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LXer 01-11-2007 09:33 AM

LXer: Dell's "secret Linux fling" not so secret
Published at LXer:

Short comment - A few days back, I read the story "Dell's secret Linux fling". What surprised me is, the people at The Register didn't know this. To show how 'not so secret' this all is, please let me quote an interesting line from the Asianux site; "As the base software of IT system, Asianux has gotten full support from many global partners including Adaptec, AMD, BEA, CA, Dell, EMC, Emulex, HP, Hitachi, IBM, Intel, NEC, Oracle, Samsung Electronics, SAP, Stratus Technologies and Symantec just to name a few." Very secret, huh? I wish it was easier to find out how Linux is doing in the east, but from experience I can say it's rather hard to find out, since sooner or later, you arrive at Chinese-only pages. However, we should still look at the pages that _are_ in English, since they present interesting information. It seems OEM's in the east are supporting Linux, in contrary to what they do in the Western world. If there are any people from Asia reading this and willing to tell us, the LXer readers and editors, anything about the state of pre-installed Linux-offers in Asia, please let us know. We are eager to find out, and I can promise you I will write a (short) article about it.. Our e-mail address is at the last line of the 'About' page.


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