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By alan_ri at 2009-03-22 02:42
If you try to do it by editing your profile in gnome-terminal you'll see that there actually isn't an option for it and if you just use your mouse to resize it while you do your work in the gnome-terminal you'll see that if you close it and then start it again the size will be default,as before.
I have done some searching and reading and this is what I've found;

You need to look for a file,which in my example,because this was done on Ubuntu is in /usr/share/vte/termcap/xterm and it looks like this:

# This is a cut-down version of the termcap file from my box with some entries
# removed (add them back in to override the terminal's behavior):
# kI (Insert, Delete is handled programmatically)
# kP/kN (Page Up, Page Down)
# ku/kd/kl/kr (Up, Down, Left, Right)
# k1/kd2/k3/k4/k5/k6/k7/k8/k9/k; (F1-F10)
# K1/K2/K3/K4/K5 (KP Up, Down, Left, Right, Begin)
xterm-xfree86|xterm-new|xterm terminal emulator (XFree86):\:co#100:it#8:li#30:\
# xterm-redhat is identical to xterm-xfree86 with the addition of a small
# VT220-ism regarding the backspace and delete keys; this is mandated by
# the keyboard configuration section of the Debian Policy Manual.
xterm-redhat|Red Hat xterm (backspace and delete changed):\
# This is the only entry which you should have to customize, since "xterm"
# is widely used for a variety of incompatible terminal emulations including
# color_xterm and rxvt.
xterm|X11 terminal emulator:\
The important line here is:
This is default value;80x24,so you should see it when you first open a file,if you haven't change defaults somehow.So all there needs to be done is to change the first and the last number in that code/line,for example like this;
That's if you want to have gnome-terminal 100x30 in size.Save the file and restart gnome-terminal for changes to take affect.

There have been lots of questions about this around the net,so I thought it would be good that this how to is here at LQ.

by bg3075 on Mon, 2010-05-17 20:23
In Fedora Core 12, file is located at usr/share/vte/termcap/xterm

by iqbal.shirol on Thu, 2010-06-03 02:19
In Ubuntu 8.04 also the same path:


The default size is always 80 columns and 24 lines.
/usr/share/vte/termcap/xterm (part of the file is shown below)
You edit the default size by changing the line (displayed in bold below)

# This is a cut-down version of the termcap file from my box with some entries
# removed (add them back in to override the terminal's behavior):
# kI (Insert, Delete is handled programmatically)
# kP/kN (Page Up, Page Down)
# ku/kd/kl/kr (Up, Down, Left, Right)
# k1/kd2/k3/k4/k5/k6/k7/k8/k9/k; (F1-F10)
# K1/K2/K3/K4/K5 (KP Up, Down, Left, Right, Begin)
xterm-xfree86|xterm-new|xterm terminal emulator (XFree86):\
:co#80:it#8:li#24:\ #change this line for your own default size

by LouRobytes on Thu, 2010-06-03 07:02
In the terminal window Edit->Profile Preferences. Under the General tab, you can set the Default size of columns and rows. These take effect the next time Terminal is launched.

Cheers, Lou

by iqbal.shirol on Thu, 2010-06-03 23:34
Hey Lou,

They thing you are explaining is only available for newer versions of Linux.. For old versions you have to edit the file which I had mentioned earlier..

Iqbal S.

by LouRobytes on Fri, 2010-06-04 13:00
Thanks Iqbal S, I hadn't realized how old the first post was.

Cheers, Lou

by iqbal.shirol on Fri, 2010-06-04 23:43
Hey Lou,

Post is new one but the version which I have mentioned (Ubuntu 8.04) in that post is older one.. And for old versions you have to edit the file which I had mentioned earlier..

Iqbal S.

by lorikaufman on Thu, 2011-05-12 13:28
Originally Posted by iqbal.shirol View Post
Hey Lou,

They thing you are explaining is only available for newer versions of Linux.. For old versions you have to edit the file which I had mentioned earlier..

Iqbal S.
What's the newest version of Ubuntu in which you can use Edit->Profile Preferences to change the default size of the terminal window rather than changing it manually?


by cameronl on Sat, 2011-05-14 02:06
Originally Posted by lorikaufman View Post
What's the newest version of Ubuntu in which you can use Edit->Profile Preferences to change the default size of the terminal window rather than changing it manually?

According to this:
It no longer works in gnome-terminal >= 2.30.x

And according to this:
Ubuntu 10.04 shipped with gnome-terminal < 2.30.x but updates will update it to the new gnome-terminal.

by farmerdave on Fri, 2011-06-24 04:04
I have Gnome Slackware 13.1, this works well. File is located /usr/share/vte/termcap/xterm

by smilingfrog on Sat, 2012-01-14 22:35
Since this post came up first on a google search, I thought I would add this link that shows how to adjust the property on the launcher tab in gnome to achieve the same effect.

Right click on the launcher icon. Select Properties and change the command: box to
gnome-terminal --geometry=123x42+0+0
where 123 is the width of the terminal, 42 is the height, and the +0+0 will give offsets from the upper left of the screen, replacing 0 with numbers.

A bit more flexible maybe.


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