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By lorddoskias at 2006-06-18 05:37
A simple guide on how to install Nessus on slackware 10.2

As you may know "Tenable" doesn't provide native packages for Slackware, so we must do some tricks in order to run it.

First go and grab the package for fedora core 4 (that's what I'll be using for this example).When you are done you have to convert this package to tgz , this is done by simply using the "rpm2tgz" utility, so you do something like:
"rpm2tgz packagename.rpm". Then you should wait for a while ... after everything is done you must install the package:
"installpkg packagename.tar"

After the package is installed, it places its files in /opt/nessus dir.Now you should do the following things:
1.Update the berkeley db library version (
2.Then you must copy all files from /opt/nessus/lib to /usr/local/lib and run the ldconfig utility in order to update the library list.(Only the files, not the "nessus" subfolder)
3.Now it's time for some symbol linking:
3.1 Go into /usr/lib dir and execute the following commands:
ln -s
ln -s
ln -s

After you've done this you may try and run nessus-add-first-user, then nessus-mkcrt, and finally nessus -D

I wish you luck.And I do not take any responsibility if you crash your system or something (Most probably it won't happen)

Author: LordDoskias with a little help from iddqd
You can contact me on @ ##slackware

by Old_Fogie on Sun, 2006-10-01 01:39
thanks for the how-to.

I am getting stuck tho.

there is no add user in /opt/nessus/bin

so I skipped to next step, nessus-mkcert-client and that yields: "Nessus server 'private' directory:"

I understand that is the key, but where is the correct location for this?

by Old_Fogie on Sun, 2006-10-01 02:02
oh disregard, it's in /opt/nessus/sbin sorry

by linuxsrc on Sun, 2006-11-12 01:26
That's great! the most important is to creat the links for Nessus, thanks.

by yans00 on Tue, 2011-11-29 02:45
very thanks for this helpful info.

by k0rn on Thu, 2012-01-19 14:30
Hi, (sorry if my english is bad) I have the Slackware 13 kernel-current(, and i reach the total nessus installation, but with so much problems. I'll write something to help someone using newest Slack or similar.

i have an sucessufully installation with this packages: SERVER- nessus-server-2.2.9-1.fc4.i386.tgz (Fedora4package)

but i have an SERIOUS problem with the client installation, so i download the Slackbuild nessus-client 1.0.2, wich created /tmp/nessus-client-1.0.2-i486-2sl.tgz ,wich added NessusClient to /usr/bin. I think that's is possible install one nessus-client more recent, but didn't yet. i hope this help somebody-someone.


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