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Blackhawkckc 03-20-2009 10:53 PM

dkms-nvidia-current dkms install fails X86_64
I am having issues with 2009.1 RC1, wondering if anyone has a clue.
I installed dkms-nvidia-current, nvidia-current-kernel-2.6.29-desktop-0.rc8.3.1mnb, x11-driver-video-nvidia-current, and kernel-source-2.6.29-0.rc8.3.1mnb as well as whatever other deps rpmdrake required. When i go to MCC's "Set up the graphical server" it says the install has failed and is falling back to the default (NV) driver.
I am running 2.6.29-desktop-0.rc8.3.1mnb kernel, so the kernel source is correct.
The only thing i can think is, dkms is NOT listed in system services, but when i do urpmi dkms it says Package dkms-2.0.19-15mdv2009.1.noarch is already installed.
I have the Nvidia binary driver running for now, but i cant game or anything because wine and cedega insist my driver is not functional for some reason. GLXinfo reports all is well, GLXgears runs fine, compiz is on and all that, but still with the issues. I want to try mandrivas rpm driver to see if that helps at all.
Any ideas?

ernie 03-21-2009 04:10 AM

If you have not restarted the system since installing the DKMS package(s), do so as a first step. The DKMS nVidia driver may be built at reboot. If not, check your system logs for any errors. DKMS needs the kernel-devel package and all deps (including make) to work correctly. Check that this is so (kernel-devel for your running kernel installed) and if not, make it so.

Also, you should know that MDV 2009.1 RC1 is not intended for production use (RC1 = first release candidate). MDV will release the RC1, RC2, Beta1, and usually Beta2 before releasing MDV 2009.1 Spring (official). THe Beta 2 release should be very close to the official one, but may still be somewhat buggy.


I have MDV 2009.1 RC1 installed (and apparently working well) in a VM (VirualBox) here, but I would not depend on it for regular use. I think you will be best served to use MDV2009.0 until the final spring edition is released.



Blackhawkckc 03-21-2009 05:59 AM

Yeah I appreciate the help and all, but the main thrust of my post is that DKMS isn't running at boot and I cannot find a way to force it on. It isn't listed in system services withing the mandriva control center (mcc), but it IS installed. I have make and gcc etc etc. As I said the binary installer from Nvidia is functional and you need those to build the binary driver.
I understand this is a release candidate. Im not going to fall back to 2009 just because of some flunky driver issue. If everyone did that, mandriva would never get bug reports on RC and beta releases, would they?
I guess to make this simpler to get an answer to all I need to know is, can I force DKMS to start at boot by editing a config file somewhere, and if yes, which file?

ernie 03-21-2009 06:54 AM

DKMS is not a service. It is a protocol (an acronym meaning Dynamic Kenel Module Support), so you will not see a daemon for it. Sorry, I should have addressed that part of your post as well . . .


In addition to the things I suggested in the post above, make sure the dkms and dkms-minimal meta-packages are installed. These should insure that everything needed will be installed (dependencies). If they are, and the DKMS build still fails, collect all the error information you can and make a bug report.



Blackhawkckc 03-21-2009 04:42 PM

Ok thats more useful, thanks. I wasnt sure if dkms would be a service i would see run or not, but still as a protocol it still needs something to tell it to turn on doesnt it? Whatever that is, isnt working. I can see the build process when i install dkms-nvidia-current and all the dependencies. No errors, but then it just says "build failed to install" and falls back to Nv. The binary driver from Nvidia installed and is working, except that cedega doesnt detect it and fails all of its graphical tests even though i can run glxgears and glxinfo from a term and everything is in order. I see Nvidia as the provider for GL, i see dri is enabled, etc etc.

ernie 03-21-2009 04:57 PM

I am unsure what the trouble is, but you can try the following:

Switch to a console screen (ALT+CTRL+F2 -F1 through F6 will work).

Log in as root.

Shut down Xorg (telinit 3).

Run MCC (mcc) and configure the Display.

Restart Xorg (telinit 5)

Log in as regular user and see if the DK<S driver is installed and being used.


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