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Old 09-15-2013, 04:11 PM   #31
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Originally Posted by Cocolate View Post
What? I read the Intel documentation introduction and first 2 pages on UEFI specification and I distinctly read Linux was the only operating system that will have all the 1st priority on the rest of Intels future productions... Ya... I must have read that correctly, right?
Canonical is neither involved in the development of the (U)EFI parts of the kernel nor in the development of Grub 2, their bootloader of choice, as far as I can see, so cascade9 is correct with his comments. Ubuntu != Gnu/Linux, it is just one distribution of many (and IMHO not even a good one, but that is a different topic).
Old 09-15-2013, 04:43 PM   #32
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The OP is an obvious troll... he even quotes the mail...

A "vs thread" should already have set off the alarm bells...
Old 09-16-2013, 02:23 AM   #33
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Originally Posted by Cocolate View Post
Yes Cascade9, and I admit that in the OP! Jeez, I didnt except you to follow the rest of the typical responses. You know I was going to even PM you to get your thoughts on this thread and you have to be so demeaning? Obviously there are things I do not understand and I state that at the intro.
I explained the situation with secure boot and UEFI. It should be clear from the other thread you on the vast majority of x86 systems with secure boot, you can disable it and boot to any supported OS. All you need for UEFI booting is support for EFI/UEFI. (which includes win vista 64 SP1 and win7 64).

So either I wasted my time, or else you really didnt think through your 'only option that will be available at this point for this type of system is Win8' comment.

As for've spend this whole thread using the 'this is the future, if you dont like it your backward/behind' arguement.

Originally Posted by Cocolate View Post
This guy gets the point. And MS/Canonical/Apple, etc. These are multi billion dollar companies.
Not everyone is moving toward touchscreens for desktops or laptops.

“We’ve done tons of user testing on this, and it turns out it doesn’t work. Touch surfaces don’t want to be vertical.

It gives great demo but after a short period of time, you start to fatigue and after an extended period of time, your arm wants to fall off. it doesn’t work, it’s ergonomically terrible.

Touch surfaces want to be horizontal, hence pads.

For a notebook, that’s why we’re perfected our multitouch trackpads over the years, because that’s the best way we’ve found to get multitouch into a notebook.

We’ve also, in essence, put a trackpad — a multitouch track pad on the mouse with our magic mouse. And we’ve recently come out with a pure play trackpad as well for our desktop users.

So this is how were going to use multitouch on our Mac products because this (he points at someone touch laptop screen) doesn’t work.” Steve Jobs

AFAIK Apple still has no plans to relase touchscreen desktops or laptops, and are moving instead to higher resolution monitors, branded as 'Retina Display'.

QED on 'microsoft and canonical are just trying to leverage the customer base they already have to get into the mobile market'. Apple already have a nice market share in mobile devices, so they dont need gimmicks to try to increase sales.......

Last edited by cascade9; 09-16-2013 at 07:50 AM. Reason: typo
Old 11-08-2013, 04:29 PM   #34
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Originally Posted by cynwulf View Post
The OP is an obvious troll... he even quotes the mail...

A "vs thread" should already have set off the alarm bells...
How am I trolled based on purely a valid debate from a positive side review based on saying Linux is better than Windows and Ubuntu is the major competitor vs MS in the new perspective.

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Originally Posted by cascade9 View Post
As for've spend this whole thread using the 'this is the future, if you dont like it your backward/behind' arguement.
Just because YOU took it that way, does not mean that was the 'intention' of the article. Its a message to open up about the coming changes that will affect everyone you know. People who LOVE Linux as much as we do, don't have a clue what UEFI is, and its coming> and YOU know it!

Last edited by Cocolate; 11-08-2013 at 07:06 PM.
Old 11-09-2013, 12:11 AM   #35
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Originally Posted by Cocolate View Post
How am I trolled based on purely a valid debate from a positive side review based on saying Linux is better than Windows and Ubuntu is the major competitor vs MS in the new perspective.
You are not the trollee, you are the troller.

Originally Posted by Cocolate View Post
Just because YOU took it that way, does not mean that was the 'intention' of the article. Its a message to open up about the coming changes that will affect everyone you know. People who LOVE Linux as much as we do, don't have a clue what UEFI is, and its coming> and YOU know it!
If you had of actually read what I told you ages ago about UEFI I might have some sympathy for you.

But either you didnt read it, or you didnt understand. If you then try to tell me about UEFI and get it wrong, its either gross incompetence or ignorance.
Old 11-09-2013, 03:57 AM   #36
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I several things interesting about this thread.

First we have it posted in the Ubuntu section. Few if any responders claim Ubuntu as even installed on their system let alone their main OS.

The OP may or may not be working for MS but the join date is about when that wonderful, I think fake, event happened to the UFs site. When I was doing testing for Ubuntu we had at least one MS employee per year trolling those forums. LQ should be so proud.[sarcasm smiley]

I am finally reading this thread. I had sent a link to a friend and he said I was missing out on entertainment. He over sold the thread.

The Edsel was designed with many features that we now have as common features in cars. This doesn't make the Edsel a great or innovative car. It makes it the play thing of the auto makers spoiled son that cost the company a fortune to entertain him with features that did not have the underlying technology to run well at all. Most of them, like the W8, Unity and GS interfaces have nothing new in them. They were all thought of years before and put on the shelf by intelligent engineers for a future time when the right technology was there so you could design them with that in mind, not technology that would be obsolete when the real stuff came along.

Ubuntu Unity was not designed to be a stand alone DE. It was designed to be an extension of Gnome Shell. This is all well documented by both Ubuntu and the Gnome project. Gnome said no due to the stupid copyright demands Ubuntu was insisting on. Marky got mad, took his dolly and went home. At that time I was running Gnome Shell, compiled on my Ubuntu 10.04-testing (still in 09 at that time). Unity was made available to testers for 10.10-testing (testing for the next release starts about a week after the latest release). Ran that too.

Ubuntu lost most of its testers due to 2 things. No respect given to people that volunteer their time and their hardware to test the product. Repression of people expressing any criticism of anything Canonical was doing. Now they have 10% the number of testers they had for 10.04.

They are shedding old users faster than gaining new ones because people have realized that Ubuntu has been scamming them into using and therefore helping improve an OS built for the Ubuntu phone on their desktops.

The OP is obviously ignorant of other Linux DEs. OpenBox and a number of other "difficult" DEs could be set up, by a design team, and used tomorrow on phones or tablets better than W8 or Unity or GS.

For large displays I think Xfce would be perfect. The panel(s) are fully and easily configured. Will with 4.10 (current stable version) go from horizontal to vertical and have the icons and text stay horizontal.

To use the glowing rhetoric of the OP; imagine a 100 inch display. with panels of launchers in the shape of a cross cutting the display into quadrants. Each quadrant can have a window with a different application running in it. No matter which quadrant you are working in a panel with the launcher you need is near at hand for easy use.

Xfce has been able to do that since 08 at the least, people with more linux experience can probably push that back further.

How on earth, is not having the controls for a window on the window going to help you with a huge screen when you have to go clear to the upper left to find those controls. Lower right would be more handy. For that you need to be able to easily configure the window frame. Not remove configuration tools as Ubuntu has been doing since 10.04.

Both Windows and Ubuntu have abandoned the desktop and laptop for phones and tablets. There is some sense in this. That is the growing market. The desk/laptop market is shrinking. It is fewer millions of boxes per year. They are not going away in the near future and they are not going to go to touch only. If the OP is in a real school with a degree program there may be the opportunity to write a Masters thesis or a Doctoral dissertation. I think it is safe to say that in the name of health a full size keyboard will be used and probably not a phone sized screen no matter how bendy they are by then.

I have seen the concept promos for see through screens. I believe these will be extremely useful for somethings. The main use will be specialized research and games. What advantage does this give some one wanting to jot down a grocery list.

Technology has to be relevant to the needs of actual people living real lives. If you are in school and basically living in a fantasy world you may convince yourself that you will be playing computer games the rest of your life. There is nothing wrong with that. This is the time to dream. This is where changes in the future start.

Problem is that there are too many tech companies trying to sell too many different versions of the same thing to a limited market at too high a price. None of these devices has any relevance to the far future, say, 10 years.

Why, you may ask. Go get a cell phone, laptop, desktop and note book from ten years ago. Convince me that their technology is in anyway relevant today. Design is based on current technology. Always has been.

Lets go way back. To the days when I first used a computer. Call it 20 years ago. Now there is technology relevant for today. Some home PC users could get on line!!! MSDos was about to give way to a real gui DE. Dial up connections were just about to go all the way up to a standard of 50KB/sec!!!

Now, the OP seems to think that MS is an innovative company. The fact that they know and publicly acknowledge that they aren't not withstanding. 20 years ago they were. Win95 was revolutionary in the personal computer. Made it possible for families to afford a computer. Win98 was a LOT better. Really ahead of its time. It has been a downhill slide ever since in relation to the rate of technological development.

Why does no one in their right mind use a Win server? Can it be that they are still using the a file system that is the direct descendant of DOS, a file system designed for a word processor and pirated by Bill Gates and his co conspirators? Yes that may be the problem.

Who is MS looking for to lead them to the future. The head of Ford who is known and well respected for his turn around of a nearly bankrupt Ford Motor company that, by the way, is embracing open source software more and more into its products because development and innovation is so much faster than with the proprietary crap they have been struggling with for years.

Why has NASA just changed all computers on board the ISS to Linux? Because, in spite for the millions of dollars spent lobbying by MS the rate of crashes to the Windows systems have just gotten too frequent and more difficult to fix. Either change to a more flexible and changeable system or abandon the ISS for safety reasons.

New hardware for an old structure in orbit, which is still the cutting edge of space research has succumbed to fiscal and physical reality.

We are running short of rare earth metals. Where are those currently essential materials going to come from for a proliferation of touch screens for mass sales to replace non touch screen. For that matter simply to keep up with the production of phone screens?

The premise of this thread, assuming in gullible fair play that this is not just some MS advertisement to the wrong audience (thinking people), is very similar to the Science Fiction of the late 19th century dreaming of the mid to late 20th century.

To usefully have your head in the clouds dreaming you have to have your feet firmly on the ground. This is possible.

To seriously put MS forward as innovative require not dreaming but delusional thinking. "If users wanted tabbed browsing they would have said so." Steve Ballmer in reference to the recent tabbed browsing on that silly FireFox browser. MS, the company that thought and said in public that tablets and smart phone were brief fads. MS the company that is now way up in 3rd place in phone OS actual usage (single digit % somewhere around 3.5%) and only that far because they paid Nokia to use their OS thus bankrupting that company once noted for innovation and the demise due to lack of innovation on the part of that other proprietary one time giant Blackberry.

Apple is fading in that market that it invented for the consumer market. Lack of innovation again.

The linux kernel now owns the touch screen market nearly as much as it owns the server market. The embedded market doesn't even have competitors for the linux kernel. But in Super Computers Linux only runs 96% of that market.[irony smiley]

Besides the enthusiastic but technically ignorant OP the main contributer I only saw posts from in quote in follow ups by the OP. That user and the OP make a great pair. That other person has the distinction of being the only person I have ever put on my ignore list and will, from what I read today, stay there due to having way to much time to argue about stupid things and call people trying to help him names.

Unfortunately his comment later quoted made more sense than those of the OP. For that I congratulate him and encourage him to think about that with an eye to the rest of his life. There maybe a good reason to start thinking.

That same advice I give to the OP along with getting the knowledge to think with. Once again I will assume nothing but good intentions while seriously considering that I may be getting old and senile. Keep the youthful enthusiasm. It will, if channeled through coherent thought, stand you in good stead.

I have run a search on the user name and failed to find a direct MS connection. This could be good. It could be that MS has simply figured out that people from their marketing division should use a different name than they use on their personal in company blogs.

That took a long time if true and they should be congratulated for that innovation after a mere 3 or 4 years.

We may be simple. We do use that communist OS (Steve Ballmer) but we do know how to read. We do have access to the internet. We are personality challenged as we don't need to spell that with an s tacked on the end. We don't even have the sense to use IE and Outlook the only 2 internet tools a technologically advanced country (Germany) has strongly warned its citizens not to use because they are the worst such tools from a security standpoint in computing (There is INNOVATION for you and LEADERSHIP).

Using these admittedly feeble talents we still know shit from shinola.

Basically this thread isn't even entertaining.

I am sorry but it really is simply silly. And rather sad.


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