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By ettubu at 2009-01-05 06:45
I have Ubuntu installed in several VMWare virtual machines. Every time they release a maintenance version I have to update the VM tools in Ubuntu. Its a royal pain because I have by this time forgotten how to do it. Hope others find this no brainer procedure useful.
Updating Ubuntu.[/U][/B]
  1. Select the Ubuntu guest and power on the virtual machine then log on.
  2. Select VMWare Workstation menu VM and then select Install VMWare Tools.
    A CD/DVD icon will appear on the Ubuntu Desktop.
  3. Right click on the icon.
  4. Select 'Extract To' from the list.
  5. When the Extract GUI has opened select Desktop in the places list.
  6. Click the extract button and then close the GUI file browser.
  7. Navigate to Ubuntu menu Application/Accessories/Terminal and drag the icon to the desktop or onto the toolbar. Open the Terminal by clicking its icon.
  8. At the $ prompt switch to root by entering sudo bash.
  9. At the # prompt enter apt-get update to update your package list.
  10. At the # prompt enter apt-get upgrade to upgrade your components.]
  11. At the # prompt enter apt-get dist-upgrade to upgrade your system including the Linux Kernel. Once you have done all the core updates you can edit the /etc/apt/sources.list file and uncomment all the application repositories you want to include in your updates. You can uncomment them all, but that is your call.
  12. Repeat steps 9, 10 just to make sure. The system is now updated.

    Installing the Build Tools
  13. At the # prompt enter apt-get install build-essential
  14. At the # prompt enter uname -r
    This will return the kernel version, e.g. 2.6.24-16-generic
    Highlight it and right click copy to the paste board.
  15. At the # prompt enter apt-get install linux-headers-
    then paste what was copied from the last step.
    The line should now look something like install linux-headers-2.6.24-16-generic
  16. At the # prompt enter exit
    This will return you to the $ prompt
  17. At the $ prompt enter cd /home/<your username>/Desktop/vmware-tools-distrib
    Folder names are case sensitive so make sure you enter Desktop properly.
    You are now inside the folder extracted to the desktop in steps 3 thro 6
  18. At the $ prompt enter sudo ./
    When prompted press enter to use the default setting.
    The final stage will ask you to enter a number that represents the screen resolution that you want.
  19. At the $ prompt enter sudo /usr/bin/vmware-toolbox
    This will launch the GUI VMWare tools application. Set as required then close.

    Clean Up
  20. Power off Ubuntu from inside Ubuntu.
  21. Power on Ubuntu virtual machine and log on. Notice the DVD ROM icon has gone from the Desktop.
    Delete the Desktop vmware-tools-distrib folder and empty the trash can. You are now done.
An ambition would be to write a script to do all of this and have it appear on a menu. Perhaps one day?

To uninstall VMWare Tools
At the $ prompt enter sudo /usr/bin/
This note is based upon JustChecking's Weblog On All. How to Install VMWare Tools on Ubuntu/Debian
Very useful blogging, many thanks.

by EricTRA on Tue, 2009-07-28 14:23

Check this out: Install VMWare Tools

Kind regards,



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