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By routers at 2006-08-30 11:57
Yum > / FC4 / This project usefull for Admin with more than one fc4 in the LAN

1) ---------------------------------Setting Local Server---------------------------

Requirement :

* Any Linux Version but this my project using slackware 10.2
* Sambal installed configure to share one directory or disk, please refer to samba configuration

This is my example:
rou@noc:~$ uname -an
Linux noc 2.4.31 #6 Sun Jun 5 19:04:47 PDT 2005 i686 unknown unknown GNU/Linux

rou@noc:~$ df -h
Filesystem Size Used Avail Use% Mounted on
/dev/hda1 19G 859M 17G 5% /
/dev/hdb1 19G 809M 18G 5% /export/REPO <- look at this point
/dev/hdc1 111G 93G 13G 89% /export/NFS
/dev/hdd1 28G 15G 13G 54% /export/home

root@noc:/# mkdir /export/REPO/YUM
root@noc:/# mkdir /export/REPO/YUM/base-pkg
root@noc:/# mkdir /export/REPO/YUM/extras-pkg
root@noc:/# mkdir /export/REPO/YUM/livna-pkg
root@noc:/# mkdir /export/REPO/YUM/updates-released-pkg

This is my smb.conf:

comment = Local YUM repository
path = /export/REPO
valid users = rou
public = no
writable = yes
printable = no
create mask = 0765
--------------------------------local server end-------------------------------

2) -------------------------------Setting WorkStation-----------------------------

install livna # rpm -ivh
install samba # yum install samba-common samba-client

NOTE-----------Carefull This mightbe not for you so no need to care--------------.
| for customize system i remove installed packages what i no need |
| # rpm -e --nodeps lvm2.i386 pcmcia-cs.i386 |
| # yum remove bind parted rp-pppoe wireless-tools man man-pages.noarch |

[root@cs rou]# cd /
[root@cs /]# mkdir /export/mnt/update
[root@cs /]# mount -t smbfs //noc/REPO /export/mnt/update/
note* there //noc , i already add " noc" in /etc/hosts

[root@cs rou]# df -h
Filesystem Size Used Avail Use% Mounted on
/dev/hda2 9.1G 3.0G 5.7G 35% /
/dev/hda1 23M 8.5M 14M 40% /boot
/dev/shm 62M 0 62M 0% /dev/shm
//noc/REPO 19G 1.8G 18G 10% /export/mnt/update

[root@cs rou]# cd /var/cache/yum/
[root@cs yum]# ls
base extras livna updates-released
[root@cs yum]# cd base/
[root@cs base]# rm -rf packages/
[root@cs base]# ln -s /export/mnt/update/YUM/base-pkg/ packages
[root@cs base]# cd ../livna/
[root@cs livna]# rm -rf packages/
[root@cs livna]# ln -s /export/mnt/update/YUM/livna-pkg/ packages
[root@cs livna]# cd ../extras/
[root@cs extras]# rm -rf packages/
[root@cs extras]# ln -s /export/mnt/update/YUM/extras-pkg/ packages
[root@cs extras]# cd ../updates-released/
[root@cs updates-released]# rm -rf packages/
[root@cs updates-released]# ln -s /export/mnt/update/YUM/updates-released-pkg/ packages

------------------------------end setting workstation--------------------------------


# yum update

this command will update all installed file and downloaded packages will be stored in "noc" machine

# yum clean headers <- do not use clean packages, let all the packages store in the server

--------------------------------end of usage------------------------------------------

4) -----------------------Advantages of doing this-----------------------------------------

After you update first workstation then update second workstation very easy, just set same way
for workstation setting and you update second workstation the yum will not download
any file which already available in the server
Here is the result from //Second Workstation//
# yum update
Transaction Summary
Install 4 Package(s)
Update 125 Package(s)
Remove 0 Package(s)
Total download size: 135 M
Is this ok [y/N]: y
Downloading Packages:
(1/41): glib2-2.6.6-1.i38 100% |=========================| 568 kB 01:17
note* normal condition supposed to download 125+1 packages
but this condition only download 41 packages so save a lot of bandwitdh
Here is the result for //Third Workstation//
# yum update
Transaction Summary
Install 4 Package(s)
Update 125 Package(s)
Remove 0 Package(s)
Total download size: 135 M
Is this ok [y/N]: y
Downloading Packages:
Running Transaction Test
Finished Transaction Test
Transaction Test Succeeded
Running Transaction
Updating : libgcc ##################### [ 1/254]
Updating : hwdata ##################### [ 2/254]

=====so can see the different nothing download for third workstation============

note* if anyone want to modified welcome . in purpose to make people understand


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