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jong357 07-09-2007 12:50 AM

Vanilla Gnome 2.18.3 for Slackware 12
Gnome 2.20.0 is out now. To see the latest version go directly to:

Greets all. I'm wrapping up my build scripts for Gnome-2.18.3 and thought I'd share them with everyone here. It's fully automated and builds/installs Slackware packages as it goes. Everything runs smooth as silk (the scripts and Gnome itself) and I don't see any imediate problems with anything. I'll just post my README here instead of regurgitating it. If you decide to use it, have fun and feedback is always welcome.

If your only running 1024x768 res, then it's pretty annoying reading it here. Go to the link above and read it.

Originally Posted by GNOME.README

Vanilla Gnome 2.18.3 for Slackware 12.0
State = final

This is a fully automated build process for Gnome-2.18.3 intended for
use on Slackware 12.0 (A fresh and full install).. Just cd into the
'gnome' directory and execute ''..
The script takes 2 arguements: install and uninstall.

This is how "I" build gnome. It's a stripped down version that doesn't
even come close to what other GNOME offerings provide. For the most part,
I'm making these scripts for myself and not anyone else. If you have the
same prefrences as I do when it comes to Gnome, then I think you'll be
happy with this.

My intent for Gnome on Slackware has always been simple. Build a
non-intrusive Gnome Desktop that holds true to the way Pat V. used to
build it. Straight up vanilla with no frills. Rampant package replacement
for tiny little enhancements or "bug-fixes" is unacceptable IMO... Bug fixes
need to originate from "proper" slackware channels, not from third parties.
If there is something wrong with a package listed in "stock-packages", the
best we can do is to email Pat and kindly ask him to fix it, or better yet,
provide a patch.

The only 2 packages that will get replaced on a stock Slackware system are
gnome-icon-theme and Firefox. Slackware is noted for not having a wide
array of multimedia apps (tho it seems alot better on 12.0) and I'm not
not willing to pick up the 'slack' with building them. Again, general
multimedia libs have no place in a GNOME offering but instead should
originate from proper Slackware channels. gst-plugins should still have
a fair ammount of support though if you've done a full install.

Here are the directories/files and their meanings:

stock-packages ------- These should already be installed by Slackware 12.
                    - If they're not, then install the official Slackware
                    - versions of them before you begin.

source.htm ----------- This is for people who may need to manually download
                    - the source code on another computer, Windows based or
                    - otherwise. As long as the source is in it's proper
                    - directory, the build scripts won't attempt to grab them.

gnome-2.18.3.tar.bz2 - This is everything (minus the source) tared up. Just
                    - download this, extract it and cd into the 'gnome'
                    - directory and:
                    - sh install
                    - You do need an active internet connection for automatic
                    - source fetching.

gnome/ --------------- All the build scripts here will be run to build
                    - a "lite" version of gnome-2.18.3. Obviously, "lite"
                    - means everything that's in this directory and nothing
                    - else. I have zero interest in epiphany, evolution and
                    - other GNOME packages that are intended to ship with the
                    - GNOME Desktop. It's just a matter of personal prefrence,
                    - allthough, nothing is preventing you from building said
                    - packages yourself.

gnome/ ------- Parent run script which takes arguements. Call it
                    - solo to see the options AND important information
                    - concerning the word uninstall process.

gnome/Build-Order ---- This file is used by '' to determine our build
                    - order. Don't delete anything from this unless your sure
                    - it's ok. If it's not in Build-Order, then it won't get
                    - built.

variables ------------ These are user defined variables. You can safely
                    - change any of them; as long as you understand what
                    - they mean and do... Make sure you look at this before
                    - you begin.

word/ ---------------- All the build scripts here will be run to build abiword,
                    - gnumeric and supporting dependencies. You must run ''
                    - before attempting to build this directory.

word/ --------- Parent run script which takes arguements. Call it
                    - solo to see the options.

word/Build-Order ----- This file is used by '' to determine our build
                    - order. Don't delete anything from this unless your sure
                    - it's ok. If it's not in Build-Order, then it won't get
                    - built.

****** - If stops for any reason (it shouldn't), all you have to do is
*NOTE* - fix the cause of the error and run the script again. It will pick up
****** - right where it left off (trying to build the same package that errored).
      - Same thing applies for the '' script.
      - Also, if you want to rebuild a package of the _SAME_ $VERSION, for what ever
      - reason, that has already been built/installed, do this:
      - 1.) manually 'removepkg' on what ever it is you want to rebuild.
      - 2.) delete the coresponding package name from /var/log/gnome-2.18.3/MANIFEST
      - 3.) run the parent script again. (sh install)

      - But that's ONLY if your rebuilding the same $VERSION number of said package.
      - The script will automatically 'upgradepkg' where apropriate so don't worry
      - about doing the above if your upgrading to a new version of whatever package.

      - If you try and use this 'automatic' upgrade feature to go from 2.18.3 to
      - 2.20.0, I can't guarantee that you'll have a stable Gnome-2.20.0 afterwards.
      - Your more than welcome to try it tho. For that matter, I won't guarantee that
      - just upgrading a few individual package versions within the same Gnome $RELEASE
      - will result in a working Gnome. There is always a risk of breaking things when
      - you upgrade. Use at your own discretion.

      - For example, if you already have 2.18.3 installed and wan't to install 2.20.0,
      - then your best bet is to run "sh uninstall" while you are in fluxbox
      - or at the init3 console, reboot your machine and then run "sh install"
      - on the new version. If you use ANY other method of upgrading, then your on your own.

Ahmed 07-09-2007 09:08 AM

Thank you very much! I've been tearing my hair out over the latest Garnome, and dropline is very nice, but the 2.18.1 beta version is broken at various points, and the stable 2.16.2 doesn't work ideally with my bastardized slackware-current build. Will be testing it when I get home tonight. Thanks again!


MannyNix 07-09-2007 10:06 AM

Excellent job! Great contribution, thanks for sharing!

thegoofeedude 07-09-2007 11:29 AM

Awesome! Looks great, thanks so much for posting this. Just curious, what happens during the uninstall -- do the included packages of firefox, python, and gnome-icon-theme get reinstalled? Or should that be done manually after running the uninstall script?

Ilgar 07-09-2007 11:55 AM

How much disk space does it require? I'm considering installing Gnome on my laptop but I must know how much space there will be left.

AriciU 07-09-2007 01:17 PM

Installed it! :> Thanks my friend. Ran into some small problems with the script. Certain packages wouldn't automaticly installpkg *.tgz after they finished compiling so i had to stop everything, do it by hand (installpkg /src/gnome...packet.tgz), modify the Build.text file or whatever it was called to delete previously installed packages and restart. Got it done (took around 5 hours :o) and i'm now typing from Gnome.

Will try to install compiz-fusion later tonight and hope i get it done without any errors.

Thanks again for your help.

jong357 07-09-2007 01:53 PM

There are a few minoe typos in 4 of the scripts that I somehow overlooked that makes the parent script crap out due to my error trapping. That's what AriciU is talking about. I fixed those. It also brought to light some possible problems with '', which I have revamped also. I had the 3 stock packages being removed at the very beginning which was kinda stupid. Nothing python or firefox related works for a good hour or 2 until it builds the new versions.. Fixed that. I'm uploading new stuff as we speak.

Sorry. Looked like I should have held off another day before posting. I should have everything ironed out by tonite. After my first run I also had problems with the screensavers not working. I also know generally why that happened. If you guys want to give me until tommorrow, everything should be proper before I go to bed tonite EST.

I'm not overly sure how much space it will take up. There is a total of 89 +- 1 packages. I'm guessing around 2-3 hundred MB. Not sure tho. I can explode all my packages in a new directory when I'm done with my second run and post back.

I didn't have the uninstall portion re-install the 3 replaced packages, however I do output a reminder to the console that you need to. I don't really think it's proper to do that. I can wildcard wget to pull the latest version in current but what if people don't want firefox- installed when ever they remove gnome? On the same token, I can pull the original 12.0 packages but then someones going to get iritated that my uninstall just downgraded them... ;) Best to leave that up to the user I think. They're only 3 packages.

I still need to run gtk-update-icon-cache and friends at the very end of the uninstall to tidy up. Seems to be just little piddily stuff left to do... Thanks for the feedback.

jong357 07-09-2007 02:08 PM


Originally Posted by AriciU
modify the Build.text file or whatever it was called to delete previously installed packages and restart.

Also, you shouldn't have to do this. Right after a package is sucessfully built and installed it cats the package name to a /var/log/gnome-2.18.3/MANIFEST file. Since we are in a for loop during, checking against the MANIFEST before a package is built, the script will pick up where it left off if it errors out. The previous packages will be correct and properly built/installed.

But anyhoo... It shouldn't error out anymore and run to completion. Just to clarify, Build-Order.txt is meant to not be touched, unless there is something you don't want built. But if you start doing that, then your playing with fire. If you delete a required dep then it will bomb out. The MANIFEST file is the one that's OK to manipulate, but.... That's also the file that's used for the uninstall process so you have to be carefull deleting stuff from that otherwise you'll have cruft left over after an uninstall (unless you manually removepkg as well).

b3rx 07-09-2007 09:01 PM

i have installed your slack build and ended up with a gnome that doesnt have any menu items on its menu. im not sure what thing when wrong, and also when i tried to run alacarte in the terminal it gives an exception that there are not such python module gnomevfs. can anyone help me?

edit: regarding your totem build, could it be possible to use the xlib? rather than using gstreamer?

jong357 07-09-2007 09:33 PM

I was hoping people would get the hint from my earlier post and not try this until I was done with it. I already stated I posted prematurely. Everything worked for me before because I was on my first development run and I was catching subtle things as they happened. My python section still needs work. It's skipping over the second pass as of now (which probably accounts for all of your errors). I need to run this thru atleast one or two more times before everything falls into place. is an if/then nightmare and what seems to be happening is when I scoot stuff around I'm breaking other things. Just wait til tommorow and I should have all the kinks worked out.

I just found it. I had an elif in there that should have been fi ; if. I've made into a conditional nightmare that winds up making it very tricky to add/remove/change stuff. If I break an earlier statement, I don't know about it until I run it from the beginning again because I've already successfully built that portion before I inadvertently broke it with a later modification... ;)

AriciU downloaded an earlier version of which didn't have these stupid mistakes... Which is why everything worked for me as well after the first run minus the screensavers.

jong357 07-09-2007 10:22 PM


Originally Posted by b3rx
edit: regarding your totem build, could it be possible to use the xlib? rather than using gstreamer?

Well, you can if you wan't. I'm a purist and totem is esentially a gstreamer app IMO. Just ./configure --help from within the totem source and it'll tell you what switch you need to add to the totem.SlackBuild. Remove the totem line from /var/log/gnome-2.18.3/MANIFEST and then run the parent script again.

I also don't enable compositing from within metacity. One of the reasons for building from source is so the user can define any specific options. Not really my place to guess on what you want.

Also, are you running Slack 10.2 or have you not updated your sig? I'm assuming your on 12 else it would have crapped out early in the build process...

b3rx 07-09-2007 10:30 PM

oh i see. I haven't updated my profile.. lolz.. ok ill check the ./configure of totem. still awaiting for the final release.

jong357 07-09-2007 10:41 PM

Yea. I feel stupid for even posting this early. Should have known better. I had it working but just had to start screwing with stuff. But, I've really poured over it and I think my next/3rd run thru will be the one. I'm on gedit now so about another hour and I can see how my second run turned out. If all is well, I'll do a fresh install and run it thru a 3rd time. If it builds without stoppping and everything appears to work, I'll post back.

dizzi 07-10-2007 09:16 AM

Hi jong357

First off, this is indeed some impressive work and you deserve to be commended highly. I just felt like dabbling a bit in gnome and my searches led me to this link. Anyway, my particular situation makes things a bit "awkward". To make a long story short, is it recommended/alright to download the recommended sources (as listed in the new directory) directly from the online repositories (from school where the Net speed is quite fast) and build them at home on my Slack box? If so, what do I need to change in the buildscripts (or elsewhere) to prevent the sources from being located and downloaded from the Net but rather have them found and build from a directory on my machine?


b3rx 07-10-2007 09:43 AM


at last im not alone! well im actually doing what you just said. I've been downloading the files using another computer and then go home and build them. here's what i did, i opened all the build scripts on by one. and the first few lines of code says alot regarding the package. take the package bug-buddy for example the first few lines states the following

BASEVER=`echo $VERSION | cut -d "." -f 1,2`

in order to download the source file check this code

if [ ! -f $CWD/$PKGNAME-$VERSION.tar.* ]; then

just replace the $URL, $PKGNAME, $BASEVER, $VERSION with the above information in the first code block. so that would make the link as
NOTE! not all slack.builds have a single source to compile. like the source of gst-plugins it has alot of sources needed to compile so doing this method is not recommended because one way or the other you will miss a source needed to compile. but i think i did a good job reading the slackbuild since i didn't miss any. so if you want i can throw you a list on what sources are needed to be downloaded.

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