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By Anonymous at 2006-12-01 07:15
Time again for another article. But this time, it's not a third party app, but my own. It's called wp_publisher, a desktop posting tool for WordPress -- written in Python and Glade. It's a simple little tool -- by no means a complete client for WordPress -- but still useful for people who like to write blog posts off-line and publish them later.

More information and download

Note the requirements in particular - you need python, libglade, python-gtk and python-glade (GTK 2.x) installed on your system.

I wrote this app as a way to learn more about Python, GTK as well as the XML RPC library for Python. Overall, I've got to say that Python is one of the easiest programming languages out there for small-medium application development. C and C++ introduce a lot of overhead for the programmer in terms of memory management, data type and structure handling and error-checking. Python is a lot simpler and compact and allows programmers to concentrate on the logic of the application. Python combines the simplicity of shell-scripting with the additional power of a high-level programming language extensible with dozens of great modules. For newbies to programming, I highly recommend Python.

Anyway, I hope WordPress users will find my app useful. Please feel free to try it out and test it. I would appreciate your feedback, suggestions and bug reports.


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