-   Slackware (
-   -   Vivaldi seems to have finally won me over (

kgha 06-10-2021 07:11 AM


Originally Posted by BroX (Post 6257918)
Hit F4 and mail will open up in the panel. There you will find all folders and other ways to categorise mails.

Thanks, but not quite enough... "Mail" must first be added manually to the panel by right-clicking panel and checking "Mail". Maybe obvoius to many users, but not to me...

cwizardone 06-10-2021 10:53 AM


Originally Posted by Gerard Lally (Post 6257760)
......Vivaldi is a great browser......
.......which are slowly catching up with Opera 12's.......

I was a big fan of the original Opera and bought every new release until it became "free."
There is an old Opera mouse pad around here somewhere. :) Until a few months ago I use to install opera-12.16-x86_64-1ro.txz just for old times sake and use it once in a while, but eventually, it got to the point it no longer works on most sites.
I keep trying Vivaldi, but don't trust it, one, and, two, it reports itself as Chrome and I've come to extremely dislike anything to do with google.
As to the trust issue, and I've asked this before, probably in this same thread, but how can Vivaldi remember where you have been IF you have deleted all the history, private data, etc.?
I've done so, many, many times, and have gone so far as to close the session and restart the browser, but when I go to a site, e.g., distrowatch, the links I've clicked on in the past are highlighted. How can that be if I deleted the history and site information?
Just the other morning after I updated to 4.0 and went to a site, a link was highlighted and I hadn't visited that site in quite a while.
Something is not right.
Then on a minor note, every time I update I have to edit /usr/local/opt/vivaldi/resources/vivaldi/style/common.css to get rid of the bar what goes across the width of the screen.
End of rant.
Thanks for listening.

Skaendo 06-10-2021 11:17 AM


Originally Posted by cwizardone (Post 6257979)
Then on a minor note, every time I update I have to edit /usr/local/opt/vivaldi/resources/vivaldi/style/common.css to get rid of the bar what goes across the width of the screen.

I believe that there is actually a setting for this now in the "Start Page" settings called "Start Page Navigation". Set it to "Hide Titles" and it goes away. At least it does for me.

But I agree that when the history is cleared, links should not be viewed as they have already been clicked. That tells me that the history has not actually been cleared.

cwizardone 06-10-2021 12:12 PM


Originally Posted by Skaendo (Post 6257989)
I believe that there is actually a setting for this now in the "Start Page" settings called "Start Page Navigation". Set it to "Hide Titles" and it goes away. At least it does for me........

Many thanks! That does the trick!
Greatly appreciated!

Gerard Lally 06-10-2021 06:10 PM


Originally Posted by Skaendo (Post 6257775)
So what you are saying is that the new mail, calendar and RSS are not included in the downloaded package and downloaded only after Vivaldi is installed and the features are selected? That does make some sense if that is the way it is done, it just doesn't seem that way.

And just comparing the size difference from when I started using Vivaldi (2.8.1664.44, ~1.5 years ago) to today is ~25%. If the price of cigars went up that much in the same time, I would quit smoking.

Not at the computer now but from memory: go to vivaldi://welcome and the first page there (you should see dots on the right to navigate) will allow you to choose essential, standard or full. Mail and calendars are either uninstalled or deactivated in essential and standard.

Gerard Lally 06-10-2021 06:12 PM

@cwizardone: I've never looked closely at this problem you have. I'll check tomorrow and see if I can figure it out.

I'm not happy either with the Chrome tie-up but I have to be pragmatic.

pghvlaans 06-10-2021 11:14 PM

I think the options on the "welcome" page are just settings templates. The mail-related files (icons, mail.html, etc.) are included in the original package.

Gerard Lally 06-11-2021 10:07 AM


Originally Posted by cwizardone (Post 6257979)
As to the trust issue, and I've asked this before, probably in this same thread, but how can Vivaldi remember where you have been IF you have deleted all the history, private data, etc.?
I've done so, many, many times, and have gone so far as to close the session and restart the browser, but when I go to a site, e.g., distrowatch, the links I've clicked on in the past are highlighted. How can that be if I deleted the history and site information?
Just the other morning after I updated to 4.0 and went to a site, a link was highlighted and I hadn't visited that site in quite a while.
Something is not right.

I installed Vivaldi in a clean Slackware current. Some thoughts:

1) If I was on a page -- for example, the Deepin page at Distrowatch -- at the time I cleared all cookies and history, then returning to DW afterwards would show that page link as visited. However, if I visited that page, then returned to the DW main page, and then deleted all data, the link would not show up as visited after re-opening the browser.

2) Other sites were signed out and no cookies remained in Vivaldi Settings. I tested Fastmail, Linuxquestions, YouTube, uDemy and a couple of news sites. These tabs were open but not loaded and not signed in.

3) However, if I visited chrome://settings and then Privacy > Advanced, I could see that cookies from two of the sites listed above remained in the browser. I presume, therefore, that the Chrome component of Vivaldi is doing its own tracking, independently of Vivaldi, and that what it saves is inaccessible to Vivaldi when you clear the Vivaldi cache. Wouldn't surprise me in the least. Do no evil, said Google. About 20 years ago.

These cookies did not show up in Vivaldi's native settings dialog.

I tested this without any extensions -- ad blockers or script blockers -- and with Trackers blocked in Vivaldi's Privacy settings but not Ads.

I did not set up Vivaldi Sync, to make sure no private data was restored to the browser after clearing the cache.

I can't really add anything else. I'm happy with Vivaldi, though I have a visceral dislike for Google and all the other tech giants who think you are there as a commodity for them to monetise, profile and track. At the end of the day, I'm 54 and pragmatic. If I wait for the perfect browser in the perfect world with a user's privacy considered sacrosanct I will be long dead. HTH

cwizardone 06-11-2021 10:46 AM

Gerard Lally,
Many thanks for the information!
Greatly appreciated!

cwizardone 06-11-2021 11:23 AM

BTW, speaking of Opera and Vivaldi, whatever happened to ruario?
According to his profile he hasn't posted in 4-1/2 years, but I don't think that is correct.

bassmadrigal 06-11-2021 11:49 AM


Originally Posted by cwizardone (Post 6258278)
BTW, speaking of Opera and Vivaldi, whatever happened to ruario?
According to his profile he hasn't posted in 4-1/2 years, but I don't think that is correct.

According to forum searching, he last posted in Sep of 2020.

mats_b_tegner 06-11-2021 11:59 AM

First minor update to Vivaldi Desktop Browser 4.0 (2312.25):

The following improvements were made since the initial 4.0 stable release:
[Chromium] Upgraded to 91.0.4472.102
Second minor update to Vivaldi Desktop Browser 4.0 (2312.27):

The following improvements were made since the first 4.0 stable, minor update:
[Calendar] Update invite crash fix (VB-79866)
[Calendar] Deleting Google Tasks Lists (VB-80582)
[Mail] Cannot see body of message when too many recipients in composer (VB-80388)
[Mail] Pasting comma separated email addresses with extra spaces into composer fails (VB-80390)
[Mail][Calendar][Panel] Not displaying for users on upgrade (VB-80586)
[Menus] Panel context menu (or no menu) opens on right-click after opening page from Bookmarks menu (VB-74891)
[Panels] Blur effect broken in overflow panel (VB-80035)
[Settings] Button not working / Not Opening (VB-80437)
[Speed Dial] Thumbnail is not clickable on some area (VB-80535)
[Translate] Duplicate languages in language dropdown list (VB-80377)
[Translate] Gather more strings than just 1-3 when scrolling to improve the experience and reduce server requests (VB-80346)
[Translate] Some text content is not translated on some pages due to html comments (VB-80433)

mats_b_tegner 07-23-2021 01:26 AM

A couple of minor updates to Vivaldi Desktop 4.0 (2312.41):

The following improvements were made since the second 4.0 stable, minor update:
[Chromium] Upgraded to 91.0.4472.114
[macOS] UI says “Update error” when no update is found (VB-80578)
[macOS] Browser crashes on startup on macOS 10.11: Note that “Proprietary Media” is still not working on 10.11 (VB-80525)

The following improvements were made since the third 4.0 stable, minor update:
[Address bar] Autocomplete selection incorrect on copy (VB-80764)
[Blocker] Slowing down the browser on (VB-80803)
[Calendar] Annually repeating dates are not displayed (VB-80705)
[Calendar] Connecting to Zoho Calendar via CalDav gives parser error (VB-80944)
[Calendar] Google tasks not marked as complete when a new account is added (VB-80871)
[Calendar] Import Web Calendar console errors: Can not create alarms, an event not found (VB-80283)
[Calendar] Show feedback when refreshing CalDAV Calendars (VB-80148)
[Calendar] Task duplicated on creation (VB-80946)
[Calendar] Use full dialog in response “New Event” button (VB-80755)
[Downloads][Panel] Poor performance caused by a panel: partial improvement (VB-68202)
[Mail] Certain emails not visible with a dark theme (VB-64824)
[Mail] Deleting mails very, very slow in large folders (VB-70793)
[Mail] Gmail accounts that do not end in don’t go through the OAuth authorization procedure (VB-77859)
[Mail] Import from M2 fails if M2 has an RSS account (VB-80936)
[Mail] mails (NOMODSEQ) are not loaded via IMAP (VB-80253)
[Mail] When sending e-mails fail the user is not notified and a single failed email can possibly prevent all the others from being sent (VB-80738)
[Profiles] Profile name is written as HTML instead of text in the “Exit [profile name]” menu (VB-80807)
[Themes][Extensions] Unread count unreadable (VB-80179)
[macOS] Proprietary media does not play on macOS 10.11 (VB-80757)

The following improvements were made since the fourth 4.0 stable, minor update:
[Mail][Settings] Disabling the “Count Unseen Messages” option can result in a grey UI (VB-81043)

The following improvements were made since the fifth 4.0 stable, minor update:
[Chromium] Upgraded to 91.0.4472.166

mats_b_tegner 07-28-2021 03:48 AM

Vivaldi Desktop 4.1 is available (2369.11):

Changelog from 4.0 to 4.1
[New][Tabs] Accordion style stacks (VB-41386)
[New] User definable Command Chains (VB-41414)
[New][Windows][Autoupdate] Enable silent updates for single user and standalone installs (VB-76202)
[Address bar] Field drop down no longer drops down (VB-81079)
[Address bar] URL bar keeps restoring its original content when you’re typing (VB-80330)
[Address bar] URL doesn’t update if URL is clicked from dropdown field (VB-81214)
[Address bar][Linux] Using the middle click to close vivaldi://startpage/ tab pastes clipboard content (VB-79118)
[Autoupdate] Notification message shows in popup windows (VB-80835)
[Autoupdate] Show reason for update errors (VB-81359)
[Autoupdate] Show the next Vivaldi version in the popup (VB-80034)
[Autoupdate] vivaldi://about/ should show pending update (VB-80211)
[Bookmarks] Description box limited to two lines (VB-81164)
[Bookmarks] Middle click on a bookmark in the bookmark bar doesn’t open it in a new tab (VB-80848)
[Bookmarks] dialog is displayed above pop-up window when address bar is at the bottom (VB-56828)
[Bookmarks][Keyboard] Folder can not be cut and pasted (VB-79848)
[Capture] Rewrite UI: code cleanup only, it should work the same (VB-59680)
[Chromium] Upgraded to 92.0.4515.126
[Crash] After restoring a tab where a page action was applied (VB-81178)
[Crash] Popup windows in Guest window hangs the browser (VB-80428)
[Developer Tools][Keyboard] When opened via shortcut in popup it executes in main window instead of popup (VB-81142)
[Downloads] File name gets encoded in UTF-8 (VB-54162)
[Downloads] “Resume Download” icon should be Play ▶️ not Pause ⏸️ (VB-78229)
[History] Deleted items are not removed from list (VB-81048)
[Keyboard] Setting Alt+F4 or Shift+Alt+F4 as a hotkey works but it still acts as exit (VB-60364)
[Keyboard] Shortcuts executed in popup execute in main window instead (VB-80715)
[Keyboard] “Apple Events” keyboard shortcut should only be visible on macOS (VB-81514)
[Media][Windows] Video does not play on (VB-72037)
[Menus] Alt-menu does not work in full-screen mode (VB-81467)
[Menus] Emojis get underlined (VB-80397)
[Menus][History] Empty context menu (VB-78013)
[Menus][Settings][Keyboard] Some shortcuts are not shown (VB-81446)
[Notes] Opening attachments makes the browser behave buggy (VB-80338)
[Notes][Menus][Panels] Items in the panel do not get greyed out when cut via context menu (VB-80367)
[Panels] Floating Panel does not close when moving mouse outside or clicking (VB-80574)
[Panels][Bookmarks] Thumbnail position is fixed and does not move as the panel is expanded (VB-81253)
[Panels][Notes] Adding attachment in floating panels broken (VB-80786)
[Panels][Notes] Remove attachment looks wrong (VB-80744)
[Popout Video] Picture-in-picture back to tab button does not work as intended (VB-65734)
[Quick Commands] ESC closes instead of clearing input (VB-80084)
[Quick Commands][Keyboard][Windows][Linux]] Add Ctrl+E as additional default (VB-80836)
[Reader] Display expected Read Time (VB-81069)
[Reader] Doesn’t display the correct reading time (VB-81639)
[Reader] Update external library (VB-81130)
[Reader][Start page] View button unnecessarily available (VB-78671)
[Reader][Themes] Style button invisible in certain themes (VB-81136)
[Settings] Quick Commands always appear in setting search (VB-80210)
[Settings] Search can break (VB-76005)
[Settings] Unticking ‘Allow Drag and Drop Reordering’ also hides thumbnail control buttons (VB-75041)
[Spatial Navigation] Stopped working on pages with iframes (VB-81316)
[Start page] Video conferences appearing as background when a new tab is open (VB-81002)
[Sync] Disabled notification opens in the main window not pop up dialog (VB-81040)
[Tabs] Cancelling tab dragging makes tab activate title bar dragging (VB-80787)
[Tabs] Links opened from a tab stack are opened next to the tab stack instead of the end of the tab bar (VB-80359)
[Tabs] Moving tabs in guest windows is impossible (VB-79215)
[Tabs] Pinned tabs take up too much space on move (VB-80681)
[Tabs] Significantly less room for Speed Dial tabs (VB-79317)
[Tabs] Slow when dragging tabs (VB-80372)
[Tabs] Stacked tab can move the whole tab stack to right or left instead of just the tab itself (VB-81249)
[Tabs] Tab bar breaks after trying to close tab utilizing window.onbeforeunload (VB-81542)
[Tabs] Tab doesn’t get removed from stack when multiple tabs are selected (VB-79135)
[Tabs] Unread tabs marked as Read in Tab Stacks (VB-12966)
[Tabs] Vertical tabs scroll up when I switch to fullscreen and back to normal (VB-33963)
[Tabs] When tiled tab is closed after tiling width has been changed, corresponding tiled area becomes grey (VB-75322)
[Tabs][Menus] Change “Ungroup Tab Stack” to “Unstack Tabs (x Tabs)” (VB-78650)
[Tabs][Performance] Creating new tabs takes too long: minor improvement (VB-81059)
[Themes] Themes in Private Windows render incorrectly (VB-80351)
[Translate] Certain combinations of bold and proceeding text is not translated (VB-79675)
[Translate] Hebrew not detected correctly (VB-80413)
[UI] The Default browser Call-to-action may cover a dialog (VB-80697)
[User Agent] Add Mojeek to list of search engines that get the real User Agent (VB-65894)
[Windows][Update] Use scheduler for system installs (VB-80999)
[Windows][Linux] Password import from Chrome/Chromium is not possible (VB-78286)
Mail, Calendar & Feed Reader Beta.
[Calendar Beta] Calendar selector clipped in event dialog (VB-80869)
[Calendar Beta] Creating timed task fails for non UTC timezones (VB-81146)
[Calendar Beta] Event without duration marked as All Day (VB-81037)
[Calendar Beta] Google Tasks should sync due with correct with date and time (VB-81072)
[Calendar Beta] Incorrect time in tooltip for tasks (VB-81157)
[Calendar Beta] Incorrect week number shown (VB-80977)
[Calendar Beta] Keyboard navigation bugs in agenda view (VB-80412)
[Calendar Beta] Newline in event title when creating event using keyboard (VB-81250)
[Calendar Beta] Newly created all day task is one day late (VB-81207)
[Calendar Beta][Menus] Copy link URL from Edit pane with context menu fails (VB-77377)
[Feeds Beta] Adding feeds from two sources with the same title displays them in a single feed (VB-80876)
[Mail Beta] Error in console “Listener already exists: vivaldi.rss.settings” when setting up mail account (VB-80209)
[Mail Beta] Errors in console during onboarding (VB-80162)
[Mail Beta] IMAP connections stop working (VB-81623)
[Mail Beta] Import from M2 fails if contacts.adr is not found (VB-81320)
[Mail Beta] Message action icons in the top right corner overlap search field in scaled window (VB-70096)
[Mail Beta] Message body does not display when new mail notification is clicked (VB-81226)
[Mail Beta] New contacts in received mails (from/to/cc) make contact filters that are set to HIGH priority (VB-81211)
[Mail Beta] Prefetching does not resume after reconnect (VB-81533)
[Mail Beta] Translation missing in mail client (VB-19931)
[Mail Beta][Calendar Beta] Onboarding not closed on click outside (VB-80174)
[Mail Beta][Keyboard] Rename mailing list with F2 broken (VB-80270)
[Mail Beta][Settings] Should offer to turn on logging for SMTP as well as IMAP (VB-81421)
[Mail Beta][Themes] Changing breaks video playback (VB-76563)

mats_b_tegner 08-07-2021 03:28 AM

Two minor updates to Vivaldi Desktop 4.1 (2369.18):

The following improvements were made since the initial 4.1 stable release:
[Chromium] Upgraded to 92.0.4515.134
[Linux] Chromium browsers fail to start with systemd-resolved version 249 (VB-81641)
Revert: [Capture] Rewrite UI: it caused problems for some users (VB-59680)

The Linux amd64 DEB package ends with a version number that is slightly different than the other packages but it is functionally the same.
The following improvements were made since the first 4.1 stable, minor update:
[Translate][Crash] When translating certain websites (VB-81187)
[Media][Windows] No sound on some media after installing the AV1 video extension codec (VB-81392)

Skaendo 08-07-2021 01:10 PM


Originally Posted by mats_b_tegner (Post 6273236)
Two minor updates to Vivaldi Desktop 4.1 (2369.18)

And I still see/have issues.

mats_b_tegner 08-21-2021 03:27 AM

Third minor update to Vivaldi Desktop 4.1 (2369.21)

The following improvements were made since the second 4.1 stable, minor update:
[Chromium] Upgraded to 92.0.4515.159
[Calendar Beta] CalDAV iCal Location is not synched (VB-82101)
[Calendar Beta] Changing event calendar does not update events on server (VB-82030)
[Calendar Beta] Creating a task will move view to January 1970 (VB-82132)
[Mail Beta] Import IMAP from Opera M2 does not add custom IMAP folders (VB-81691)
[Mail Beta] Import from M2 does not add filters for accounts (VB-82091)
[Mail Beta] Import from M2 pop has errors in console (VB-82155)
[Mail Beta] Imported Unknown Folder (VB-81273)
[Mail Beta] Search with keywords (from:, subject:) is broken (VB-59230)
[Mail Beta] Sent emails with inline images are not rendered correctly in Outlook 2013 (VB-82010)
[Mail Beta] Signature not retaining formatting (line-break) when replying to an HTML email (VB-77299)
[Mail Beta] Some imported Opera M2 NNTP messages get their own folder (VB-80549)
[Mail Beta] Subscribe and unsubscribe affected by selected folder when right-clicking another folder (VB-81726)
[Mail Beta] Treat sender as mailing list works only after manually rerunning the filter (VB-80285)
[Mail Beta] Draft message goes into Unknown imported folder (VB-81343)
[Mail Beta] When importing POP accounts, messages without any folder name should be inbox (VB-81348)

cwizardone 09-10-2021 06:21 PM

Recently I received an e-mail from the "Vivaldi Team" saying that,

Vivaldi is now the default browser on the Arch-based Linux distribution Manjaro on its Cinnamon edition,.........
As Vivaldi is not considered to be open source I image that must be ruffling some feathers among some of their users.

Gerard Lally 09-10-2021 07:10 PM


Originally Posted by cwizardone (Post 6283164)
Recently I received an e-mail from the "Vivaldi Team" saying that,

Vivaldi is now the default browser on the Arch-based Linux distribution Manjaro on its Cinnamon edition

As Vivaldi is not considered to be open source I image that must be ruffling some feathers among some of their users.

Great! Well done, Manjaro! Anything that accelerates the demise of Mozilla with their "manifesto" (when did we elect them to speak on our behalf?) and their multi-million Google tie-up is A Good Thing.

Skaendo 09-10-2021 09:37 PM


Originally Posted by cwizardone (Post 6283164)
Recently I received an e-mail from the "Vivaldi Team" saying that,

As Vivaldi is not considered to be open source I image that must be ruffling some feathers among some of their users.

Here is the blog post, it was just yesterday:

cwizardone 09-11-2021 11:59 AM


Originally Posted by Gerard Lally (Post 6283175)
Great! Well done, Manjaro! Anything that accelerates the demise of Mozilla with their "manifesto" (when did we elect them to speak on our behalf?) and their multi-million Google tie-up is A Good Thing.

How about security?
I've just spent several minutes scanning a few articles on web browser security and Firefox was considered the "best" in each case.
OTOH, it doesn't matter. As long as Vivaldi reports itself as chrome it will never be my regular browser.

FTIO 09-12-2021 04:19 AM


Originally Posted by Gerard Lally (Post 6283175)
Great! Well done, Manjaro! Anything that accelerates the demise of Mozilla with their "manifesto" (when did we elect them to speak on our behalf?) and their multi-million Google tie-up is A Good Thing.

What "manifesto" are you talking about?

What does "...multi-million Google tie-up..." mean?

Not trying to be snide or snarky, honestly asking what those two things are.

Gerard Lally 09-12-2021 05:50 AM


Originally Posted by FTIO (Post 6283471)
What "manifesto" are you talking about?

What does "...multi-million Google tie-up..." mean?

Not trying to be snide or snarky, honestly asking what those two things are.

The Mozilla Manifesto.

Off the top of my head I can remember at least one occasion when Mozilla teamed up with Google and other US tech giants to block the Kazakhstan government taking action inside its own borders. I don't care what the Kazakhstan government were doing ; I don't care about the rights and wrongs. It's not up to US tech giants to interfere in the political or social affairs of any other country. Some of them also made veiled threats to withdraw from Ireland if certain referendums in recent years didn't go the way they wanted.

Nobody elected Mozilla to speak on our behalf, to "protect" us from Russia and its allies (Kazakhstan among them), to intervene wherever Mozilla think security and privacy have been violated, or to unilaterally bestow upon themselves jurisdiction over the internet, no matter what their intentions. If they want to make the transition from tech organisation to political party let them be open about it, instead of hiding behind their syrupy manifestos which do nothing more than pay lip service to users' rights, while they violate those rights themselves by sabotaging the work of elected representatives in another country.

Mozilla and Google interfere with democratically-elected government in Kazakhstan

hish2021 09-12-2021 06:40 AM


Originally Posted by FTIO (Post 6283471)
What does "...multi-million Google tie-up..." mean?

I think that refers to revenue from Google for having Google's search engine as default in Firefox.

For example:

... By Mozilla's numbers, then, Google paid it around $397 million in 2019 for default place of pride in Firefox. ...

philanc 09-12-2021 11:01 AM


Originally Posted by Gerard Lally (Post 6283175)
Great! Well done, Manjaro! Anything that accelerates the demise of Mozilla with their "manifesto" (when did we elect them to speak on our behalf?) and their multi-million Google tie-up is A Good Thing.


Originally Posted by Gerard Lally (Post 6283487)
The Mozilla Manifesto.

Off the top of my head I can remember at least one occasion when Mozilla teamed up with Google and other US tech giants to block the Kazakhstan government taking action inside its own borders. I don't care what the Kazakhstan government were doing ; I don't care about the rights and wrongs. It's not up to US tech giants to interfere in the political or social affairs of any other country. Some of them also made veiled threats to withdraw from Ireland if certain referendums in recent years didn't go the way they wanted. [...]

I don't understand your position here. You wish "the demise of Mozilla" because they teamed up with Google to interfere in the internal affairs of foreign countries, because they are paid by Google for most of their resources (and thus under some Google influence).

By your own account, Google looks guilty of at least the same sins. This would imply that you wish even more strongly "the demise of Google", right?

Any plan to boycott Chrome/chromium/webkit-based browsers beyond Mozilla?

PS. Regarding their "syrupy manifesto", I guess you have the same critical views regarding the overall Google public communication, including their historical "don't be evil" motto (discreetly retired in 2018)

Gerard Lally 09-12-2021 03:21 PM


Originally Posted by philanc (Post 6283541)
I don't understand your position here. You wish "the demise of Mozilla" because they teamed up with Google to interfere in the internal affairs of foreign countries, because they are paid by Google for most of their resources (and thus under some Google influence).

By your own account, Google looks guilty of at least the same sins. This would imply that you wish even more strongly "the demise of Google", right?

Any plan to boycott Chrome/chromium/webkit-based browsers beyond Mozilla?

PS. Regarding their "syrupy manifesto", I guess you have the same critical views regarding the overall Google public communication, including their historical "don't be evil" motto (discreetly retired in 2018)

It's not hard to understand. People elect representatives to take decisions on their behalf; they don't elect private foundations or corporate tech giants to do so, at least not outside the US. So if Mozilla, Google, Microsoft, Facebook, Twitter and the rest want to dictate how people are governed in other countries, then yes, I hope for their speedy demise. The internet can go back to html and css ; no need for JavaScript. So it should be easy to come up with successors to Firefox and Chrome and all their clones. We never voted for Mozilla or Google or Microsoft to represent us, to speak on our behalf, to override political decisions far beyond their jurisdiction, to claim they are defending our security and privacy. If the price of their demise is a return to a more primitive web, then great! I'd be only too delighted.

dubfan 09-12-2021 04:07 PM


Originally Posted by Gerard Lally (Post 6283623)
It's not hard to understand. People elect representatives to take decisions on their behalf; they don't elect private foundations or corporate tech giants to do so, at least not outside the US. So if Mozilla, Google, Microsoft, Facebook, Twitter and the rest want to dictate how people are governed in other countries, then yes, I hope for their speedy demise. The internet can go back to html and css ; no need for JavaScript. So it should be easy to come up with successors to Firefox and Chrome and all their clones. We never voted for Mozilla or Google or Microsoft to represent us, to speak on our behalf, to override political decisions far beyond their jurisdiction, to claim they are defending our security and privacy. If the price of their demise is a return to a more primitive web, then great! I'd be only too delighted.

Agreed, the trend of corporations injecting themselves into social issues that are at best tangentially relevant to their mission is one of many recent trends that I strongly dislike. Mozilla has been particularly egregious here. Their CEO's salary has increased while Firefox's market share has dropped precipitously, they have made public statements that I interpret as directly hostile to freedom of speech and expression, and their foundation behaves more like an activist NGO than a vehicle for advancement of Internet technologies. Google is hardly much better but at least Chromium is a quality product. Unfortunately modern web APIs are so complex now that implementations more or less require a level of investment and resources that only large corporations can provide. There are alternative engines out there, but the tradeoffs in functionality are quite large.

FTIO 09-13-2021 05:35 AM


Originally Posted by Gerard Lally (Post 6283487)
The Mozilla Manifesto.

Off the top of my head I can remember at least one occasion when Mozilla teamed up with Google and other US tech giants to block the Kazakhstan government taking action inside its own borders. I don't care what the Kazakhstan government were doing ; I don't care about the rights and wrongs. It's not up to US tech giants to interfere in the political or social affairs of any other country. Some of them also made veiled threats to withdraw from Ireland if certain referendums in recent years didn't go the way they wanted.

Nobody elected Mozilla to speak on our behalf, to "protect" us from Russia and its allies (Kazakhstan among them), to intervene wherever Mozilla think security and privacy have been violated, or to unilaterally bestow upon themselves jurisdiction over the internet, no matter what their intentions. If they want to make the transition from tech organisation to political party let them be open about it, instead of hiding behind their syrupy manifestos which do nothing more than pay lip service to users' rights, while they violate those rights themselves by sabotaging the work of elected representatives in another country.

Mozilla and Google interfere with democratically-elected government in Kazakhstan

Meh...I see nothing dire nor nefarious in anything they have in the Manifest nor what they did with/during the Kazakhsatan thing. My only concern is that Mozilla stop its dealings with Google, since Google is the one who is nefarious in its operations as far as I'm concerned.

Gerard Lally 09-13-2021 10:00 AM


Originally Posted by FTIO (Post 6283773)
Meh...I see nothing dire nor nefarious in anything they have in the Manifest nor what they did with/during the Kazakhsatan thing. My only concern is that Mozilla stop its dealings with Google, since Google is the one who is nefarious in its operations as far as I'm concerned.

Mozilla, together with the other US tech giants, moved to block the implementation of a Kazakh government decree. If it doesn't concern you that private, unelected foundations and corporations in the US, with no mandate whatsoever to represent anyone, can interfere in the affairs of a sovereign government elsewhere, just because that government is an ally of Russia, then don't complain when they do the same to you, or when the Russians interfere in your politics.

Once again, a private foundation taking clear sides in the anti-Russia hysteria gripping the US is not a foundation representing me or in any way protecting my online security and privacy.

philanc 09-13-2021 12:31 PM


Originally Posted by Gerard Lally (Post 6283623)
It's not hard to understand. People elect representatives to take decisions on their behalf; [...]

No, what I don't understand is not that. What I don't understand is the following:

By your own account, Google does the same things that Mozilla does. Given their market share, Google's decision impact in the Kazakhstan case you cited is obviously much larger than Mozilla's decision.

In your first post, regarding Manjaro replacing Firefox with Vivaldi, you said:


Great! Well done, Manjaro! Anything that accelerates the demise of Mozilla with their "manifesto" (when did we elect them to speak on our behalf?) and their multi-million Google tie-up is A Good Thing.
So, no, I don't understand how "losing" firefox and replacing it with a Goggle-based browser is a good thing for you.

I think that an absolute Google monopoly on browsers is a real risk for all of us (and yes, I am worried when I see that Google is by far the main cash resource for Mozilla).

Gerard Lally 09-13-2021 01:07 PM


Originally Posted by philanc (Post 6283868)
So, no, I don't understand how "losing" firefox and replacing it with a Goggle-based browser is a good thing for you.

I never replaced Firefox, since I never used it. But I agree : I'm not happy we're essentially reduced to three browser engines, and Vivaldi uses one of them. This is offset by the Vivaldi team's respect for the user, not on any political stance beyond their remit.

I also use -- increasingly so -- Safari on the iPad, and Qutebrowser. When you're 54, diabetic, and not sure whether you have five, ten or twenty years left, you opt for pragmatism over principle. That doesn't mean you're happy with the direction these foundations and companies are taking the web.

philanc 09-13-2021 01:56 PM


Originally Posted by Gerard Lally (Post 6283821)
Mozilla, together with the other US tech giants, moved to block the implementation of a Kazakh government decree. [...]

Google, Apple, Mozilla did not block the implementation of a Kazakh government decree. I don't see any sovereignty issue here.

On one hand, any company in the free world, is free to make any modification to their products. But they have to live with the consequences: They will be able to sell or distribute it as long as the product respects the local, country-enforced regulations for each of their target markets.

On the other hand, the sovereign Kazakh government can pass any internet legislation they see fit, mandating the use of their own CA. Then, they should ban any product not complying with their laws and regulations.

They could force their own browser on to their people. And they could even just take Firefox or Chromium source (that's the beauty of Open Source!), make it compliant to their regulations and so, with a very small investment, produce their own mandatory-for-all Kazakh-browser.


Originally Posted by Gerard Lally (Post 6283879)
[...] When you're 54, [...] you opt for pragmatism over principle. That doesn't mean you're happy with the direction these foundations and companies are taking the web.

On this, I couldn't agree more..!

mats_b_tegner 09-14-2021 02:56 PM

Vivaldi Desktop 4.2 RC

mats_b_tegner 09-15-2021 03:53 AM

Vivaldi Desktop 4.2 (2406.44)

Vivaldi on Desktop Changelog from 4.1 to 4.2
• [New][Translate] Selected text on web pages (VB-80726)
• [New][QR][Commands][Keyboard][Gestures] Add an option to create QR codes more easily (VB-82045)
• [New][Panels] Offer a scrollbar so that more web panels are possible (VB-35633)
• [New][Search] Add Neeva search engine for American English users (VB-82474)
• [New][Bookmarks] Create a special favicon for bookmarklets with protocol javascript: (VB-20247)
• [New][Commands][Keyboard][Gestures] Add command for “Go to Parent Directory” (VB-82462)
• [New][Commands][Keyboard][Gestures] Add command for “Minimize All” (VB-82478)
• [New][Menus] Add menu option to open link in a specific browser window (VB-78071)
• [Address Bar] Collapses when opening nested popup (VB-80030)
• [Address bar][QR] Scanning icon is blurry (VB-82442)
• [Bookmarks] Make all bookmarklet icons look the same (VB-82589)
• [Bookmarks] Open a bookmark folder opens tabs with separator’s URLs (VB-82038)
• [Bookmarks] Wrong sort order on the bookmark bar (VB-82084)
• [Calendar Beta] Add calendar button in the status bar (VB-57571)
• [Calendar Beta] CalDAV invalid sync token or out of sync (VB-82591)
• [Calendar Beta] Changing colors and names for Web Calendars doesn’t work (VB-81872)
• [Calendar Beta] Comma in the title is escaped with backslash (VB-76073)
• [Calendar Beta] Import iCal file into CalDAV calendar does not upload events to the server (VB-80968)
• [Calendar Beta] Incorrect jumping of days when moving down in month view (VB-65345)
• [Calendar Beta] Keyboard navigation breaks for the long events (VB-79067)
• [Calendar Beta] Notification dismisses a currently shown one (VB-82176)
• [Calendar Beta] Open during onboarding opens a duplicate tab (VB-82248)
• [Calendar Beta] Recurring task created with incorrect duration (VB-82032)
• [Calendar Beta] Setting up CalDAV iCloud account hangs (VB-82615)
• [Calendar Beta] Wrong color for – and + buttons in Popup editor (VB-82223)
• [Chains] Periodic Reload only works at 60 seconds (VB-81363)
• [Chains][Settings] Does not appear in Quick Actions, unless “Bookmarks” is checked in ‘Quick Commands > Search Types and Priority’ (VB-81869)
• [Chains][Settings] Use Label as Tooltip (VB-81559)
• [Chromium] Upgraded to 93.0.4577.83
• [Contacts Beta] Quickly deleting many recipients from composer freezes browser (VB-82385)
• [Crash] On inserting a note in a form on a Guest Window (VB-82621)
• [Crash] When opening links from private window popup (VB-82142)
• [Crash] When wheel-clicking quoted tweets (VB-77203)
• [Developer Tools] Can not inspect iframe (VB-82239)
• [Extensions] Clicking extension action buttons in popup fails (VB-82560)
• [Extensions] browser action popup window confirm does not work (VB-28498)
• [Extensions] chrome.extension.getViews({ type: ‘popup’ }) is suppose to return an empty array if the popup window is not open (VB-81714)
• [Fullscreen] F11 does not work on second screen (VB-64437)
• [Fullscreen] Statusbar not hidden in fullscreen although disabled in settings (VB-70712)
• [Fullscreen] Still in Video fullscreen on second screen if focused away (VB-64433)
• [Fullscreen] Tab bar, the address bar, and status bar not visible if Vivaldi is restarted full screen (VB-76024)
• [Fullscreen][Panels] Reopening in fullscreen hides / shows the panel (VB-50996)
• [macOS] Can’t paste URL into the new tab address bar with the mouse (VB-61371)
• [macOS] Ignore temporary connectivity issues for upgrade notification (VB-82264)
• [macOS] No menu or settings entry to disable spell checking (VB-22298)
• [macOS] “Quit Vivaldi” appears twice in Command Chains (VB-80314)
• [macOS][Menus] Paste & Match Style command is missing (VB-81223)
• [Mail Beta] Add option for Mail search using enter key rather than onKeyDown (VB-82160)
• [Mail Beta] Allow importing from another source without closing the dialog (VB-82426)
• [Mail Beta] Compose buttons should not be placed beside the history buttons (VB-82341)
• [Mail Beta] Enabling accounts after import fails (VB-80613)
• [Mail Beta] Import from M2 with no username makes invalid accounts (VB-82399)
• [Mail Beta] Needs to be smarter at handling brackets in URLs (VB-48850)
• [Mail Beta] No mail selected when clicking the folder in mail panel (VB-36349)
• [Mail Beta] Not reconnecting to IMAP server after hibernation (VB-82395)
• [Mail Beta] Render colored icons in mail flag menus (VB-82226)
• [Mail Beta] Reset search when filter text is cleared (VB-82267)
• [Mail Beta] Saved filters fail to filter from: and to: correctly (VB-82676)
• [Mail Beta] Saved searches return all messages when there is no match (VB-82678)
• [Mail Beta] Scheduled theme causes open mail item to reload, losing scroll position (VB-69313)
• [Mail Beta] Search for to, cc, bcc does not work when prefetch is turned on (VB-82420)
• [Mail Beta] Searching for emails fails when no space between from: to: or cc: and email (VB-82677)
• [Mail Beta] Status bar mail popup list emails are not being marked as read (VB-78551)
• [Mail Beta] The count of new unread messages shows unread +1 (VB-80782)
• [Menus] %s in the context menu with certain languages applied (VB-81553)
• [Menus] Capitalization wrong in the main menu (VB-81712)
• [Menus] Incorrect shortcut rendering in Menu Settings (VB-81492)
• [Menus] Menu is visible in fullscreen mode (VB-81692)
• [Menus] Wrong underlining of numbered menu items (VB-82257)
• [Notes][Panels] Edit area remembers where expansion ended even when the expansion was over the limit (VB-64703)
• [Reader] View icon visible on Start Page (VB-71136)
• [Search] Update DuckDuckGo search favicon (VB-82131)
• [Settings] Rename ‘home’ to ‘homepage’ under ‘Keyboard > Page’ (VB-81710)
• [Settings] “Minimize All” does not work on all windows (VB-82486)
• [Settings][Bookmarks] Default Bookmark Bar cannot be changed (VB-81911)
• [Speed Dial] Horizontal Speed Dial page transition is broken (VB-82149)
• [Tabs] Can’t close the tab when “Align Next Close Button” disabled (VB-82222)
• [Tabs] Incorrect inactive tab background with Accordion Tab Stacking on and Transparent Tab Bar on (VB-81579)
• [Tabs] Opening and closing tabs slow with many tabs: work in progress (VB-80215)
• [Tabs] Popup is reloaded when a tab is reloaded (VB-81908)
• [Tabs] Popup title is set on all windows (VB-82553)
• [Tabs] Show popup thumbnail doesn’t update anymore (VB-82036)
• [Tabs] Tab Stack thumbnail preview doesn’t scroll in vertical Tab Bar (VB-76769)
• [Tabs] Vertical tabs have a selection width limit (VB-81938)
• [Tabs] With changing the title is hard to Drag’n’Drop (VB-81437)
• [Tabs] “Remove from Tab Stack” unstacks the entire stack instead of just removing an active tab from the stack (VB-82079)
• [Tabs][Panels][Keyboard] New tab (Ctrl+T) creates two tabs when Windows Panel is visible and Tab Bar is hidden (VB-81887)
• [Themes] Add Issuna theme for Manjaro (VB-82738)
• [Themes] Context menu icons should be rendered white in dark OS theme (VB-82253)
• [Translate] Batch up more strings before sending for translation by throttling scroll events (VB-82489)
• [Updates] Profile selection window on startup interferes with auto-update (VB-82027)
• [User Profiles][Panels] Don’t add default Web Panels to Guest Window (VB-78253)
• [Windows][Linux] Vertical Tab Bar scrollbar width should follow the setting (VB-82266)
• [Zoom] Session restored tab fails to update page zoom correctly (VB-82512)

lovemeslk 09-15-2021 06:54 AM


Originally Posted by cwizardone (Post 5931138)
Perhaps, someone can ease my paranoia and explain how Vivaldi remembers what links I've visited on a page AFTER I've DELETED everything (the history, cookies, cleared the cache, etc.) but the save passwords ?

Google implemented their own password encrypted data base built into the browser. it is based on sqlite. Not very good.
But this is the main reason why it forces you to GPG or Kwallet. Unless the told on start up not to.
Opera does it better. The real issue was many people embed chromium into Steam-Games Games. Skype etc etc. . This caused a ton of
issues every time you started a game.

First Create the cookie that is kept to say I looked at your kwallet or GPG no need to look it up.
Skype does this if you set to auto login. Most builds do then when the cookie expires and it does you are asked to do it again put in your kwallet password set for that program.
Not impressed with google chromium or chrome password manager. It raised a ton of alarms when they implemented it.
Very easy hack if your at someones desktop.

The new audio server built in has been a serious issues. I have no clue why people want to use this huge blob of bugs. or any derivative of it.
Vivaldi just like Opera build there wrapper around it. They call them extensions.

Firefox has really lead the way last 18 months on stability and security.

Most serious programs that encrypt your password associate it with your UUID and IP if either change your encrypted passwords are wiped.
That isn't true for Vivaldi Opera Chromium skype etc etc etc all Chrome stuff.

Gerard Lally 09-15-2021 11:59 AM


Originally Posted by lovemeslk (Post 6284342)
The new audio server built in has been a serious issues. I have no clue why people want to use this huge blob of bugs. or any derivative of it.
Vivaldi just like Opera build there wrapper around it. They call them extensions.

Firefox has really lead the way last 18 months on stability and security.

How is that even measurable? I've been using Vivaldi since the beginning and it's never once been unstable. It's extremely fast, and renders all pages properly. As for security, I keep passwords on my phone, in an offline manager. I have a script blocker in Vivaldi. The web is more insecure than the browser, and if you have script blocking on all domains but the parent domain, you cut out -- I would imagine -- 99 percent of attacks, no matter what browser you use. Sure, the Vivaldi UI might be insecure (is it programmed in Electron or something like that?), but then, so might the Firefox UI. It's not that long since Firefox went through a major overhaul -- has anyone audited all the new browser code since?

cwizardone 09-15-2021 12:34 PM

Thanks for the information.
BTW, isn't Opera (really in name only) owned by a Chinese government controlled investment group?

ruario 09-15-2021 01:48 PM


Originally Posted by mats_b_tegner (Post 6284325)

You can fetch my personal repack here if you like:

vivaldi-stable-4.2.2406.44-x86_64-1ruario.txz (hosted on since I am a Vivaldi employee)

(This file has a SHA256 sum of 'ce835880d5d5a2e4b78796967376fdb391bc854a9b8c6feff69c2451fe852f21')

This was repacked with this script:

(a copy is also installed in the doc directory after install)

Note: Unlike SBo, I am using a packaging naming convention that is like the official (rpm/deb) packages ('vivaldi-stable' instead of just 'vivaldi'). As such, if you had an SBo version before you should upgrade like so:


upgradepkg vivaldi%vivaldi-stable-4.2.2406.44-x86_64-1ruario.txz

ruario 09-28-2021 10:09 AM

I usually avoid posting about updates here because others tend to do it anyway and if I did it, it might look like spam. However, since nobody has mentioned it yet and because the update today includes a fix for CVE-2021-37973 (which is exploited in the wild), I will break my rule this time and mention that we have a minor update:

As before, here is a package:


Note: See my previous comment about the script I used to create this and how to upgrade from the SBo version which is differently named.

Skaendo 09-28-2021 03:08 PM


Originally Posted by ruario (Post 6284430)
You can fetch my personal repack here if you like:

vivaldi-stable-4.2.2406.44-x86_64-1ruario.txz (hosted on since I am a Vivaldi employee)

If you are Vivaldi employee, why cant you list your Slackware package on the downloads page with the debs, rpms and exes?

Not complaining, just wondering.

bassmadrigal 09-28-2021 03:21 PM


Originally Posted by ruario (Post 6287508)
I usually avoid posting about updates here because others tend to do it anyway and if I did it, it might look like spam.

I obviously can't speak for everyone, but I certainly wouldn't consider it spam to announce releases of Vivaldi on a thread dedicated to Vivaldi, whether or not it includes a link to your Slackware package.

ruario 09-29-2021 05:11 AM


Originally Posted by Skaendo (Post 6287568)
If you are Vivaldi employee, why cant you list your Slackware package on the downloads page with the debs, rpms and exes?

Yes I could but it is not quite that simple. There are two issues here. First if I offer the Slackware package from the official download page, it becomes official and we have some commitment to then support it going forward. I am the only employee in the company running Slackware and certainly the only one who knows anything about Slackware packaging. If it was official it should be tested (and potentially fixed) before we go live with any release. How should this be handled if I am sick, on vacation or left Vivaldi (I am not planning to do the latter but you get the idea).

The second problem is that offering a download of a single file without some easily understood update method is far from ideal. It is especially important with browsers that you keep them up to date to ensure you are secure. A single file with no easy update mechanism does not handle that.

Normally I maintain the SBo package (at the moment this is not updated purely because we are in RC status for the new release but this is a rare occurrence since Slackware does not churn out new releases all the time). I think that SBo is better for most Slackware users as it is the main third party repository anyway. It is where users go to look for packages first and foremost and many (perhaps most?) also use tools like sbopkg to keep packages in sync and up to date. In addition I offer a script to automate finding and repackaging the latest version.

I think that Slackware users are better placed to use those options than trying to remember to load our site from time to time to look for a new build.

P.S. In case you did not know, the official rpm and deb packages we offer configure a repository for you in post install to help ensure that users using them are up to date. I could have attempted to do something like that in post install on Slackware, i.e. configure a slackpkg+ or slaptget repo but a lot of people do not use either of these. I suspect Sbo with something like sbopkg is far more common. It is also very un-Slackware to attempt to configure repositories for the user in post install. I know this community, I suspect if I did it I would get more complaints than thanks. To be honest I suspect few people would touch my packages again. So I still think SBo is probably the best option in this case to ensure people are up to date and is actually better than offering a native package from our website IMHO. I only do it now because SBo is frozen.

ruario 09-29-2021 05:14 AM


Originally Posted by bassmadrigal (Post 6287572)
I obviously can't speak for everyone, but I certainly wouldn't consider it spam to announce releases of Vivaldi on a thread dedicated to Vivaldi, whether or not it includes a link to your Slackware package.

Yes I guess since I did not create this thread and it has continued independently of me it is not so bad. I just know that in some forums when an employee drops in out of the blue and says, "Hey guys check out my new software" it can go badly. But sure, in this case it is probably OK, which is why I did do it in the end. Also a serious security issue is somewhat of a special case.

ruario 10-01-2021 09:38 AM

Hmm… more security updates (fixes for CVE-2021-37974, CVE-2021-37975 and CVE-2021-37976)


SCerovec 10-02-2021 06:25 AM

And then i have found vivaldi has "split screen" but for tabs =B>

Aaaand, back to Vivaldi once again :hattip:

kgha 10-08-2021 06:41 AM

Vivaldi 4.3:

ruario 10-08-2021 08:45 AM

We have actually had a minor update since that one. ;)

Here is my personal repack of it: vivaldi-stable-4.3.2439.44-x86_64-1ruario.txz

I pretty much always have a repack in that location for my own usage (just adjust the version number). Alternatively, it is repacked with this script if you want/need to do it yourself.

P.S. As much as I like and appreciate people notifying others of updates to our browser, just a heads up, if anyone wants to know when new versions come out and what they include, you can subscribe to the following two RSS feeds:

(There is even a feeds reader built right into Vivaldi that you could use, to subscribe to the above)

If you want to follow the development (snapshot) stream updates as well, use this:

ruario 10-08-2021 09:58 AM

I don't suppose anyone reading this (who uses Vivaldi) is Oslo based? If so could you send me a private message.

Hangaber 10-08-2021 01:34 PM

I just tried Vivaldi a few hours ago and have been using it all morning.
So far - love it! This may be my new primary browser.

(Thanks for the packaging script ruario. Super fast and convenient building the latest version on current.)

ruario 10-29-2021 11:55 AM

Another Chromium security issue being exploited in the wild (there are actually 2 in Chr95 but we are following the 94 extended release cycle and security updates for the time being)


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