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Old 01-12-2012, 04:48 AM   #1
Registered: Nov 2011
Posts: 106

Rep: Reputation: Disabled
mysql error while installation of pommo software in centos 5.4 version

i had installed pommo in centos version 5.4 created database

flush privileges;

* Database Error: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '(14) NOT NULL, `time_registered` datetime NOT NULL, `flag` tinyint(1) NOT NU' at line 4
* Installation failed! Enable debbuging to expose the problem.

when i connect it throws the followin error

* [DB] Received query affecting 0 rows and returning 0 results. Query: CREATE TABLE `pommo_config` ( `config_name` varchar(64) NOT NULL default '', `config_value` text NOT NULL, `config_description` tinytext NOT NULL, `autoload` enum('on','off') NOT NULL default 'on', `user_change` enum('on','off') NOT NULL default 'on', PRIMARY KEY (`config_name`) );
* [DB] Received query affecting 1 rows and returning 0 results. Query: INSERT INTO `pommo_config` VALUES ('admin_username', 'admin', 'Username', 'off', 'on');
* [DB] Received query affecting 1 rows and returning 0 results. Query: INSERT INTO `pommo_config` VALUES ('admin_password', 'c40d70861d2b0e48a8ff2daa7ca39727', 'Password', 'off', 'on');
* [DB] Received query affecting 1 rows and returning 0 results. Query: INSERT INTO `pommo_config` VALUES ('admin_email', '', 'Administrator Email', 'on', 'on');
* [DB] Received query affecting 1 rows and returning 0 results. Query: INSERT INTO `pommo_config` VALUES ('site_name', 'A', 'Website Name', 'on', 'on');
* [DB] Received query affecting 1 rows and returning 0 results. Query: INSERT INTO `pommo_config` VALUES ('site_url', '', 'Website URL', 'on', 'on');
* [DB] Received query affecting 1 rows and returning 0 results. Query: INSERT INTO `pommo_config` VALUES ('site_success', '', 'Signup Success URL', 'off', 'on');
* [DB] Received query affecting 1 rows and returning 0 results. Query: INSERT INTO `pommo_config` VALUES ('site_confirm', '', '', 'off', 'on');
* [DB] Received query affecting 1 rows and returning 0 results. Query: INSERT INTO `pommo_config` VALUES ('list_name', 'A', 'List Name', 'on', 'on');
* [DB] Received query affecting 1 rows and returning 0 results. Query: INSERT INTO `pommo_config` VALUES ('list_fromname', 'poMMo Administrative Team', 'From Name', 'off', 'on');
* [DB] Received query affecting 1 rows and returning 0 results. Query: INSERT INTO `pommo_config` VALUES ('list_fromemail', '', 'From Email', 'off', 'on');
* [DB] Received query affecting 1 rows and returning 0 results. Query: INSERT INTO `pommo_config` VALUES ('list_frombounce', '', 'Bounces', 'off', 'on');
* [DB] Received query affecting 1 rows and returning 0 results. Query: INSERT INTO `pommo_config` VALUES ('list_exchanger', 'sendmail', 'List Exchanger', 'off', 'on');
* [DB] Received query affecting 1 rows and returning 0 results. Query: INSERT INTO `pommo_config` VALUES ('list_confirm', 'on', 'Confirmation Messages', 'off', 'on');
* [DB] Received query affecting 1 rows and returning 0 results. Query: INSERT INTO `pommo_config` VALUES ('list_charset', 'UTF-8', '', 'off', 'on');
* [DB] Received query affecting 1 rows and returning 0 results. Query: INSERT INTO `pommo_config` VALUES ('list_wysiwyg', 'on', '', 'off', 'off');
* [DB] Received query affecting 1 rows and returning 0 results. Query: INSERT INTO `pommo_config` VALUES ('maxRuntime', '80', '', 'off', 'on');
* [DB] Received query affecting 1 rows and returning 0 results. Query: INSERT INTO `pommo_config` VALUES ('messages', '', '', 'off', 'off');
* [DB] Received query affecting 1 rows and returning 0 results. Query: INSERT INTO `pommo_config` VALUES ('notices', '', '', 'off', 'off');
* [DB] Received query affecting 1 rows and returning 0 results. Query: INSERT INTO `pommo_config` VALUES ('demo_mode', 'on', 'Demonstration Mode', 'on', 'on');
* [DB] Received query affecting 1 rows and returning 0 results. Query: INSERT INTO `pommo_config` VALUES ('smtp_1', '', '', 'off', 'off');
* [DB] Received query affecting 1 rows and returning 0 results. Query: INSERT INTO `pommo_config` VALUES ('smtp_2', '', '', 'off', 'off');
* [DB] Received query affecting 1 rows and returning 0 results. Query: INSERT INTO `pommo_config` VALUES ('smtp_3', '', '', 'off', 'off');
* [DB] Received query affecting 1 rows and returning 0 results. Query: INSERT INTO `pommo_config` VALUES ('smtp_4', '', '', 'off', 'off');
* [DB] Received query affecting 1 rows and returning 0 results. Query: INSERT INTO `pommo_config` VALUES ('throttle_DBPP', '0', '', 'off', 'on');
* [DB] Received query affecting 1 rows and returning 0 results. Query: INSERT INTO `pommo_config` VALUES ('throttle_DP', '10', '', 'off', 'on');
* [DB] Received query affecting 1 rows and returning 0 results. Query: INSERT INTO `pommo_config` VALUES ('throttle_DMPP', '0', '', 'off', 'on');
* [DB] Received query affecting 1 rows and returning 0 results. Query: INSERT INTO `pommo_config` VALUES ('throttle_BPS', '0', '', 'off', 'on');
* [DB] Received query affecting 1 rows and returning 0 results. Query: INSERT INTO `pommo_config` VALUES ('throttle_MPS', '3', '', 'off', 'on');
* [DB] Received query affecting 1 rows and returning 0 results. Query: INSERT INTO `pommo_config` VALUES ('throttle_SMTP', 'individual', '', 'off', 'on');
* [DB] Received query affecting 1 rows and returning 0 results. Query: INSERT INTO `pommo_config` VALUES ('public_history', 'off', 'Public Mailing History', 'off', 'on');
* [DB] Received query affecting 1 rows and returning 0 results. Query: INSERT INTO `pommo_config` VALUES ('version', 'Aardvark PR16.1', 'poMMo Version', 'on', 'off');
* [DB] Received query affecting 1 rows and returning 0 results. Query: INSERT INTO `pommo_config` VALUES ('key', '123456', 'Unique Identifier', 'on', 'off');
* [DB] Received query affecting 1 rows and returning 0 results. Query: INSERT INTO `pommo_config` VALUES ('revision', '42', 'Internal Revision', 'on', 'off');
* [DB] Received query affecting 0 rows and returning 0 results. Query: CREATE TABLE `pommo_fields` ( `field_id` smallint(5) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment, `field_active` enum('on','off') NOT NULL default 'off', `field_ordering` smallint(5) unsigned NOT NULL default '0', `field_name` varchar(60) default NULL, `field_prompt` varchar(60) default NULL, `field_normally` varchar(60) default NULL, `field_array` text, `field_required` enum('on','off') NOT NULL default 'off', `field_type` enum('checkbox','multiple','text','date','number','comment') default NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`field_id`), KEY `active` (`field_active`,`field_ordering`) );
* [DB] Received query affecting 0 rows and returning 0 results. Query: CREATE TABLE `pommo_group_rules` ( `rule_id` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment, `group_id` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL default '0', `field_id` tinyint(3) unsigned NOT NULL default '0', `type` tinyint(1) NOT NULL default '0' COMMENT '0: OFF, (and), 1: ON (or)', `logic` enum('is','not','greater','less','true','false','is_in','not_in') NOT NULL, `value` text, PRIMARY KEY (`rule_id`), KEY `group_id` (`group_id`) );
* [DB] Received query affecting 0 rows and returning 0 results. Query: CREATE TABLE `pommo_groups` ( `group_id` smallint(5) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment, `group_name` tinytext NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`group_id`) );
* [DB] Received query affecting 0 rows and returning 0 results. Query: CREATE TABLE `pommo_mailing_current` ( `current_id` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL, `command` enum('none','restart','stop','cancel') NOT NULL default 'none', `serial` int unsigned default NULL, `securityCode` char(32) default NULL, `notices` longtext default NULL, `current_status` enum('started','stopped') NOT NULL default 'stopped', `touched` timestamp NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`current_id`) );
* [DB] Received query affecting 0 rows and returning 0 results. Query: CREATE TABLE `pommo_mailing_notices` ( `mailing_id` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL, `notice` varchar(255) NOT NULL, `touched` timestamp NOT NULL, `id` smallint(5) unsigned NOT NULL, KEY `mailing_id` (`mailing_id`) );
* [DB] Received query affecting 0 rows and returning 0 results. Query: CREATE TABLE `pommo_mailings` ( `mailing_id` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment, `fromname` varchar(60) NOT NULL default '', `fromemail` varchar(60) NOT NULL default '', `frombounce` varchar(60) NOT NULL default '', `subject` varchar(60) NOT NULL default '', `body` mediumtext NOT NULL, `altbody` mediumtext default NULL, `ishtml` enum('on','off') NOT NULL default 'off', `mailgroup` varchar(60) NOT NULL default 'Unknown', `subscriberCount` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL default '0', `started` datetime NOT NULL, `finished` datetime default NULL, `sent` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL default '0', `charset` varchar(15) NOT NULL default 'UTF-8', `status` tinyint(1) NOT NULL default '1' COMMENT '0: finished, 1: processing, 2: cancelled', PRIMARY KEY (`mailing_id`), KEY `status` (`status`) );
* [DB] Received query affecting 0 rows and returning 0 results. Query: CREATE TABLE `pommo_queue` ( `subscriber_id` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL, `status` tinyint(1) NOT NULL default '0' COMMENT '0: unsent, 1: sent, 2: failed', `smtp` tinyint(1) NOT NULL default '0' COMMENT '0: none, 1-4: Designated to SMTP relay #', PRIMARY KEY (`subscriber_id`), KEY `status` (`status`,`smtp`) );
* [DB] Received query affecting 0 rows and returning 0 results. Query: CREATE TABLE `pommo_subscriber_data` ( `data_id` bigint(20) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment, `field_id` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL default '0', `subscriber_id` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL default '0', `value` char(60) NOT NULL default '', PRIMARY KEY (`data_id`), KEY `subscriber_id` (`subscriber_id`,`field_id`) );
* [DB] Received query affecting 0 rows and returning 0 results. Query: CREATE TABLE `pommo_subscriber_pending` ( `pending_id` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment, `subscriber_id` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL default '0', `pending_code` char(32) NOT NULL, `pending_type` enum('add','del','change','password') default NULL, `pending_array` text NULL default NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`pending_id`), KEY `code` (`pending_code`), KEY `subscriber_id` (`subscriber_id`) );
* [DB] Received query affecting 0 rows and returning 0 results. Query: CREATE TABLE `pommo_subscribers` ( `subscriber_id` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment, `email` char(60) NOT NULL default '', `time_touched` timestamp(14) NOT NULL, `time_registered` datetime NOT NULL, `flag` tinyint(1) NOT NULL default '0' COMMENT '0: NULL, 1-8: REMOVE, 9: UPDATE', `ip` int unsigned NULL default NULL COMMENT 'Stored with INET_ATON(), Fetched with INET_NTOA()', `status` tinyint(1) NOT NULL default '2' COMMENT '0: Inactive, 1: Active, 2: Pending', PRIMARY KEY (`subscriber_id`), KEY `status` (`status`,`subscriber_id`), KEY `status_2` (`status`,`email`), KEY `status_3` (`status`,`time_touched`), KEY `status_4` (`status`,`time_registered`), KEY `status_5` (`status`,`ip`), KEY `flag` (`flag`) );
* Query failed with error --> You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '(14) NOT NULL, `time_registered` datetime NOT NULL, `flag` tinyint(1) NOT NU' at line 4
Old 01-12-2012, 05:10 AM   #2
Registered: Jan 2012
Location: Czech
Distribution: Fedora, RHEL, Ubuntu, Mint
Posts: 110

Rep: Reputation: 14
The problem is in the installer that use incorrect syntax of SQL. It means that some of tables have not been created by installer and filling data (INSERT) could not pass after that.

Check version of your MySQL server.

Probably you have to download another version of pommo or download a patch of pommo SQL syntaxes.

If you know SQL, probably you can fix the syntaxes of your POMMO yourself. I guess POMMO is written in PHP, so it is easy to find broken SQL syntax and fix.

Or you can upgrade your SQL server. Even it needn't to be helpful.
Old 01-24-2012, 01:18 AM   #3
LQ Newbie
Registered: Jan 2012
Posts: 1

Rep: Reputation: Disabled
If you are installing the pommo with latest version of mysql then you can get the error(Query failed with error --> You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '(14) NOT NULL, `time_registered` datetime NOT NULL, `flag` tinyint(1) NOT NU' at line 4) while installing pommo on your system. I would request you to do the minor change in your /var/www/html/pommo/install/sql.schema.php file line no 170 remove "(14)" from line. for eg:-

Before Change
`time_touched` timestamp(14) NOT NULL,

After change

`time_touched` timestamp NOT NULL,

save the file & try to install the application again.



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