-   Puppy (
-   -   Main Puppy Linux Forum Down - Status (

ecomoney 04-02-2009 07:15 PM

Main Puppy Linux Forum Down - Status
The main Puppy Linux Discussion forum at is unreachable, (giving a 404 error). The reason is that the domain has expired.

If anyone reading has the contact details for John Murga - Domain administrator, would you please inform him....quickly :-)

If you need resolution to the recently discovered bug in the recently released Puppy Linux 4.2 in Abiword incorrectly displaying documents, this can be solved by installing the downgraded 2.6.3 abiword package from here

As a point of contact (all other forums are unreachable) would people please post updates to this situation here.


DragonSlayer48DX 04-04-2009 02:22 PM


Originally Posted by ecomoney (Post 3496645)
The main Puppy Linux Discussion forum at is unreachable, (giving a 404 error). The reason is that the domain has expired.

Apparently it was a temporary situation. I just tried it with no problems.

JPsDad 04-09-2009 03:00 PM

Up and down again
I was on the murga forum yesterday, but this morning it is "failed to connect" again. Does anyone know anything about it?

racepres 04-09-2009 05:19 PM


Originally Posted by JPsDad (Post 3503884)
I was on the murga forum yesterday, but this morning it is "failed to connect" again. Does anyone know anything about it?

Just that I still can't get to it at 6:00PM US Eastern!!

DragonSlayer48DX 04-09-2009 05:32 PM

Barry's Blog


Satellite down
My satellite Internet connection is down. I think that I have an account problem. The company I was with, BBNet, went broke and I got transferred to Reachnet. Reachnet was supposed to upgrade my satellite transceiver and finalise my new account after the technician had done the upgrade -- that was late last year, still nothing from them. Only excuses when I phone, about equipment not yet arrived from the USA. BBNet said the same thing back when I was waiting (for over 6 months) for my first connection.

I pay bi-annually, and that has expired, but I was still getting a connection. Anyway, it's not working yesterday and today. I can't be bothered to phone them again, I'll do it after Easter. Bye the way, have a nice Easter celebration everyone!

WhoDo 04-09-2009 05:56 PM

Puppy Linux Forum -
The forum is locked, apparently. The host may be doing some work, or there may have been a serious crash. Either way it is inaccessible. If it was deliberate then some notice would have been nice, but John Murga is pretty much the absentee host these days. All of that has nothing to do with Barry Kauler not being able to access the Internet via satellite though.

I've dropped in here for my Puppy fix, as we tend to use this as a backup forum when the main one goes down. I guess the problems are a function of being so popular all of a sudden. Up to 290 simultaneous accesses is pretty heavy for any distribution IMHO

DragonSlayer48DX 04-09-2009 06:24 PM


Originally Posted by WhoDo (Post 3504059)
All of that has nothing to do with Barry Kauler not being able to access the Internet via satellite.

Well, I certainly can't argue against that, but it's quite a coincidence.

magikraven 04-09-2009 07:01 PM

Yes,...I miss my frequent "jaunts" into the Puppy kennels over at the forum! (I'm "nitehawk" over there,...)....
Guess we'll have to wait 'til after this Easter then <sighs deeply>

battleshooter 04-09-2009 07:12 PM

You could try out Todd's Puppy forum for your daily Puppy "kick" :)

I think I like it better than Linux Questions. The format there reminds me a bit more of our own kennels at Murga.

ComputerBob 04-09-2009 07:42 PM


Originally Posted by battleshooter (Post 3504131)
You could try out Todd's Puppy forum for your daily Puppy "kick" :)

I think I like it better than Linux Questions. The format there reminds me a bit more of our own kennels at Murga.

Todd's forum doesn't have much to offer with only 7 topics and a total of only 31 posts.

jhecht 04-09-2009 07:50 PM

Main Puppy Linux forum down again!
Title says it all - the Murga Puppy forum is down again. :( As of 4/9/2009 8:48 PM, I get "can't establish a connection to the server at" It's been down all day...

Can someone pass this info on to the right folks? Is there anything we as a group can do to make this happen less often?

James c 04-09-2009 08:02 PM

If Murga's forum keeps messing up it will get bigger. Todd's forum has only been operating about a month, at least there is an option for a forum that works!!!!!!!

battleshooter 04-09-2009 08:23 PM

I sent John Murga and email. Or at least I think I did. Is this "john AT murga DOT org" his email? There's a parallel post running here

ComputerBob 04-09-2009 10:34 PM


Originally Posted by James c (Post 3504163)
If Murga's forum keeps messing up it will get bigger. Todd's forum has only been operating about a month, at least there is an option for a forum that works!!!!!!!

You're assuming that Todd's forum would work under a full load. That may be true or it may not be true. So far, I haven't seen any evidence that Todd's forum would function any better than Murga's if it had to endure the same loads that Murga's forum has been getting.

ComputerBob 04-09-2009 10:37 PM

The other thread on this same topic has already been following the current downtime.

James c 04-09-2009 10:48 PM

Great point.However, one doesn't know until it gets under a bigger load.Until then though, it's good to have options.

battleshooter 04-09-2009 11:46 PM

Woohoo! Forum's back up guys! I'm just not sure if it is permanent.

jhecht 04-10-2009 01:09 AM


Originally Posted by ComputerBob (Post 3504247)
The other thread on this same topic has already been following the current downtime.

True - but the TITLE of the first thread is for an earlier outage. I posted again to make more people aware that there is still a current problem. It would be nice if the person who started the first thread revised the title to reflect the current situation as well.

XavierP 04-10-2009 05:28 AM

I have merged the two threads. Sites with issues do go up and down and there's little point in raising a new thread each time. I have stickied this thread so that anyone on the PuppyLinux forums looking for info on what's happening, or even to post the reasons for problems, can post them here.

ComputerBob 04-10-2009 07:04 AM


Originally Posted by battleshooter (Post 3504280)
Woohoo! Forum's back up guys! I'm just not sure if it is permanent.

What are the odds of it being permanent? ;)

ComputerBob 04-10-2009 11:43 AM

The forum was up again when I tried it a couple of hours ago.

Now it's down again.

If some evil genius had wanted to discourage potential Puppy Linux users, they couldn't have devised a better way of doing it than these frequent, lengthy Puppy forum outages.

JPsDad 04-10-2009 12:22 PM

It's up again, at this moment. Seems very slow.
Title says it all.

ecomoney 04-11-2009 05:27 PM

New Host
Yes, apparently it was a problem with the domain name being renewed. Good news is over on BarryK's blog John said that he was going to move the forum over to a new host!!! No more waiting for posts/searches! :D

ComputerBob 04-11-2009 09:33 PM

Would someone please post a link to BarryK's blog. I've searched and searched, and I've found a few different things that were called Barry's blog, but most of them are old and none of them mention John moving the forums. As a relatively new Puppy user, it looks to me like everyone talks about Barry's blog, but they always assume that everyone already knows where it is, instead of posting a link to it.

racepres 04-12-2009 10:02 AM

Bob, I find this useful,
and the barry's blog is


ComputerBob 04-12-2009 11:30 AM

Thank you for taking the time to post those links, racepres. ;)

Google helped me find both of those earlier, but I still can't find Barry's blog entry that ecomoney was referring to when he wrote:


Good news is over on BarryK's blog John said that he was going to move the forum over to a new host!!!

NEVER MIND - I found it. Murga's statement is in one of the many comments underneath this blog entry.

ComputerBob 04-12-2009 12:31 PM

Easter Sunday, 1:25 PM EST. The Puppy Linux forums are down again.

I hope that John Murga will rethink his statement that he's going to move the forums to a new web host "in a couple of months."

ecomoney 04-22-2009 12:00 PM


It would be nice if the person who started the first thread revised the title to reflect the current situation as well.
Thats a good idea....but.......

Ive just logged on and the forum is down again :-(

Ive dropped a message to John-Murga via skype, but his status is currently "away".

Any news anyone? I hear the forum is undergoing some maintenance at the moment so this is to be expected.

I will change the title of the thread when it is back up, as it pops up fourth under a google search for "puppy linux forum"!

bferd 04-22-2009 01:01 PM

The forum's down again.
I'm trying to get off the forum and I can't find it anywhere else. If anybody has it please send it to me. I'm probably to impatient:rolleyes:

Edit: Ok I got it thanks

battleshooter 04-22-2009 05:14 PM

It's back up now.

battleshooter 04-29-2009 04:40 PM

Back down for anyone else besides me?

magikraven 04-29-2009 04:55 PM

I haven't been able to get into the forums today either,....

ComputerBob 04-29-2009 05:32 PM

They're down for me again, too. That's really weird -- just this morning, I read a comment in one Puppy thread that said something like, "Now it's time for the Puppy forums to go down for a month again."

alex12 04-29-2009 08:36 PM

It seems like I can't get onto the forums every other weekend.
Are there any plans to repair/replace the server?

James c 04-29-2009 08:51 PM

There is supposed to be a big upgrade coming in the near future.Hopefully that is what is causing today's downtime.

friendlybiker 04-30-2009 12:21 AM

Sure miss the resources
from the forums, when it's down. They sure help with problems, new pets, etc.

battleshooter 04-30-2009 03:35 AM

Forum's up
Forum's up.

trio 07-27-2009 02:28 AM

Puppy Forum is down again TODAY!!!
:mad: DOWN AGAIN!!!

David2010 07-27-2009 11:21 AM

Its down
Its down for me too.

jim1911 07-27-2009 03:58 PM


James c 07-27-2009 04:08 PM

The usual bi-monthly forum problems.Been down for about 17 hours here.

battleshooter 07-27-2009 04:41 PM

Anyone know if there's an actual reason it's down? Just wondering if I missed a big announcement or something. Could John be doing some big upgrade, or is it just the usual stuff?

battleshooter 07-27-2009 04:44 PM

By the way, I can't seem to get into Todd's alternate Puppy Linux forum, according to this site, it's just me but I'm not sure.

brymway 07-27-2009 05:14 PM

Murga had a message at the top of the forum for a few days prior saying that he was going to be having a huge server change starting on the 25th. I gather that's the reason it's down.

James c 07-27-2009 05:31 PM

Todd's forum has been off-line for at least a couple of weeks.meant to mention it on Murga's but forgot.

battleshooter 07-27-2009 07:10 PM

Ahhh, so that's why. Thanks for shedding some light Brymway :)

swellbarney 07-27-2009 08:15 PM

perhaps I should have saved that archive before I redid my Puppy.

01micko 07-28-2009 02:44 AM


Gposil has a few alternate forums.. (or is it fora?)

and there is always

Search around... there is always a Puppy fix!


James c 07-28-2009 11:42 AM

Back up again.

8-bit 08-12-2009 07:52 AM

John's Puppy forum is down again with this error:
Critical Error

message_die() was called multiple times.
Error #2
SQL requests not achieved

Line : 665
File : /home/murga-linux/public_html/puppy/includes/class_user_session.php
SQL : SELECT session_id FROM phpbb_sessions WHERE session_user_id = -1 AND session_id <> '6e0af7fcba1d24e49b3aa91da8869d9e' AND session_time >= 1250080514 AND session_ip = '432a35ac' LIMIT 1

Error #1
SQL requests not achieved

Line : 665
File : /home/murga-linux/public_html/puppy/includes/class_user_session.php
SQL : SELECT session_id FROM phpbb_sessions WHERE session_user_id = -1 AND session_id <> '424f8e20a06806bca91219cda926b911' AND session_time >= 1250080514 AND session_ip = '432a35ac' LIMIT 1

All times are GMT -5. The time now is 11:12 PM.