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MrCode 05-31-2011 10:59 AM

Xfce screenshots, anyone?
Since the introduction of this new forum by Jeremy (:D), and since it appears no one has started an Xfce-specific screenie thread yet, I figured I'd start one!

I suppose I'll start it off with my own:

My somewhat Windows-ish setup:

Dirty (file manager, calculator*, terminal)
"Work" environment (IDE, SDL_GetTicks() man page, dumb little SDL program I wrote :rolleyes:)

Yes, I use Compiz as my WM. What of it? Can't a guy appreciate good looks and be a Linux user? :rolleyes: Besides that, there is at least one plugin that I use on a regular basis that isn't just for eye candy: Put. With it, you can put the currently-focused window in any of the four screen quadrants, any of the edges, or the center, with just a single key combo. I use Super+<numpad 1-9> myself.

The GTK theme is a custom one I modified from "Murrina-Dark", which was a) far too light to be considered a "dark" theme (IMO), and b) wasn't red to match my laptop…so I turned it into this. What can I say, I likes the shiny look. :D

Oh, and for those of you who have seen some of my screenshots in the giant (now closed) thread in /General, you may notice that I finally got rid of those "pesky" desktop icons…I finally decided that I don't have a real need for them anymore. I usually either use the little launcher icons down in the panel, or the Run box you can bring up with Alt+F2.

(* - Normally I run galculator in "paper mode", which is just a line input box where you type your equations, and a list box above it that displays both your equation and the answer to it. I switched it to "scientific" mode for this screenshot to make it less boring. :p)

ButterflyMelissa 05-31-2011 11:26 AM

Thanks! I'd make the move to XFCE, but I have to be absolutely sure I will not have any more breakage than what I already experience(d)...Gnome3 is...not really my thing. My system cannot run the "normal" mode, so I'm in fall-back...

I'll keep an eye on this thread! Thanks for starting it up!!!


DJRcomputing 06-02-2011 06:54 PM


Originally Posted by MrCode (Post 4372047)
...since it appears no one has started an Xfce-specific screenie thread yet...

The sub-forum had just opened, ya nut! If it's okay with you, I posted mine in its own thread because...I can. :cool: And if not okay? Too bad. LOL! Congrats on first thread, though.

Originally Posted by Thor_2.0 (Post 4372083)
Thanks! I'd make the move to XFCE, but I have to be absolutely sure I will not have any more breakage than what I already experience(d)...Gnome3 is...not really my thing. My system cannot run the "normal" mode, so I'm in fall-back...

When Gnome announced 3, I was like, "Cool!" However looking at it further? Yeah, no. For Lenny, it doesn't really matter, but were I running a newer distro, I'd go Xfce 4.8. However, there are no absolutely sure guarantees when it comes computers...or life in general, really. ;)

My observation thus far has been that those who didn't like the fluff & bloat of KDE went Gnome. Felt the same about Gnome? Xfce. Really light & stripped down? LXDE. At least those seem the main four. Now, I think Gnome 3 will drive more to consider Xfce. Though not having tried 4.8, I like Xfce's balance between form, function & weight. Then again, I'm not trying to chase Windows 7 or Mac OS X. *shrug*

TobiSGD 06-02-2011 07:11 PM


Originally Posted by DJRcomputing (Post 4374573)
The sub-forum had just opened, ya nut! If it's okay with you, I posted mine in its own thread because...I can.

You are right, making an unnecessary thread is a very wise decision. ;)

But anyways, XFCE 4.6.2 on Slackware with Xmonad instead of xfwm4.

Both in an early state, still have to tweak things.

DJRcomputing 06-02-2011 07:45 PM


Originally Posted by TobiSGD (Post 4374586)
You are right, making an unnecessary thread is a very wise decision. ;)

Ummm...that was kinda the idea. To avoid mega-threads. Otherwise, there might not be many threads in this forum, given the number of DEs. *shrug*

Originally Posted by DJRcomputing (Post 4369375)
Threads could discuss newly discovered hacks, modules, plug-ins, etc, centered around one's screenshot.

But, to each their own, in more ways than one, I suppose. ;) Evvverybody wants to be the one who starts a mega-thread, though...

MrCode 06-02-2011 10:39 PM


Originally Posted by DJRcomputing
The sub-forum had just opened, ya nut!

:rolleyes: Yeah, I know…


It's funny; by an amazing coincidence, the GTK theme you use on your desktop ("Paranoid") is the one I used to use a while back on my lappy when I was still too lazy to try to make my own. :p

ButterflyMelissa 06-03-2011 01:20 AM


When Gnome announced 3, I was like, "Cool!" However looking at it further? Yeah, no.
Well, granted, it looks nice...if you can run it. My box does not have the hardware to run G3 as intended, so I'm looking/staring at a "stipped-down Lambo", G3 runs in fallback, and that's ... not really that nice.

Besides, the thing (Gnome that is) has had its foot on the brake too long...I need to set stuff in place to speed things up a bit...hence: XFCE...and, yes, you're right:


However, there are no absolutely sure guarantees when it comes computers...or life in general, really
So...I'll just have to take the plunge...after a backup and a deep breath... :D


EricTRA 06-03-2011 01:46 AM

1 Attachment(s)

I'm not that creative when it comes to my desktop environment so my screenshot is pretty basic. Just yesterday I installed Xfce 4.8 no my Linux Mint Debian Edition (the Gnome edition) alongside Gnome and since then I'm using it, very much satisfied with it I might add.

Kind regards,


Attachment 7202

ButterflyMelissa 06-03-2011 01:48 AM


alongside Gnome and since then I'm using it
That electrified me..."alongside" - no conflicts?

Cool :)

EricTRA 06-03-2011 02:03 AM


Nope, haven't encountered things I couldn't solve yet :)

The only thing that bugged me for quite some time was that when using Compiz I couldn't change my workspaces from 2 to 4, nor could I change the cursor size. Turned out, at least for as far as I could find, that there's some kind of bug in Compiz when using it in combination with Xfce. I switched to metacity and everything just works. I use some applications from Gnome, for example Nautilus because of the TortoiseHg plugins for Mercurial. Whenever I feel like going back to Gnome for some reason I just log out, select Gnome and done. But I'm gonna stay with Xfce for a while, it's blazing fast and I like that.

Kind regards,


ButterflyMelissa 06-03-2011 02:09 AM

Thanks, good to read this...for me, this system is a lifeline, I do have some nine other systems, if they crash, I like it (then i can learn something) but this one system has to keep this assurance helped me out, thanks again... :)

EricTRA 06-03-2011 02:11 AM


You're welcome!

Kind regards,


cascade9 06-03-2011 08:24 AM


Originally Posted by MrCode (Post 4372047)
My somewhat Windows-ish setup:

Dirty (file manager, calculator*, terminal)
"Work" environment (IDE, SDL_GetTicks() man page, dumb little SDL program I wrote :rolleyes:)

I wouldnt call that 'windowsish'. You could always rename 'menu' to 'start', that would be going in the right direction. :P

Its odd seeing the arch icon there, I'm used to the vanilla 'black rat over blue cross'.


Originally Posted by DJRcomputing (Post 4374573)
My observation thus far has been that those who didn't like the fluff & bloat of KDE went Gnome. Felt the same about Gnome? Xfce. Really light & stripped down? LXDE. At least those seem the main four. Now, I think Gnome 3 will drive more to consider Xfce. Though not having tried 4.8, I like Xfce's balance between form, function & weight. Then again, I'm not trying to chase Windows 7 or Mac OS X. *shrug*

Probably true in general, but you get weird people like me-

I like KDE4.X. Its a bit of a resouce pig compared to the others in some ways, but when you've got 2GB+ of RAM, who really cares if it your OS uses 250MB or 125MB on boot....

I have never been able to stand gnome. Bluegh.

Xfce 4.X is what I use for systems that dont have a boatload of RAM, or have a poor video card (anything by intel, nVidia GF4 or earlier, ATI 8XXX or earlier).

Lxde- Yuck. Looks like a badly done winXP to me. Not worth it compared to Xfce, it only 'saves' a few MB of RAM use at boot.


Originally Posted by Thor_2.0 (Post 4374773)
Well, granted, it looks nice...if you can run it. My box does not have the hardware to run G3 as intended, so I'm looking/staring at a "stipped-down Lambo", G3 runs in fallback, and that's ... not really that nice.

You like the way that gnome 3 looks? *blinks* Its not for me. Nice to hear that somebody likes it, even if I dont.

MrCode 06-03-2011 09:54 AM


I wouldnt call that 'windowsish'. You could always rename 'menu' to 'start', that would be going in the right direction. :P

Its odd seeing the arch icon there, I'm used to the vanilla 'black rat over blue cross'.
Heh, I suppose so…I mostly think it looks "Windows-ish" because of the Aero-like window borders, and the fact that the panel is arranged much like the (classic) Windows taskbar. But hey, I likes it. :D

About the icon: mostly I just wanted to have something distinguishing, as opposed to the vanilla Xfce mouse logo. What better way to show off my "Arch pride" than to use the distro logo as the application menu icon? :p


Xfce 4.X is what I use for systems that dont have a boatload of RAM, or have a poor video card (anything by intel, nVidia GF4 or earlier, ATI 8XXX or earlier).
Actually, I've read/heard that Intel's Sandy Bridge IGPs are somewhat on par with other entry-level discrete GPUs (e.g. NVIDIA GeForce 3xxM, etc.). I don't have a machine with a SB CPU, though, so I can't say for sure. :-\

ButterflyMelissa 06-03-2011 11:22 AM


You like the way that gnome 3 looks? *blinks* Its not for me. Nice to hear that somebody likes it, even if I dont.
Well, only judging by the screenshots I saw so does not run on my system, hence the "dissappointment"... ;) but it's not going the way i want it to go. But, I'm not the type to let loose my full cruelty onto someone's efforts... :)


Xfce 4.X is what I use for systems that dont have a boatload of RAM, or have a poor video card (anything by intel, nVidia GF4 or earlier, ATI 8XXX or earlier).
...both cases here, 1.5Gb ram and an Intel 915...go figure...

And "nice" - if you're into this kinda thing...

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