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Old 07-13-2005, 10:54 PM   #61
Registered: Jun 2002
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Sorry I was silent for a while -- I came home and foound my harddisk crashed. Took that modification with it... I do backups, but not frequently enough, apparently. Took me a while to recover.

But the good news is that the latest 2.6.12 kernel has support for the ITE chipsets built in. I just tried, works.

Hope it helps,
Old 07-14-2005, 02:57 AM   #62
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But the good news is that the latest 2.6.12 kernel has support for the ITE chipsets built in. I just tried, works.
Thaks for the info.
I have recently compiled the kernel, and I cannot mount a HD connected to my ITE8212 controller using just the kernel modules.
Could you tell me what module are you using for that? (I was looking for it in the menuconfig and haven't found anything)
Or maybe I don't mount it properly..., any special instruction for (pre)mounting?
Old 07-20-2005, 09:40 AM   #63
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I have been following this post with interest and now I have one question, which I'm aure has been answered but which is not clear to me.

I have built a new kernel with a module for it8212 and can load this module simply by typing

modprobe it821x

How do I get this module to load at boot. I am running SUSE 9.3 and am sure in some way I need to edit the file modprobe.conf.local but I have no idea what to put into it. The only file I seem to have that relates to it8212 is called it821x.h and is located in usr/src/linux-2.6.11/include/config/blk/dev

Thanks in advance for your help.

Old 07-21-2005, 04:44 AM   #64
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Hi, scr02bcg, I don't know how suse configuration is but here, in slackware, I have a file called
in it you may include a line like
/sbin/modprobe it821x
and it should work. So if you find anything like that file you could try.

BTW, I have kernel and I don't find that module,
what option do I have to select in "menuconfig" in order to get the correct module?

I have grep-ed the kernel source tree, and the only file I found that mentions something is

but it does not talk about modules...

Old 07-21-2005, 04:51 AM   #65
LQ Newbie
Registered: Feb 2004
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Thanks for the help. I shall try that out soon. As for where the module is I shall post that in 5 mins. I don't have the details to hand but do have them written down. If it is of help I run xconfig (not menuconfig) bt will post full details soon.

Old 07-21-2005, 05:01 AM   #66
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Hi there Y0jiMb0,

as promised the details for locating it8212 are as follows. Start xconfig (I guess the path for menuconfig is the same) and you need to expand device drivers, block devices and then ata etc etc. I Can't gaurentee this will be the same for 2.6.12 but something like this is probably correct.

Let me know if your still having problems and I will do my best to help
Old 07-21-2005, 05:29 AM   #67
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Thanks Ben for the quick answer!
I went to device drivers -> block devices. The modules present there are:
<*> Normal floppy disk support
<M> XT hard disk support
<M> Parallel port IDE device support
---   Parallel IDE high-level drivers
<M>   Parallel port IDE disks
<M>   Parallel port ATAPI CD-ROMs
<M>   Parallel port ATAPI disks
<M>   Parallel port ATAPI tapes
<M>   Parallel port generic ATAPI devices
---   Parallel IDE protocol modules
<M>   ATEN EH-100 protocol
<M>   MicroSolutions backpack (Series 5) protocol
<M>   MicroSolutions backpack (Series 6) protocol
<M>   DataStor Commuter protocol
<M>   DataStor EP-2000 protocol
<M>   FIT TD-2000 protocol
<M>   FIT TD-3000 protocol
<M>   Shuttle EPAT/EPEZ protocol[*]     Support c7/c8 chips (EXPERIMENTAL)
<M>   Shuttle EPIA protocol
<M>   Freecom IQ ASIC-2 protocol
<M>   FreeCom power protocol
<M>   KingByte KBIC-951A/971A protocols
<M>   KT PHd protocol
<M>   OnSpec 90c20 protocol
<M>   OnSpec 90c26 protocol
<M> Compaq SMART2 support
<M> Compaq Smart Array 5xxx support[*]   SCSI tape drive support for Smart Array 5xxx
<M> Mylex DAC960/DAC1100 PCI RAID Controller support
<M> Micro Memory MM5415 Battery Backed RAM support (EXPERIMENTAL)
<M> Loopback device support
<M>   Cryptoloop Support
<M> Network block device support
<M> Promise SATA SX8 support
<M> Low Performance USB Block driver
<*> RAM disk support
(16)  Default number of RAM disks
(16384) Default RAM disk size (kbytes)[*]   Initial RAM disk (initrd) support
()  Initramfs source file(s)[*] Support for Large Block Devices
<M> Packet writing on CD/DVD media
(8)   Free buffers for data gathering
[ ]   Enable write caching
IO Schedulers  --->
< > ATA over Ethernet support
I don't see anything related to ITE8212 nor "ATA etc etc" stuff

However there is another menu under "device drivers", called
Multi-device support (RAID and LVM)  --->
in it I have nothing related to ITE stuff (if you like I may post the options present there)

Another thing I've seen is that doing "make menuconfig" in kernel 2.6.10 tree displays the (more or less) same options/modules that I've just written, so...

Old 07-21-2005, 05:31 AM   #68
Registered: Jul 2003
Location: Valencia (Spain)
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I also tried xconfig and the same options are shown...
Old 07-21-2005, 06:00 AM   #69
LQ Newbie
Registered: Feb 2004
Posts: 26

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Ummmm. Since I have not tried 2.6.12 I am not sure what other help I can offer immediately. However it strikes me that we are working towards the same purpose so perhaps we should still continue to help each other out. For my part I shall look at downloading the 2.6.12 kernel and see how I get on with that. From your point of view it could be worth you downloading 2.6.11 and patching with the latest 'ac patch'. I know this will give you the appropriate driver and know exactly where, so it should work for you. If you can then work out how to get the module to load at boot that would be good.

Incidently the advice you gave me earlier is proving beneficial that has not yet solved the problem. In SUSE /etc/rd.d is actually just a symbolic link to /etc/init.d. Unfortunately I don't know what file to edit in there to get the module to load at boot and before the filesytem is loaded. This last point I feel is important because I have edited a file as below, which now means the module is loaded at boot but after the filesystem so boot fails if you do not take the lines out of /etc/fstab.

Any ideas?

Thanks Ben
Old 07-21-2005, 10:17 AM   #70
LQ Newbie
Registered: Feb 2004
Posts: 26

Rep: Reputation: 15
For all those interested I have finally got everything working. Sorry to those interested but I have not tried with 2.6.12 but am happy to try and help anyone who wishes to use 2.6.11 with the ac patch.

The way to get it to all be alright at boot (I'm sure there are other probably better ways) is to edit the file boot.localfs in /etc/init.d. This file is the important one since it loads up all the filesytems except for / which has already been done. The file looks like below and I'm sure you can all see the bit (mostly surplus) that I added in to get the it821x module to load.

Let me know if I can be of more help


#! /bin/sh
# Copyright (c) 2001-2002 SuSE Linux AG, Nuernberg, Germany.
# All rights reserved.
# /etc/init.d/boot.localfs
# Provides: boot.localfs
# Required-Start: boot.rootfsck
# Should-Start: boot.ibmsis boot.lvm dasd_devfs_compat boot.scsidev
# Required-Stop:
# Default-Start: B
# Default-Stop:
# Description: check and mount local filesystems except /

. /etc/rc.status

# to get max number of parallel fsck processes
. /etc/sysconfig/boot

if [ -f /etc/sysconfig/dump ]; then
. /etc/sysconfig/dump


# helper shell function
reverse ()
local _line
while read -r _line ; do
echo "$_line"


echo "This is the line bcg added into /etc/init.d/boot.localfs in order"
echo "to get it821x module to load at boot before filesystem check"
echo "/sbin/modprobe it821x"

/sbin/modprobe it821x
echo "Horray. Amazing. Finally"
sleep 10

case "$1" in
# rootfs is mounted rw, lvm et al should be up now
# updated blkid
if [ -x /sbin/blkid ] ; then
/sbin/blkid > /dev/null
# If we use a serial console, don't use the fsck progress bar
[ -x /sbin/showconsole ] && [ "`/sbin/showconsole`" = "/dev/tty1" ] && FSCK_PROGRESSBAR="-C"
# do fsck and start sulogin, if it fails.
if test ! -f /fastboot -a -z "$fastboot" ; then
test -f /forcefsck && FSCK_FORCE="-f"
echo "Checking file systems..."
# A return code of 1 indicates that file system errors
# were corrected, but that the boot may proceed.
# A return code of 2 or larger indicates failure.
test $FSCK_RETURN -lt 4
rc_status -v1 -r
if test $FSCK_RETURN -gt 1 -a $FSCK_RETURN -lt 4 ; then
# if appropriate, switch bootsplash to verbose
# mode to make text messages visible.
test -f /proc/splash && echo "verbose" > /proc/splash
echo "fsck succeed, but reboot is required."
sleep 1
reboot -f
elif test $FSCK_RETURN -gt 3; then
# if appropriate, switch bootsplash to verbose
# mode to make text messages visible.
test -f /proc/splash && echo "verbose" > /proc/splash
# Stop blogd since we reboot after sulogin
test -x /sbin/blogd && killproc -QUIT /sbin/blogd
if test -x /etc/init.d/kbd ; then
/etc/init.d/kbd start
echo "fsck failed for at least one filesystem (not /)."
echo "Please repair manually and reboot."
echo "The root file system is is already mounted read-write."
echo "Attention: Only CONTROL-D will reboot the system in this"
echo "maintanance mode. shutdown or reboot will not work."
PS1="(repair filesystem) # "
export PS1
/sbin/sulogin /dev/console

# if the user has mounted something rw, this should be umounted
echo "Unmounting file systems (ignore error messages)"
umount -avn

# on umsdos fs this would lead to an error message.
# so direct errors to /dev/null
mount -no remount,ro / 2> /dev/null

reboot -f
if test $FSCK_RETURN -gt 0; then
touch /fsck_corrected_errors

# clean up
rm -f /etc/mtab* /etc/nologin /nologin /fastboot /forcefsck /success

# update modules.dep if needed
echo -n "Setting up kernel module dependencies (if required)"
/sbin/update-modules.dep -r
rc_status -v -r

# Mount local filesystems in '/etc/fstab' (and create an entry
# for / and /proc).
echo "Mounting local file systems..."
mount -fv -t proc proc /proc
mount -fv -t sysfs sysfs /sys
mount -fv -t tmpfs tmpfs /dev/shm
optpts="-o mode=0620,gid=5"
mount -fv -t devpts $optpts devpts /dev/pts
mount -av -t nonfs,noproc,nodevpts,nosmbfs -O no_netdev
rc_status -v1 -r
test -r /proc/mounts && mounts=/proc/mounts

# move to intermezzo package ?
# First umount intermezzo filesystems
test -x /usr/sbin/umountizo -a ! -z "`grep -i intermezzo <$mounts`" && /usr/sbin/umountizo >/dev/null 2>&1

reverse < $mounts | \
while read des fs type rest; do
case "$des" in
""|\#*) continue ;;
umount $fs
losetup $des &> /dev/null
test $? -eq 0 && losetup -d $des ;;
case "$fs" in
/proc) continue ;;
/dev/pts) continue ;;
/dev) continue ;;
/dev/shm) continue ;;
case "$type" in
proc) umount -t proc $fs ;;
devpts) umount -t devpts $fs ;;
devfs) umount -t devfs $fs ;;
shm) umount -t shm $fs ;;
usbfs) umount -t usbfs $fs ;;
usbdevfs) umount -t usbdevfs $fs ;;
echo "Unmounting file systems"
umount -avt noproc,nonfs,nosmbfs || {
rc_status -v1 -r

if test "$UMOUNT_FAILED" = true ; then
echo "Oops: umount failed :-( -- trying to remount readonly..."
test -r /proc/mounts && mounts=/proc/mounts
# Use cat and a pipe because umount changes
# /proc/mounts during direct read call
cat $mounts | \
while read des fs type rest; do
case "$des" in ""|\#*) continue ;; esac
case "$type" in
swap) continue ;; # No umount on swap devices
proc) continue ;; # Required
nfs) continue ;; # Avoid hanging reboot/halt
smbfs) continue ;; # Avoid hanging reboot/halt
mount -v -n -o remount,ro $fs

echo "extra sync..."
sync; sync
echo "... hope now it's ok to reboot."
rc_failed 3
rc_status -v
rc_failed 4
rc_status -v
echo "Usage: $0 {start|stop|status|restart}"
exit 1

Old 07-21-2005, 10:24 AM   #71
Registered: Jul 2003
Location: Valencia (Spain)
Distribution: slackware 11, FEDORA CORE 4, RHEL3, Gentoo...
Posts: 361

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Ummmm. Since I have not tried 2.6.12 I am not sure what other help I can offer immediately. However it strikes me that we are working towards the same purpose so perhaps we should still continue to help each other out. For my part I shall look at downloading the 2.6.12 kernel and see how I get on with that. From your point of view it could be worth you downloading 2.6.11 and patching with the latest 'ac patch'. I know this will give you the appropriate driver and know exactly where, so it should work for you. If you can then work out how to get the module to load at boot that would be good.
I really appreciate your offer of symbiosis, and I agree, it could be good.
However, I don't know when I'm going to be able to continue with this problem because I won't be at home for some days.
Moreover, as I'm having another nasty problem right now (see this), if some day in the next 10 or so I'm able to find a while, I'll devote it mostly to this thing. If I don't solve it I cannot do anything else
Anyway, I'm definitely interested in solving this problem, and I will try what you suggest as soon as I can, and I'll post whenever I have news.

Concerning to your problem...
Incidently the advice you gave me earlier is proving beneficial that has not yet solved the problem. In SUSE /etc/rd.d is actually just a symbolic link to /etc/init.d. Unfortunately I don't know what file to edit in there to get the module to load at boot and before the filesytem is loaded. This last point I feel is important because I have edited a file as below, which now means the module is loaded at boot but after the filesystem so boot fails if you do not take the lines out of /etc/fstab.
I think you should see some documentation on your distro (I don't know wether suse boots a la SystemV or BSD-like).
But just in case it helps you, I tell what happens in my system. After kernel and init the system jumps to /etc/rc.d/rc.S which is the script that mounts the filesystems. You have to modify this one properly in order to get the module correctly loaded before the system needs it.
I hope it helps...

Best regards
Old 07-21-2005, 01:14 PM   #72
Registered: Jun 2002
Location: NY
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Posts: 333

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Let's get back to where that thing resides in 2.6.12.

Thanks Ben for the quick answer!
I went to device drivers -> block devices. The modules present there are:
No - it's in Device drivers -> ATA/ATAPI/MFM/RLL support -> PCI/IDE Chipset support -> Generic PCI busmaster DMA Support -> IT821X IDE support.

You can make it a module as discussed before (then you need to load the module in the distro-specific way), OR you can just compile it into the kernel and you are set. In particular if the / filesystem is on one of the disks hooked up to the controller you can avoid the initial ramdisk hoops by compiling it in.

Hope it helps,

Old 04-27-2009, 10:26 PM   #73
LQ Newbie
Registered: Apr 2009
Posts: 2

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IT8212 Bios info


This is my first post in this forum and I know this is an old thread but I though this info may be of some use to some other people around these parts. I have also posted this information to other forums.

This isn't a question, just putting this info here so people searching like I was for a way to flash the bios of the IT8212 ATA 133 pci card when ITE's utility fails.

Firstly this procedure works for me on a IT8212F based card that uses a SST 39VF010 flash memory chip; the card was made by ritmo.

These cards are made by many manufactures (kind of like how graphics cards are made around nvidia and ati chips) and some use once writable chips, if this is the case short of replacing the flash rom your stuck with your bios. Some tie write enable line either high or low as applicable, short of modding the card or replacing the bios with a preflashed chip these cards are in the same boat. Of course replacing the flash rom wouldn't be much of a problem if these componies used a socket, but most don't and who likes to solder sub-milimeter leads with sub-milimeter spacing??

The bios, drivers and flash utilities for the IT8212 are here. I would suggest archiving a copy if you own this card as it is no longer supported and some of the smaller manufactures have a habit of deleting old support files.... I have also uploaded a full archive to driversguide.

I assume no responsibility for cards that may be killed or any damage that may be done! Use at your own risk! Make a backup you can access without using the IT8212, perhaps use seperate disks, one for the backup and one for writing the bios, so you can (hopefully) use the backup if anything goes wrong. It may also be possible to damage other devices if the wrong device is selected (Also see the uniflash documentation). These instructions are probably best suited to advance users, but provides enough info for fearless noobs to break something.

By all means try ITE's utility first, I did but it didn't work for me.... If it works great - Go away you don't need the rest of this. If you get verify [failed] or something similar there *may* still be some hope. Turn off the pc take out the card, there should be two chips on it, one marked IT8212F and another one(mine was a SST 39VF010). Write down the numbers on the second chip, the very top number(not including any branding) is normally the winner. Search the web for "datasheet <partnumber>" and try to find the datasheet for the flash chip somewhere, it's normally pretty easy. Read the device description, if is says anything along the lines of "one time programmable" or the like forget it, if it say "reprogrammable" or something similar there is still hope.

Uniflash is good utility for this sort of thing - so long as it supports the chip in question and the chipset of your mainboard. It flashed my card with a minimum of fuss(but there is a trick to it) I used version 1.47re of uniflash. There is a download link in the second last post on this forum at the time of writing, it it's not there search the web.

Now we need a dos boot disk with as little clutter as possible, the boot disks Xp make are fine (my computer>right click on floppy>format>create a ms-dos start up floppy>start) or anything that you can get you hands on that has sufficient space. If you don't have a floppy drive find out how to use a usb flash drive, cd's are no good, we need writable media. Extract uniflash.exe from the archive/zip (if any) and copy it onto the boot disk.

Now boot from the floppy disk, when at the a:\ prompt type in "uniflash -pcirom" and you will be brought to a menu of pci devices. For the IT8212 we want the device marked with the "Bus xx device xx function xx (VEN=1283, DEV=8212, yyy max", xx will be dependand on you configuration, take note of what the x's are in this form bus:device:function, we will need these numbers for double checking. If you change you configuration (ie changing pci slots) these numbers should change. The VEN=1283 and DEV=8212 should be constant accross every system with this card installed. The yy max will be the capicity of your card's bios rom.

If there are no devices listed as VEN=1283 DEV=8212 then you may be out of luck, don't just try this with any of the devices listed, you will probably break something. The id's 1283(0x1283) and 8212(0x8212) are pci id's, the ven is the vendor ID this is unique to each manufacturer(ITE's is 1283), it is the same with all of there devices from the manufacturer in question while the dev is the device which is unique only to the device (Suprisingly enough the device for the IT8212 is 8212 - confusing no?). Search the device and vendor id's to get as much information as possible before attempting anything like this, unless you are brave enough to buy a new pc...

Select the corresponding item from the menu for the IT8212 (The version of uniflash I uses required me to type the number in multiple times until it became selected - the number below the listed items marked "Select" will change to the number your selecting) and hit enter. Be certain to choose the right device, if you don't you could do some damage. Double check you are working with the right device, the device specs will be towards the top of the screen after you select it, look for the line "Selected PCI Card: PCI or AGP card at xx:xx:xx" the x's will be the information you noted detailed above.

Choose "Write backup BIOS image bios to file" and type in a file name(short and simple is easier, the default backup.bin is fine). This will make a backup of the current bios which is important for two reasons; 1. if anything goes wrong you should be able to restore the backup and 2. we need to know the exact file size. Re-boot into your normal os.

Here is the trick I mentioned - check the file size of the backup compared to the bios from ite's site. You can use the properties menu in windows(if that's what you are using) but Make sure you use "size" and NOT "size on disk", always use the size in bytes because the size in kbytes is normally rounded; we need to be exact! If they are the exact same size to begin with then you can skip the rest of this paragraph along with the next two. If they are different sizes we will need to pad the file so uniflash doesn't complain about mismatched file sizes.

Now we need a hex editor, If you are using windows I recomend HxD(inapprioate to this forum I know But I only planed on writing this once ghex maybe?). After you have installed your hex editor open the bios file from ITE and scroll to the very end of the file, the last offset(list on the left hand side) should be BFF0 (0000BFF0) and the last byte should be in the 0F column. Now also open the backup that uniflash made in your Hex editor(it's probably a good idea to copy to the hard disk first for quick editing), your hex editor may or may not be tabbed(HxD is), be sure you are in the backup bios window/tab. We need to jump to the start offset C000 for (HxD hit the keyboard shortcut <CTRL>+<G> select "hex" and "begining" and type in "C000" then click ok), for anything else you have to figure it out.. The curser will be at the point that the actual bios runs out but the chips capacity keeps going... The extra bytes will be typically all be FF, but use whatever is there(it should all be made up of a byte repeated over and over). The easy way to do this is to copy all of the extra bytes (for HxD from the offset we jumped to without moving the curser beforehand <SHIFT>+<CTRL>+<END> lift the shortcut <CTRL>+<C>) Now go back to the bios file ITE, put the curser and the very end of the file (<CTRL>+<END>) and paste all of the bytes you copied from the backup.

Now your new bios file should be EXACTLY the same except at the very end of the file there are bytes(probably ff) that pad the file to EXACTLY the same size as the backup uniflash made. If the new file is not the same size, start again. If they are not right the second time check the final offsets of your bios files, and generally try to figure out what I am outlining (Come on people we are on a tight schedule!!!).

Now we presumably have a valid bios (so long as the pading has been done properly, if applicable) that we need to flash to the card, be sure it has a short easy name like "atapi.bin" or "raid.bin" because dos has 8dot3 file name limitations. Copy the bios file to your boot disk (you may need to make some space first by moving the backup to the harddisk or use a second boot disk) boot the disk the same as before, But this time TRIPPLE check you have the right device (VEN=1283, DEV=8212) and don't forget to check the "Selected PCI Card: PCI or AGP card at xx:xx:xx" as outlined above.

To flash the new bios to the card select "Flash BIOS image INCLUDING bootblock", type in the file name "raid.bin" or "atapi.bin" and hit "y" when prompted. Uniflash will got through the flash process, if all goes well your IT8212 should have a new bios, hit quit and reboot, you should see the new bios number when booting.

If the flash fails you may be in some trouble, reboot to see if the raid card still functions, if it does you either have a chip that is either not supported by uniflash, once writable, or has write/erase pins(if applicable) not connected or there is something wrong with the bios file. If the card seems to be dead: 1. see the disclaimer above. 2. try to write the back up you made back to the card.

I can offer no help if the flash fails as these cards are made by many manufactures, with many differend flash roms. Although if uniflash manages to flash the rom bad I don't see any reason why it wouldn't be able to at least restore the backup, but this didn't come up with my IT8212.


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