keep it going.

PrepLogic 06-29-2009 10:53 AM

Happy Birthday and a big congratulations to a successful 9 years. Great job, thanks for representing the Linux community.

The Staff at PrepLogic

vidurinda 06-29-2009 10:59 AM

HAPPY Birth Day LQ !

falcom 06-29-2009 11:06 AM

Happy birthday.... :cool:

Luxr 06-29-2009 11:07 AM

H'Py Birthday's
H'Py Birthday's LQ :)

macrojd 06-29-2009 11:08 AM

Happy Birthday! and thanks for all the help you gave to me!

alammari 06-29-2009 11:46 AM

Happy Birthday, LQ and all people that share by their information in LQ.

LQ is really usefull site, and I gained lots of information from LQ.
my suggestion is just continue go up.
good luck for ever

cavebear53 06-29-2009 12:13 PM

This is my first post what better to post on.
Happy Birthday may this site have many many more!


trv@dmin 06-29-2009 12:16 PM

Happy Birthday! LQ is really, really useful...:)

sycamorex 06-29-2009 12:36 PM

Happy Birthday LQ!!!!
I promise I won't forget about you if I go to a pub next weekend.

greenarmor 06-29-2009 01:17 PM

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~' ~'Happy Birthday :)

StrayBit 06-29-2009 02:00 PM

Happy Birthday. Hmm! Only three years longer than I've had my main email address!

Would it be possible to have your email notices wrap to window? Not all of us have monitors that can display as wide as yours. I know, this is a minor thing. Perhaps akin to Gilbert and Sullivan's line, "Nothing whatsoever to grumble about" he grumbled! :D

Now that I finally have Linux working, I'll be using you site to learn how to use it better. Thanks and look forward to many more.

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