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By Anonymous at 2006-12-17 22:35
If there is one area of gaming that Linux is sadly deficient in, it is sports simulation. It's rather difficult to find a decent sports simulation game for Linux. Understandably so, because Sports Simulation games are quite hard to create as they require top quality graphics and sound combined with an excellent physics system.

foobillard is a pool/snooker simulation for Linux, written in OpenGL. It is best to run this game with hardware 3d acceleration as it would be painfully slow in software rendering mode. Out of two pool simulation games I've found for Linux (billardgl being the other one), I personally like foobillard better. It just feels a more complete game, although it's not a full game by any means and is far behind some of the commercial games (like Actua Pool and World Championship Snooker). It is playable though and offers a good challenge to fans of computer simulation pool and snooker. The graphics are quite decent although you do miss the "shininess" factor of the balls in the real game.

So if you're a Linux user and need to wield the digital cue to just unwind yourself, you might want to take a look at this game.




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