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drmozes 03-18-2022 05:20 AM

Slackware on Linode
Just out of curiosity, does anybody here run Slackware on Linode?

SCerovec 03-18-2022 06:31 AM

I do

Didier Spaier 03-18-2022 08:08 AM

The website (SSL certificate from letsencryt managed with is hosted on Linode as well as my email server and a mumble server, in a Qemu VM running slackware64-14.2 (image initially provided by Linode, with packages added).

Some facts:

didier@darkstar:~$ uname -a
Linux darkstar 5.14.17-x86_64-linode150 #1 SMP Thu Nov 11 13:17:05 EST 2021 x86_64 AMD EPYC 7601 32-Core Processor AuthenticAMD GNU/Linux
Filesystem      Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
/dev/root        24G  4.6G  20G  20% /
devtmpfs        475M    0  475M  0% /dev
tmpfs          479M  584K  479M  1% /run
tmpfs          479M    0  479M  0% /dev/shm
cgroup_root    479M    0  479M  0% /sys/fs/cgroup
didier@darkstar:~$ ls -1 /var/log/packages/|wc -l
didier@darkstar:~$ inxi
CPU: Single Core (4-Die) AMD EPYC 7601 (-UP-) speed: 2200 MHz
Kernel: 5.14.17-x86_64-linode150 x86_64 Up: 65d 1h 23m
Mem: 742.0/957.2 MiB (77.5%) Storage: 25.00 GiB (19.0% used) Procs: 145
Shell: bash 4.3.48 inxi: 3.0.37

Support and connectivity are very good, I pay without the taxes 5$ per month for this nanode 1GB plus 2$ per month for the backup service (yes, I am lazy). The VM is in Frankfurt (Germany).

So I am a happy Linode customer so far.

tramtrist 03-18-2022 08:13 AM

I do.. and have for years. Works great. Very little downtime. Can't recommend it enough

dchmelik 03-18-2022 11:06 AM

Mostly I run Slackware servers at home, but yes, one on Linode, which seems to be the most helpful remote shell or virtual private server (VPS) company of 10+ I've used.

the3dfxdude 03-18-2022 12:21 PM

Yes, I do.

phalange 03-18-2022 03:49 PM

I started recently. It appears that the billing is easier to manage than DO. You pick a plan for $X.00 and it will not exceed that. I haven't seen my first bill yet though...

Slack15 is available now which is nice. The documentation isn't quite as strong as DO but it's generally ok. So far so good.

astrogeek 03-18-2022 04:29 PM

Me too!

Multiple linodes from 1 to multiple CPUs and corresponding RAM and storage from those plans. Differing use cases, continuously for 8+ years.

I have been exceedingly well pleased to this point!

The ability to spin up a Slackware instance for as little as $0.0075/hr capped at $5/month, for as long or short a period of use as desired is really difficult to beat!

I have not found it necessary to interact with their support more than a few times, but always pleased with the results.

They were recently acquired by Akami as I recall, but stated in the notification email that nothing should change... here's hoping!

mralk3 03-18-2022 04:49 PM

I usually activate a fresh Linode to act as a VPN server when I am traveling. I enroll in the back up feature and I buy an extra IP address for administrative purposes. Sometimes I use it as a personal cloud server, which is only accessible via the VPN. Web site deployment testing, file server, git server that mirrors my git repos at home, and vpn access to trusted friends and family.

The pricing is very accommodating and the service is excellent. The network is fast and the convenience of choosing from a few different data centers is helpful too. Uptime was as advertised.

When I went to Alaska a while ago I used my phone to access my home network. The Linode network speed was excellent due to my servers being located in California. If you were going to compare to digital ocean it seems like the Linode network is more secure.

scuzzy_dog 03-18-2022 05:37 PM

Running CentOS on linode currently. However looking to migrate to Slackware 15. If I can ever find the time.

I read about problems with a ca-cert on a fresh 15 install. But easily fixed. Are there any other gotcha you all have run into?

Did you install the provided linode slack 15 image or build it yourself?

kingbeowulf 03-18-2022 08:22 PM


Originally Posted by drmozes (Post 6339397)
Just out of curiosity, does anybody here run Slackware on Linode? runs on Linode using for DNS services. Used to be under my desk, but keeping track of dynamic DNS for residential internet was annoying.

That reminds me, The Linux Changelog Project needs updating. Time to beat that lazy code monkey.

Pithium 03-18-2022 10:32 PM


Originally Posted by kingbeowulf (Post 6339656)
That reminds me, The Linux Changelog Project needs updating. Time to beat that lazy code monkey.

Migrating everything to 15.0 on linode. Gotta get all the deps organized. At least I won't need any pip/pypi bullshit going forward.

drmozes 03-19-2022 12:58 PM

Thanks for the replies and good to see the positive feedback.
One more Q - do you setup/maintain the Linode configuration from within their web control centre or maintain it via the API/CLI or some infrastructure orchestration tool such as Terraform?

Pithium 03-19-2022 06:12 PM


Originally Posted by drmozes (Post 6339787)
Thanks for the replies and good to see the positive feedback.
One more Q - do you setup/maintain the Linode configuration from within their web control centre or maintain it via the API/CLI or some infrastructure orchestration tool such as Terraform?

My approach is this: if you are someone who needs a specific management tool, then you already know who you are ;)

I use the web interface to set everything up but most of my management activities happen via ssh. But I only run 2 production instances so I've not had a reason for anything beyond what linode provides.

Didier Spaier 03-19-2022 06:23 PM

Usually only through ssh, only using the web interface in case of a big issue (like recently I had to restore the whole system from a backup due to a mistake I made).

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