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taenacup 04-24-2006 10:26 PM

"Could not find kernel image: linux" Please hlep me, I am a novice
Could not find kernel image: linux
Could not find kernel image: linux

I found this message after putting Fedora core5 DVD into my laptop, BenQ Joybook 5000u. Please note that this DVD was used to successfully install core5 into another computer.

I also tried to press the options such as F1, F2, F3..., but it didn't response.

I also tried putting Fedora core4 DVD rather, and it was working good, in which I could be into graphical installation pages(anaconda). However I wish to install core5.

Here are the few questions.
1. Do I have to put more kernel parameters like the stanton-finley notes say "linux vga=792"? If yes, which commands could I try?

2. Is it possible if I install core4 right now and then use the core5 DVD to viga so that it is similar to installing core5?

Please help me. I am a novice from Thailand who is against illegal Microsoft Windows OS and right now wishes to use Fedora.

b0uncer 04-26-2006 11:54 AM

That sounds odd to me, either that your drive defuncts (can't read the disc) or then the kernel image has a different name (which it probably doesn't). Anyway, if the disc works in some other computer, then I suggest you install FC 4 and update it (with the FC5 DVD) to the version 5. The update works (usually?) by booting from the FC5 DVD and selecting "upgrade" as the install method, but as you may be unable to boot, you probably can update from the DVD from within a booted Core 4. I'm not sure whether or not this is the best way to do it, but you could configure new Yum local reposity that lies on the DVD, and update via yum from there? The repo configuration files ought to be in /etc/yum.d where there should be one file for one reposity, and in every file an URL pointing to the place where the files are. You should consult either the Fedora website ( -> search the FAQ page, or Documentation) or google for how exactly this is done. It's not difficult, but you'll get better advice by searching a website where it's explained, since I'm not running Fedora right now and cannot be sure if I remember correctly (and if I don't, then the update wouldn't work).

So search the web (or these forums!) for info on how you create/configure a local reposity for Fedora and then install Core 4 and configure the DVD to be that reposity where you update. You should be fine. You can update FC4 to FC5 using yum and internet reposities, too, but that didn't work quite so fluently when I did it (succeeded, though).

EDIT: removed some typos... :)

kbsali 05-31-2006 03:37 AM

i got the very same problem trying to install fedora core 5,
found this post :

"jim - 2006-03-29, 05:02 PM PST
this is a bug bugzilla.redhat....?id=178143)

type at the boot line the following

/isolinux/vmlinuz initrd=/isolinux/initrd.img

then hit enter"

it worked for me! :)

chopsaw 06-14-2006 01:53 AM

Re: Could not find kernel image: linux
I think I may have found the problem... I also encountered the above error as well as the "invalid compressed format" error others have posted (even through the CD verified ok by the burning software). Then I went through my CDs looking for another distro and found some FC5 CDs I had burned quite awhile ago. I figured I would give them a try - worked like a charm!

So what I think happened is I used "Toast" burning software tonight and had these problems, but used the Disk Utility software (this is all under Mac OS X) to burn the CDs previously.

Perhaps if you try another burning software your problem will go away.


CIL 01-01-2009 09:51 AM

I encountered this error on a portable Linux install. :study: This Error: Could not Find Kernel Image: Linux Pendrivelinux post helped me fix the problem.



naterz420 07-06-2009 09:44 PM

Pendrive Linux Error
I got this same error while trying to install Ubuntu 8.10 on my 2gig pendrive. I used this pretty good guide located here to install it on the flash drive. After quite a few failed attempts at getting it to boot, i looked for a solution to this issue. I found this page as well

Now, this page has some good ideas for a solution, and actually helped me fix the problem. Although the only step that really helped me was the one that reads "If a file named isolinux.cfg exists and syslinux.cfg does not, rename isolinux.cfg to syslinux.cfg" This is where I started brainstorming a bit. I tried it and it would not work still, so i began toying around with what i could. I found that there was no syslinux.cfg in the disk after the install, so i found the isolinux.cfg file and changed it to syslinux.cfg. (This didnt work completely) So after that failed, i left that file renamed to syslinux.cfg AND ALSO renamed the folder "isolinux" to "syslinux"

TA-DA! Ubuntu booted as well as i could have imagined. Hope this helps every1 with this issue as well.

P.S. I also decided to change the usb disk drive letter to "J", as another usb-boot method like this required a letter from "B" to "K".

linus72 07-08-2009 08:41 AM

"Could not find kernel image: linux" Please hlep me, I am a novice (add.)
Every time I ran into this problem it was 'cause syslinux wasn't installed to usb,
there was no valid syslinux.cfg/isolinux.cfg menu entry, or sometimes syslinux needs to be reinstalled.

Is that what your talking about or what?:)

Looking at your other post I know why

Even though many distro maker's use a isolinux.cfg similar to this


DEFAULT menu.c32
MENU COLOR UNSEL 37;44 #9000000 #00000000 std

LABEL clamav
  menu label ^Start ClamAV Live CD
  kernel vmlinuz
  append boot=casper initrd=initrd.gz vga=788 quiet

It is really not right; isolinux does have the ability to go find the kernel/initrd, etc
However, I have ALWAYS found that if you give the Absolute path to everything; it usually works flawlessly
Here is what any isolinux/syslinux.cfg should look like


DEFAULT /isolinux/menu.c32
MENU COLOR UNSEL 37;44 #9000000 #00000000 std

LABEL clamav
  menu label ^Start ClamAV Live CD
  kernel /casper/vmlinuz
  append boot=casper initrd=/casper/initrd.gz vga=788 quiet

And, with syslinux, you must always give absolute path to kernel/initrd and you can't have any filenames longer than 8 letters and extensions of no more than 3 letters
so, like "tinycore.gz" is ok, but "microcore.gz" does not work with syslinux(I told them?!), cause it's 9 letters.

Unetbootin Often screws this up too.

If you extract the iso, edit the isolinux.cfg and show full path to
kernel/initrd with forward slashes "/", and then recreate the iso
I bet it works:)

You can use a script to recreate iso as long as you have
mkisofs installed(cdrtools, genisoimage, or similar)
here is one script to make a isolinux iso


# ---------------------------------------------------
# Script to create bootable ISO in Linux
# usage: [ /tmp/slax.iso ]
# author: Tomas M. <>
# ---------------------------------------------------

if [ "$1" = "--help" -o "$1" = "-h" ]; then
  echo "This script will create bootable ISO from files in curent directory."
  echo "Current directory must be writable."
  echo "example: $0 /mnt/hda5/slax.iso"

ISONAME=$(readlink -f "$1")

cd $(dirname $0)

if [ "$ISONAME" = "" ]; then
  SUGGEST=$(readlink -f ../../$(basename $(pwd)).iso)
  echo -ne "Target ISO file name [ Hit enter for $SUGGEST ]: "
  read ISONAME
  if [ "$ISONAME" = "" ]; then ISONAME="$SUGGEST"; fi

mkisofs -o "$ISONAME" -v -J -R -D -A "$CDLABEL" -V "$CDLABEL" \
-no-emul-boot -boot-info-table -boot-load-size 4 \
-b boot/isolinux/isolinux.bin -c boot/isolinux/isolinux.boot ../.

That's from slax "slax" folder, there's one for windows too(.bat)
you must have the above script in the /boot folder and there must be a isolinux folder containg isolinux.bin and isolinux.boot
If you click it and press "run", it will create a iso named "boot.iso"
if you click it and choose "run in terminal", you can give it a name, it must end in ".iso", so "mycd.iso" will work.

Here is another isolinux iso script from riplinux


help() {
  echo "
  This script \`$0' creates a bootable ISO image (using mkisofs),
  from the contents of the specified source directory.

  Usage: $0 grub source_directory out_directory iso_name (or)
        $0 isolinux source_directory out_directory iso_name
  For example, create a bootable grub ISO image named fooboo.iso in the
  /boo directory, from the contents of the /foo directory.
  sh $0 grub /foo /boo fooboo.iso
  exit 1

if [ "$1" = "" -o "$2" = "" -o "$3" = "" ]; then

if [ "$1" = "isolinux" ]; then
elif [ "$1" = "grub" ]; then


if [ ! -d "$source_dir" ]; then
  echo "ERROR: Can't find \`$source_dir' directory!"
  exit 1
elif [ ! -d "$out_dir" ]; then
  echo "ERROR: Can't find \`$out_dir' directory!"
  exit 1
elif [ "$iso_name" = "" ]; then
  echo "ERROR: No ISO name given!"
  exit 1

if [ "$1" = "isolinux" ]; then
if [ ! -f $source_dir/isolinux/isolinux.bin ]; then
  echo "ERROR: Can't find isolinux/isolinux.bin in $source_dir!"
  exit 1
elif [ "$1" = "grub" ]; then
if [ ! -f $source_dir/boot/grub/iso9660_stage1_5 -o ! -f $source_dir/boot/grub/stage2 ]; then
  echo "ERROR: Can't find boot/grub/iso9660_stage1_5, and/or"
  echo "boot/grub/stage2 in $source_dir!"
  exit 1

if [ ! -x "`type -path mkisofs`" ]; then
  echo "ERROR: Can't find \`mkisofs' on the system!"
  exit 1

echo fooboo >$source_dir/fooboo || exit 1
rm -f $source_dir/fooboo

echo -n "Continue and create $out_dir/$iso_name, from the
contents of the $source_dir directory? (Y/n) "
read ans
if [ "$ans" = "n" -o "$ans" = "N" ]; then
exit 0

#mbr="`grep "^ " /proc/partitions | grep -E "(hd|sd)[a-z]$" | awk '{print $4}' | head -n 1`"

#2if [ -n "$mbr" -a -b "/dev/$mbr" ]; then
#2dd if=/dev/$mbr of=$source_dir/$mbr.mbr bs=512 count=1 1>/dev/null 2>/dev/null

mkisofs -R -J -no-emul-boot -boot-load-size 32 -boot-info-table \
-b $boot_image -o $out_dir/$iso_name -V "MD v2_5" \
-A "RIP Linux rescue system behind" $source_dir || exit 1

if [ "$MBR" = "YES" ]; then
  echo "I copied your hard drive MBR from \`/dev/$mbr' to \`$mbr.mbr' on $out_dir/$iso_name."
  echo "You can restore your whole MBR from the CD, like this!"
  echo "dd if=$mbr.mbr of=/dev/$mbr bs=512 count=1"
  echo "If you just want to restore the boot sector, do this!"
  echo "dd if=$mbr.mbr of=/dev/$mbr bs=446 count=1"
  echo "DONE: Created $out_dir/$iso_name from the $source_dir directory!"
  exit 0

here is a simple script to make a Grub stage2_eltorito iso image


mkisofs -R -b boot/grub/stage2_eltorito -no-emul-boot -boot-load-size 4 -boot-info-table -o grub_boot.iso linux
the code above is editable; "grub_boot.iso" is the name iso will be given, "linux" is the name of the folder that will be made into a iso image.
Also, this script must be in the same folder as the "linux" folder, not in /boot or not inside the "linux" folder.

I use these all the time 'cause I get tired of having to re-type it all in terminal:)

See this page and it shows my menu.c32 sub-menu and grub menu/sub-menu system.
( )

If you wanna make a custom iso with menu's etc or usb whatever
I can help you out:)

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