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By at 2006-04-02 16:15
While a direct-attached solution such as a tape drive works well with an individual server or a limited number of servers, large amounts of data becomes harder to manage across a multiple server network environment. Storage for each server must be managed apart from the others and cannot be shared across the network. Performance and scalability are often limited, and storage resources cannot be efficiently allocated. The data management needs of today's businesses are typically much better served by a networked attached storage approach.

Network-attached storage gives businesses the ability to share and manage large amounts of data over the Internet or a corporate Intranet. NAS systems are optimized for file storage and data protection and offer sophisticated data management capabilities which in turn help companies reduce costs, improve data availability, and simplify operations.

Additional reasons for deploying a NAS system

•Can provide additional storage for end users.

•They are ideal for central repositories for workgroup or departmental data that must be shared.

•Historical data, archives, old project files, old email records, Sarbannes-Oxley mandated storage are just a few examples of relatively static data.

•IT personnel are often in need of additional space as working space or as a staging server for backup purposes (such as backing up end user workstations).

•Tapeless backup. The cost per TB of NAS storage is typically so low that it competes with tape on price but is faster and more practical.

NAS systems are quickly becoming the preferred data sharing and data managing solution of choice for enterprise applications and database environments.

About The Author

Mark Allen is the head of Sales & Marketing for PrimeArray Systems™, Inc. – Cost Effective DVD/CD Servers, Towers, Jukeboxes & Network Attached Storage Solutions For Business

PrimeArray’s advanced line of CD/DVD Servers and Towers and its new Network Attach Storage (NAS) arrays give users the ability to share and manage data over the Internet or a corporate Intranet. Their products are distinguished by the sophisticated design and careful engineering which goes into all to ensure that they offer the highest performance, quality and reliability.


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