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bkeating 06-30-2002 03:19 PM

New Slacker on a OLD Laptop
There site says use the appropriate image under the bootdsk.144 folder on CD but I burned ther ISO and I do not have a DIR called that.

Any Ideas on where else to look or know of a URL i can download the floppy disk image from?

Got an old 90MHZ 16MB / 800MB Toshiba Satellite 400CRT Do I need to do anything special for PCMCIA support? Never installed a *nix on a laptop before.


Phonics3k 06-30-2002 03:55 PM

if u have slackware 8.1 iso then do this, I am assumin that u have windows or dos installed if so this should work.

under kernels folder on the cd, there should be a zip file called
Extract that to c:\loadlin
Then copy bzImage from kernels\bare.i to c:\loadlin
Then copy initrd.img from isolinux to c:\loadlin


when u r in msdos type this:

cd loadlin ENTER
loadlin bzImage /dev/ram rw initrd=initrd.img

then u should be on the setup screen for slackware

Need anymore help just ask ok

Excalibur 06-30-2002 03:58 PM

If you are referring to the Slack 8.1 ISO image the directory is not there. Take a look in the slackware-current tree from your distribution source. It should be called "bootdisks" and there should be a file named bare.i. I would think that is what you are looking for. There is another directory called rootdisks. You also need to make a root disk set. Files named install.1 through install.5. On the new 8.1 Slack the root disk set requires 5 disks. For a total of 6 disks.

I had not even noticed that the directory was missing myself. I would suppose they will put them on the Extras CD image on the retail box set. It is rather tight trying to get everything for a base install on a single CD. Actually, impossible.

You should find everything you need for PCMCIA in /usr/doc/ directory and the /usr/doc/Linux-HOWTOS.

Good luck!

bkeating 06-30-2002 04:04 PM

Thank you both very much. I found the bare.i img off a site via google (god bless google) and I haven't had a chance to look on the CD for the rootdisks. Yikes, why 5? thats a LOT. :) but I'll do it, i /need/ a portable linux machine cause.. well... Im a geek :)

Thanks again guys!

Phonics3k 06-30-2002 04:11 PM

yes, excalibur u probably correct but the version of the iso that i have has them where i said, its all very strange but my way worked, so thats the way i know. I will look that up coz lots of people have been tellin me this. very strange.

Thanx excalibur

Excalibur 06-30-2002 06:49 PM

Phonics3K, yes sir, I think your system would work as well. It does have the requirement though I think for the DOS partition, formatted and bootable. If his desire was to have both OS'es on the hard disk, then your procedure is by far superior. Probably difficult with only 800 MByte, unless it is ZipSlack. And I have seen machines configured this way in the past for various reasons. As usual with Linux, there are any number of different ways to implement any given procedure desired. Our posts were within three minutes of each other. I had not seen your post when I posted my suggestion. I apologize for any confussion created.

Back to bkeating, the rootdisks directory and the five root disk images are not on the CD either. Those would also require downloading from the slackware-current tree. I made a set weeks ago from my slackware-current tree and have just kept using the same ones. With Slack 8.0 and prior it was only two disks required. A kernel disk and a root disk. The root file system has grown past a compressed single disk image. The kernel can either load a compressed image from a single disk or an uncompressed image from multiple disks. Hence the root disks are no longer compressed and they require 5 disks. Everything you are looking for can be located at this mirror here:

The ISO image there is still the first one. But the site responds very well for me here on the east coast. It is current to about June 18th. It hasn't been able to update since because of congestion.

Good luck with your notebook!

bkeating 06-30-2002 07:20 PM

think a low level GUI like FVWM-95 would work? Would like a GUI if possible on this old machine (90MHZ/16MB/800MB) but not required i guess.

Can someone point me to the location of the root disk images? Im on a windows machine right now. rawrite work with these images?


Excalibur 06-30-2002 07:31 PM

Was the site I posted not working or something?

A GUI on 16 MByte RAM is going to be real hard.

bkeating 06-30-2002 10:05 PM

keep getting time outs :( could you er someone perhaps host them at a http? behind a picky firewall here at work.

thanks :)

Excalibur 06-30-2002 10:08 PM

Probably can on my server.

Give a me a minute to transfer the files though.


Excalibur 06-30-2002 10:14 PM

Done. They are in a directory called rootdisks.


bkeating 07-01-2002 12:24 AM

Your the man! Thank you very much! :)

fafaforza 07-02-2002 12:34 PM

The images can be acquired from the ftp site! Just cd into slackware-8.x and you have the uncompressed image right there. No need for this swapping of files.

fafaforza 07-02-2002 12:37 PM

Also, I have X 4.x on a Thinkpad 150 32MB RAM and it is usable, but really slow. Anything beyong xterms slows it down. Mozilla is a hog, Opera is a bit better. But I manage to play some mpegs, divxes, mp3s with xmms, etc.

But pure console is the only usable part of my laptop.

Phonics3k 07-02-2002 04:32 PM

well I have 12mb of ram on my laptop and that cannont run x window (well it can if u have all day to load it)

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