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By Anonymous at 2006-09-22 21:28
Hello everybody, I'd be starting a new column at and I've worked out some of the details of this idea with Jeremy and we thought that the articles section would probably be best suited for such an idea.

I'll mostly be writing about Linux advocacy and non-technical issues, but you'll also find some articles devoted to useful and interesting Linux applications which you might not have heard of before.

So hopefully this column can get underway with some of my thoughts. Over a period of time, it would be interesting to see how this idea evolves. Watch this space! :)

by dogged28 on Fri, 2006-09-22 22:26
sounds good to me. the more info i get to read the better. that includes spreading the word and applications. good luck with this project. i'll be watching for it.

by vharishankar on Fri, 2006-09-22 22:42
thanks dogged! I have a few ideas in the basket at the moment, but I'll be open to feedback from people as to what they want to read about.

by dogged28 on Sat, 2006-09-23 09:56
right now for me would be, best place to get info list, current apps and how they compare to old. popular distro reccomendations. maybe useful tools and utilities. tricks and tips. etc....also, how about a kudos for the best advice/help given at this forum. hope that helps you.

by vharishankar on Sat, 2006-09-23 10:00
Thanks dogged. As you can see, I've posted a couple of articles already.

One of my regular features is going to be a feature or a small review of a lesser known Linux app randomly chosen. Another is going to be a kind of advocacy post.

I'm also looking to keep my articles fairly short and crisp as most people tend not to read lengthy posts online.

Thanks for your ideas. I think giving kudos to great help given on the forum is a great idea... I think a bit of appreciation always helps.

by dogged28 on Sat, 2006-09-23 16:40
good article on FOSS. not sure how many people really think what the developers/programmers do to give us these wonderful apps and os's we love so much. i have a friend who does mixes (unfortunately on windows though) who could benefit from hydrogen. now if i can only convert him would be great. i like your writing style and i've noticed that all people in linux talk to you like you are you and not a scientist as they do in windows. and also i love the way linuxers don't make you feel stupid when you ask a question that is an obvious answer to an experienced user. guess that goes with really good patience and been there done that attitude that i've noticed is common with most linuxers out there.

by vharishankar on Sat, 2006-09-23 22:10
Thanks for your thoughts. It's nice to get some appreciation like this.

by dogged28 on Sat, 2006-09-23 23:48
no problem. and your welcome.


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