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By linus72 at 2009-04-04 13:55

Find links to my creations on LinuxQuestions forum under the name Linus72

This tutorial assumes you know the common Windows commands of copy/cut/paste using the mouse though you may use the terminal.

Go get these Distro's first-

Billix versions 0.18 and 0.24 tar.gz files here-

( )
( )

Damn-Small-Linux Embedded-

( )
( )

Please note-I did not edit the Windows .bat files as I do not have Windows. If on Windows, edit the .bat files similarly to the file.
Also, please read everything in my versions above or in the

This "How-To" demonstrates fixing/modifying both the and the Billix-0.24.tar.gz so that both successfully boot Qemu in a Linux native and/or live environment/Windows and on your USB or a CD-R. For this tutorial and for reference note that everything was done in Ubuntu-SE 8.04 (Satanic Edition) (x86) installed to HD on a HP Pavillion a810n AMD Athlon64 (32/64) 3300+ 2.4GHz with 1GB RAM and standard integrated SIS-760 Graphics.
The choice of Ubuntu SE is because it has minimal apps installed, awesome Heavy Metal themes/music, and the Bathory wallpaper!
Well done SE!
Almost any Linux distro should work-but note that the default keyboard "arrow" keys did not work in SuperUbuntu-8.10/Slackware 12.2 when setting up the "Xvesa-setup" screen running DSL via Qemu, I instead had to use "shift+numberpad arrow keys". You might also have to use those keys running Qemu in DSL live via USB/CD. Don't know why.

I will do both Billix-0.24.tar.gz and DSL-embedded so that they both boot and play DSL through Qemu in most Linux distro's. After getting Billix-0.24 working and following this tutorial and editing the chosen files including "", the Window's .bat files and the isolinux.cfg/syslinux.cfg files. You can then just copy/paste the "" and copy/overwrite the .bat files into the DSL-embedded folder from the Billix folder and then edit the isolinux.cfg/syslinux.cfg files. See below.

After Downloading Billix-0.18, 0.24 and DSL-embedded place them in a folder on your Desktop, extract each tar.gz, right-click on tar.gz-select "extract-here"(Ubuntu). Or use Archive Manager.

The files you will need from Billix-0.18, within the Qemu folder, include-

Put those two files in both the DSL-embedded and the Billix-0.24 folder, in the Qemu folder.
Now, rename the "DSL" folder in Billix-0.24 to "KNOPPIX".

Open the isolinux.cfg file in Billix-0.24 with a text editor or double-click it and choose "display".
Now, edit the entries in the .cfg file by putting a forward-slash (/) in front of "linux24", "minirt24.gz", "boot.msg", "f2", and "f3". So it should be KERNEL /linux24, Append initrd=/minirt24.gz, DISPLAY/F1 /boot.msg, F2 /f2, F3 /f3.
Hit save. Now do the same with the syslinux.cfg file and hit save.
This is to ensure that both Billix and DSL-embedded boot from either USB/CD-more on that later.

Now, copy the edited isolinux.cfg/syslinux.cfg files from Billix-0.24 to the DSL-embedded folder and overwrite the isolinux.cfg file in DSL-embedded with the Billix isolinux.cfg.

Go back into the Billix-0.24 folder and open the "" by right-clicking it, select "open with text editor"
It should look like this-

( qemu/qemu -L qemu/ -soundhw sb16 -kernel linux24 -initrd minirt24.gz -hda KNOPPIX/KNOPPIX -hdb qemu/harddisk -append "qemu frugal quiet modules=hdb nousb noscsi nofirewire atapicd noideraid noacpi acpi=off noapm noagp nomce" )

Edit it to-

( qemu/qemu -L qemu/ -no-kqemu -soundhw sb16 -kernel linux24 -initrd minirt24.gz -hda KNOPPIX/KNOPPIX -append "qemu frugal quiet modules=hda ramdisk_size=100000 init=/etc/init lang=us apm=power-off vga=791 quiet knoppix_dir=knoppix BOOT_IMAGE=knoppix" )

Hit save.

Now double-click "" and choose "run". It should now boot DSL via Qemu and a Qemu window should pop-up on your desktop-playing DSL-4.4.10 out of the Billix-0.24 folder!

Now, copy the "" from the Billix-0.24 folder to the DSL-embedded folder. Now, again double-click "" in the DSL-embedded folder-choose run and Qemu should pop-up and play DSL-4.4.10!

To put either on your USB, insert the USB and copy/paste or drag-n-drop the CONTENTS of either the Billix-0.24 or DSL-embedded folder into the window that appears when you inserted the USB.

If not already installed you will need to add syslinux and gparted to Ubuntu 8.04. Go to the menu, select "System/administration/synaptic package manager". When it opens click on the "search" button. Type in "syslinux" for USB and "genisoimage" for CD (should already be installed).

To boot the USB open a terminal in Ubuntu and type in "syslinux -s /dev/sdxx" where "xx" is your USB-e.g. sdf1/sdb1/sde1, etc.
To make sure, open Gparted through the "system-administration" menu and click on the "gparted" button, then "refresh", then choose "gparted" and "devices", your device should be listed under sdf1/sde1/sdb1 etc. Click on line naming your device-gparted should then switch screens from your HD to your USB and you should see a line similar to this one-

"/dev/sdf1 FAT32 3.76GB "

Now, to activate the "boot" flag, right-click on that line and select "manage flags". Check the "boot" box and hit "close".
Then close gparted.
Remember to install syslinux as above and ensure the boot flag is activated.

Wow, now reboot into Good Waves and watch DSL play off your USB!

To make either Billix-0.24 or DSL-embedded into an ISO CD image, download Slax-6.0.9.iso/tar or a dirivative-(Goblinx/wolvix/Slax-popcorn/Slax-frodo), extract the .iso image in Ubuntu by right-clicking the .iso and selecting "extract here". Or just untar the Slax-6.0.9.tar the same way. Go into the folder created, into the "slax" folder and copy/paste the two files "" and "make_iso.bat" into either the Billix-0.24 folder or the DSL-embedded folder.

To get "" to work create a folder named "boot" in the Billix-0.24/DSL-embedded folder. Now, go into the new "boot" folder and create a folder named "isolinux". Go back out to the Billix/DSL-embedded folder and copy(not cut) the files "isolinux.cfg", "isolinux.bin", and "" into the "isolinux" folder which is in the "boot" folder.

Now, in Ubuntu, double-click on "" and choose "run in terminal". The terminal should open and say

"Target ISO file name [ Hit enter for /home/bz/Desktop/boot.iso ]: ".

Name it anything you want BUT remember to add ".iso" to the name-like "mydslcd.iso", not "mydsl".

Your done, I suggest burning a CD-R with "k3b" (it's in synaptic) at the slowest speed. Or in Windows with Nero, etc.

More fun-on USB

This should also work on the Billix-0.24/DSL-embedded CD-R you just burned. Reboot into DSL-embedded/Billix via CD/USB
and after DSL fully loads, click on the "mount" button and click on the top bar (floppy/cdrom/etc) till your USB is displayed-mine came up as "sda1", it should mount it. Click on the "terminal" button in the lower taskbar in DSL. The terminal should open.
Type in "mount".
It should display your mounted devices including CDROM/USB. Type in "cd /mnt/sdxx" for me it's "cd /mnt/sda1".
Now, type in "./".
Qemu should appear and start booting DSL on your DSL desktop!

You can open multiple instances by again opening a terminal, typing in "cd /mnt/sdxx", and "./"!

Have fun and if you want to host my projects or have problems please contact me at

by linus72 on Mon, 2009-07-27 13:46
where did this post come from??


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