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By khermans at 2005-04-11 08:48
I was frustrated for a very long time because I could not get access to the Internet via my LG VX6000 cell phone in Linux. However, just recently I discovered that it is possible with very little configuration! It may even work for similar model phones including LG VX4400. Here is how to do it.

First we want to have a compatible USB cable for our phone. I bought the Verizon Mobile Office kit ($70.00 ripoff + software) and used the cable included with that package. You can find them much cheaper online, but be aware that some companies claim things about their cables that are not true, and my brother found that out the hard way when he bought one online.

Anyways, now that you have the cable, let's setup our PPP connection. I am running Ubuntu 5.04 (Hoary), with Gnome 2.10, and am using the integrated Networking setup utility. You can crib the settings for any other application that you like, but be aware that Kppp seems not to allow one to manually specify the interface of the device. Also, the fast Verizon Internet service (~10 KB/sec) is only available when you are directly on their network (with non-leased towers), and for when you are not roaming. I have not tried the roaming service in Linux yet, but they call it Quick2Net and the speed is about 1-2 KB/sec from anywhere you can make phone calls not on Verizon's direct network. I provide both settings below.

System -> Administration -> enter your password for the setup utility
You should see a little telephone icon with the heading "Modem Connection". Go to the properties dialog for this connection. Now check the box that says "This device is configured".

Phone Number: #777
Dial prefix: <leave blank>
Username: <your 10 digit number> [ie.]
Password: vzw

Now click the modem tab at the top. The modem could be either of two devices below, so do an ls on each to see which one exists when your phone is plugged in. On mine it is /dev/ttyACM0 (that's a zero).

Modem port: /dev/ttyACM0 or /dev/usb/ttyACM0
Dial type: Tones
Volume: Off

Now go to the Options tab. Check the box for both "Set modem as default route to internet" and "Retry if he connection breaks or fails to start". Hit OK and you should be all set. Now just click the Activate button for the new modem settings and your phone should begin to dialup to the internet!!! So cool! If you want to use the Quick2Net service (when roaming), just replace the user/pass to both be "qnc", and leave everything else the same. That should get you online -- but I have not tried it myself.

If you cannot communicate with your phone, try to modprobe the following modules:

You may also try to specify an initialization string of "AT$QCMRD=3" for the dialup connection, but it was not necessary for me to get online. Are there any other questions? Hopefully this will help future cell phone internet junkies like me (free on the weekends, since it uses my minutes and night/weekends are free!!!!)

Kristian Hermansen

by cdean on Thu, 2005-06-16 19:51
Have you had any luck trying the QNC? When attempting to use it (same configuration and distro as you), my vx6000 displays the call banner "3G 1X DATA" whereas under Windows when I use it it is "DATA CALL".

I've got a thread started on this over at Ubuntu Forums.

by khermans on Tue, 2005-06-21 19:37
I posted a follw-up to your question in the Ubuntu forums. Try the faster 3G service first man, it is not a pay service. I use my minutes like everyone else does. The slow service is just that....slower! I guess the qnc service will work on non-verizon towers when you are roaming -- mainly because the tower does not have the equipment to offer digital data services??? Don't know man, but try the 3G before messing around with qnc settings...

Kristian Hermansen


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