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By Anonymous at 2006-09-27 10:34
A lot of Linux users complain about lack of GUI system configuration tools for Linux. While that is a general perception prevalent in the Linux community, I can certainly say with confidence that there *are* plenty of GUI configuration tools provided you dig deep enough and do a bit of research on the internet. So I'll try and bring some of the more useful system apps into prominence in my column.

Some time back I discovered a fantastic Linux firewall configuration tool called guarddog. It's pretty much a front-end to iptables and it allows novice users to easily configure their firewall without going through a lot of mystifying code. Furthermore, it's also highly configurable unlike a few other firewall frontends and gives a fine enough degree of control to the average desktop user.

So if you need a firewall setup, guarddog is the one I recommend. It's configurable, it's easy to learn and most of all, it doesn't get in your way unless you invoke it and you can always disable the firewall completely using it. All in all, I'd recommend this to anybody who likes the GUI stuff.




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