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harley51 11-11-2004 10:05 PM

Has Anyone Noticed How Bad Fedora is Getting
Fc1 Great, Fc2 partition problems, FC3 can't get a good download and have to go backwards.


ranger_nemo 11-11-2004 10:12 PM

Re: Has Anyone Noticed How Bad Fedora is Getting

FC3 can't get a good download
Seems like that's a good reason to pan it... I don't get HBO, so all movies suck.

harley51 11-11-2004 10:29 PM

That's a great comment.

homey 11-11-2004 10:58 PM


FC3 can't get a good download and have to go backwards
Trouble downloading the iso images doesn't reflect the quality of operating system. IMHO, of course. :)

I happen to like Redhat in general and Fedora in particular and I think FC1, FC2 and FC3 are all fine.

harley51 11-11-2004 11:09 PM

Thank You I agree 100%. I have been using Red Hat and Fedora since their start. But I have noticed a downgrade in ease since FC1. If you have a suggestion on how to get good downloads please let me know. And I have an earlier post on the bad down load subject.

homey 11-11-2004 11:38 PM

The download sites do seem to be quite busy but I don't recommend the http sites for any distro as the download may just quit for no apparent reason.
If you look at the mirror sites here
there are a few rsync sites listed and that happens to be my favorite method. Even so, some of those mirrors are maxed out.

To use rsync from a linux terminal for any distro, I first get a listing of what is there with a command like this ...

rsync rsync://

Then you can proceed to download like this ....
rsync -vP rsync://  . 

Note: that period ( . ) at the end is important and says to put the download into the directory where you are at like maybe /home/fred for example.

Don't forget to download the md5sums also ..
rsync -vP rsync:// .

and check the iso images in the directory where they exist .....
md5sum *.iso

compare it to the results of the command:
cat MD5SUM

Edit: If the download went ok and the md5sums check out ok, yet you still have problems with the cd, try burning the images at a slower speed.

flysideways 11-12-2004 12:16 AM


have to go backwards

It now mounts my media out of the box. Default installs on a Logical Volume. It's inches away from becoming a click and drool desktop, oh yeah, that's a bad thing.

It now has Firebird and Thunderbird, two programs that I've installed on all of our computers for a while now, Linux and Windows. MySQL 4.1 is in the development tree so now you can do temporal math. Not so sure about Totem or Helix, maybe when Theora is up and running as a codec. Totem won't play dvds of home video that I've authored(without encryption) but I'll figure that out when the gstreamer plugins catch up. It's got KWiFiManager which is a start. It'd be nice to have Bluefish.

Now when mdadm supports online growing of raid5, ipw2100 or whatever is in the kernel and maybe a decent gui for iwtools, I'll be saying Microwho?

Well, except for my video editing stuff which will probably take much longer to approach Premier's utility.

J.W. 11-12-2004 01:06 AM

Fedora Core 3 was only released earlier this week if I'm not mistaken. If you're having trouble downloading it, it's just because everybody and their brother is trying to do the exact same thing, and the servers that are hosting the ISO's are just getting swamped. Wait 2 or 3 weeks and the traffic should subside considerably. This (temporary) issue has nothing to do with the merits or quality of the distro itself however -- J.W.

hkl8324 11-12-2004 03:03 AM

why dont you guys use BT (Bittorrent)...
you can get FC3 quickly with this app while you can, and should, get something back to the community. (ie.upload while downloading)

reddazz 11-12-2004 03:08 AM

I agree using the torrent is a very good thing. I had all four CD's 12 hours after their release (only have a 512 Kb connection) but most of the downloading happened when I was in bed.

Strixy 11-12-2004 07:46 AM

In my world, in so far as my own experiences with FC 1, 2 and now 3 go I can't say FC3 has managed to improve since 2 (which I loved) and , in fact, I would say that it has gotten worse.
When I downloaded and installed FC1 my update list was 18 - 20 items long during the first three days of its release. FC 2 was similar. FC 3, just yeasterday, had 124 items to be updated.
I had a little success in FC 2 and now no success in 3 for my dual monitor setup. (See bug report 136916 on bugzilla).
When I install MySQL during the installation session I hardly think I should have to go in and add 'mysqld' (along with the apache php plug, etc...) manually. It seems to me 'mysqld' is kinda important to anyone wishing to use mysql.
Installing or changing any of the packages manually has caused so many problems (see my post on Evolution not fetching) that just to use my computer for two days until the weekend comes I installed the most basic configuration I could - no perks.
My monitor, which used to run at 1280x1024, now won't. (I haven't tried to trouble shoot this yet).

What was I expecting?

I was hoping for improvements in the dual monitor area. It's still hopelessly devoid of anything resembling matrox's e-dualhead (no longer works for linux unless they finally updated which they didn't do when FC2 came out re. the new X).
I was hoping for better LDAP support, which I got. Thank you.
I was hoping for Firefox (got it) as well as mozilla (now taken out? ) which well, 50/50 there I suppose. (I can downlaod and install mozilla on my own. I use the composer quite a bit for formatting blog posts, unless anyone has any better suggestions/options I don't know about?)
Gnome. Still looks like A Mac emulating Windows on a linux box and seems to take about as long as it would to do exactly that with the software. Slow POS.
Lovin' the new KDE though! Wicked great.
Love Kerberos and the K5.
I haven't checked Apache (2.?) or php (4.? or 5.?) versions yet. anyone?

I should probably stop, woah. Thanks for putting up with my momentary rant of frustration. I guess it's new and that means it's going to take some time to get used to. I'm just a little impatient I suppose.

*edit- Mozilla is there. I typed mozilla in term and it popped up.

fortezza 11-12-2004 07:56 AM

FC3 Download
Word. I decided to start the FC3 download before I went to work yesterday morning. I went to, tried an http download link and an ftp download link. No dice. Then I found a bittorrent link and it started downloading at 90kbps right away. When I can home from work, it was done. This was the DVD image, too. Probably that is not as popular as the CD installation option, and still was done within 10hours ( I don't know when it actually finished ). Booting from DVD to install rules as there is no disk-swapping to do, and it may possibly be faster than a CD install, though I do not have anything to support that.

In fact, the computer ( running FC1 )that is my guinea pig for FC3 needs a DVD drive ( which I will get today ) so I can do the install. I have several others that have FC2 on them, which I don't want to mess with at the moment. Oh, I just got an Archos AV420 last night, and I was able to just plug it in, mount it as a hard drive, and use it with FC2 out of the box, even though the vendor ( ) makes no mention of Linux in the product documentation or the support sight. I took a leap of faith that it would work and, as usual, Fedoca Core ( and Linux in general ) did not disappoint me.

jeremy 11-12-2004 08:07 AM

Don't forget that LQ ISO is a great place to find fast download mirrors. If you see a good one missing, please suggest it so we can add it.


baz2 11-12-2004 08:09 AM

Getting iso's from the mirrors in the first days of a RH/FC release has always been dicey. I got all the iso's within 2-3 days of the initial release, but not without problems. Two had failed checksums, so I had to download them all over.

Such is the price of trying to get the latest and greatest as soon as it comes out. Says nothing about the quality of the product itself.

I haven't installed yet. I'll do that today. If it needs a lot of updates almost immediately, that doesn't necessarily bother me, as long as they are available. What would be bad was if it needed lots of updates, but they weren't available.

Considering how much more is in each release, and how quickly the releases are coming (two this year), I think the Fedora community is doing a pretty good job.

Strixy 11-12-2004 09:06 AM

I got the CD ISO's in about 4 hours. But I'm fortunate to be 3 hops and just down the block from one of the mirrors.

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