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QuantumChaos 02-19-2017 07:48 AM

Issues activating virtualbox within my linux fedora 25 virtualbox on my windows device.
So i'm trying to get a Kali linux virtualbox within a fedora linux virtualbox and I've installed everything i need in the fedora virtualbox (namely kali linux and virtualbox) although i'm having issues starting virtualbox.

Honestly i'm quite new to virtualbox and linux alike so the solution may be simple. I've ran 'yum install' and 'yum update' for the virtualbox although i'm unsure how now to access it and create the kali virtualbox.
I've tried using 'Boxes' although setting in BIOS don't allow for it to create the virtualbox for kali and i don't think the 'boxes' application is the route i want to go anyway.

The only thing that comes up when searching for virtualbox in the start menu's search bar is the downloaded virtualbox files used for the installation.

Any help would be much appreciated. cheers

jefro 02-20-2017 02:47 PM

Hello and welcome to LQ.

First of all you need to make sure it is installed correctly. See this maybe for any missing steps. https://www.if-not-true-then-false.c...-red-hat-rhel/
Adding guest additions helps.

Then you need to follow any web page that tells how to create a vm in virtualbox. Not sure that distro is what you want. The gui for virtualbox should be part of your window manager. Didn't need to install boxes or other manager to run virtualbox.

When you open the program it should be clear that you need to create a vm. Then assign resources to it. Finally you have to correct settings to include the iso for a distro as a bootable cd image in "storage."

Habitual 02-20-2017 03:09 PM

Deskktop > Virtualbox > Virtualbox > Kali


QuantumChaos 02-21-2017 06:45 AM

i found i could use just:


in terminal to launch it although problems occurred with the launched virtualbox, if you wanna help with that i've made another post. (it's launching a non-existent 32bit version)

BW-userx 02-21-2017 07:36 AM


Originally Posted by QuantumChaos (Post 5673041)
So i'm trying to get a Kali linux virtualbox within a fedora linux virtualbox and I've installed everything i need in the fedora virtualbox (namely kali linux and virtualbox) although i'm having issues starting virtualbox.

that looks like you are trying to install VBox within another Vbox. Good for you. Test the limits.

You're going to need a lot of HDD space on your first one to deal with your second one and lots of RAM to deal with all of it together.

You're going to have to install Box in your second Install of a Linux OS just like it was a normal OS. Mirror effect. you have to mimic the original one to get another one.


Originally Posted by QuantumChaos (Post 5673041)
Honestly i'm quite new to virtualbox and linux alike so the solution may be simple. I've ran 'yum install' and 'yum update' for the virtualbox although i'm unsure how now to access it and create the kali virtualbox.
I've tried using 'Boxes' although setting in BIOS don't allow for it to create the virtualbox for kali and i don't think the 'boxes' application is the route i want to go anyway.

Any help would be much appreciated. cheers

The BIOS is important only in the aspect that it needs to have virtualization turned on within it. If you do not see anything for virtualization in your bios then you maybe up pooos creek without a paddle. That being said.

after install you have to set your user to the group it creates I forget the name but it is something like

or something similar with that within it.

cat /etc/groups
to see what it is called.

usermod -aG VboxGroup UserName

oracle virtualbox instructions


Originally Posted by QuantumChaos (Post 5673041)
The only thing that comes up when searching for virtualbox in the start menu's search bar is the downloaded virtualbox files used for the installation.

It should be in your system part of the menu. That is the only place I've ever seen in.

QuantumChaos 02-21-2017 08:31 AM

Great thanks BW-userx! I'll be exploring the BIOS more but despite my failed attempts with the 'Boxes' App which is a piece of shit i've been able to get VirtualBox manager to open but i've encountered some issues with it (mainly it loading 32bit) but otherwise it's looking good, i could download Kali 32bit but no thank you ahaha took way too long the first time.

I've submitted a post to be approved if you're interested (it's in virtualisation and cloud).

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