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By barton at 2004-11-29 18:29
If you use this guide please offer a response. Also please ask questions I am willing to help. If you need and explanation do NOT hesitate to post. Enjoy!

tar -zxvf ndiswrapper-0.11.tar.gz
cd ndiswrapper-0.11
make install
ndiswrapper -i /mnt/cdrom/Drivers/wmpci54g.inf
modprobe ndiswrapper
ndiswrapper -l

Installed ndis drivers:
wmpci54g        driver present, hardware present
ndiswapper -m
Adding "alias wlan0 ndiswrapper" to /etc/modules.conf
dhcpcd wlan0
iwconfig wlan0

wlan0     IEEE 802.11b  ESSID:"linksys"
          Mode:Managed  Frequency:2.437GHz  Access Point: 00:0F:66:58:7E:A6
          Bit Rate:18Mb/s   Tx-Power:14 dBm
          RTS thr:2347 B   Fragment thr:2346 B
          Encryption key:off
          Power Management:off
          Link Quality:94/100  Signal level:-53 dBm  Noise level:-256 dBm
          Rx invalid nwid:0  Rx invalid crypt:0  Rx invalid frag:0
          Tx excessive retries:347  Invalid misc:7753   Missed beacon:0
Open /etc/rc.d/rc.wireless.conf
Scroll down until you see this:
## --------- START SECTION TO REMOVE -----------
## Pick up any Access Point, should work on most 802.11 cards
    INFO="Any ESSID"
## ---------- END SECTION TO REMOVE ------------
Edit it to match this:
## --------- START SECTION TO REMOVE -----------
## Pick up any Access Point, should work on most 802.11 cards
## ---------- END SECTION TO REMOVE ------------
Save it.

Open /etc/rc.d/rc.local and add this to the end of the file:
/etc/rc.d/rc.wireless wlan0
/sbin/dhcpcd wlan0
Save it.

You are finished. Now the wireless card will be ready to use every time you boot up.
Questions or comments, please post.

by ricalicious on Tue, 2004-12-07 21:42
I found your article most helpfull during my installation of ndiswrapper. Unforyunatly my computer hangs whenever I try the dhcpcd step. Everything else goes fine. Any help would be appreciated.

by insinu8 on Tue, 2004-12-07 22:36
Do you happen to know if this will work the same way in Debian?
I've got Sarge w/kernel 2.4

I ask ahead of time because I have not yet bought the NIC nor the router and I want to make sure I can use them before spending the money.


by barton on Thu, 2004-12-09 01:18
Originally posted by ricalicious
I found your article most helpfull during my installation of ndiswrapper. Unforyunatly my computer hangs whenever I try the dhcpcd step. Everything else goes fine. Any help would be appreciated.
What is you distrobution? Type iwconfig, and ndiswrapper -l
Post what you get.

Originally posted by insinu8
Do you happen to know if this will work the same way in Debian?
I've got Sarge w/kernel 2.4

I ask ahead of time because I have not yet bought the NIC nor the router and I want to make sure I can use them before spending the money.
With debian the files rc.wireless.conf and rc.local do not exist the are combined into a different conf the /etc/. Similar to where eth0 information would be stored. I am not familar with Debian. Actually that is one of the reason why I left Debian because of the wireless setup. Shoot an email to the debian-user mailinglist. This has been discussed there.

by ricalicious on Thu, 2004-12-09 16:06
[root@localhost utils]# /sbin/iwconfig
lo no wireless extensions.

sit0 no wireless extensions.

wlan0 IEEE 802.11g ESSIDff/any
Mode:Auto Frequency:2.437GHz Access Point: 00:00:00:00:00:00
Bit Rate:54Mb/s Tx-Power:20 dBm Sensitivity=-120 dBm
RTS thr:2347 B Fragment thr:2346 B
Encryption keyff
Power Managementff
Link Quality:100/100 Signal level:136/154 Noise level:0/154
Rx invalid nwid:0 Rx invalid crypt:0 Rx invalid frag:0
Tx excessive retries:0 Invalid misc:0 Missed beacon:0

[root@localhost utils]# ./ndiswrapper -l
Installed ndis drivers:
net8180 driver present
rt2500 driver present, hardware present

I have dhcpcd installed, and when I type dhcpcd wlan0 the machine hangs and I never regain controll. I am running FC2. Thanks

by barton on Thu, 2004-12-09 22:40
Can you router handle dhcp protocol? So routers older ones require static network ips.


ndiswrapper -m

What do you get?

by simon_w on Sat, 2004-12-11 10:51
Is this for the default 2.4.* slackware kernel?

by barton on Sun, 2004-12-12 15:37
I used ndiswrapper under the 2.4 kernel. I then reinstalled it when I upgraded to 2.65 kernel. You could try upgrading you kernel.

I followed this tutorial:

by jankom on Mon, 2004-12-20 13:44
Clear and nice instructions. I have the same Linksys and trying to access the Linksys wireless router connected to the cable modem. My distribution is Fedora 1, so first I had to update the kernel in order to use NDISWrapper. I'm new to Linux, so it took me a few tries till most of the things work in the new 2.6.9 kernel (modem, USB, nforce ethernet adapter, etc.). So I installed the Linksys WMP54G following istructions from NDISWrapper and the distribution specific postings.

Fedora uses alias eth1 ndiswrapper, it does not have wlan interface. I did not do the dhcpcd step, may not need it after reading some of these replies.

Here is my problem: I was able to get out to the internet once or twice, but now I can't. The truth is that in-between I recompiled the kernel for various other bad problems.

The interesting thing is that I can see and connect to the wireless router by going to, but cannot get to any internet site. If I use my telephone modem the internet works. If I boot into W2K on the same machine the wireless internet works. Something stupid must be happening. Any help, any idea?

Thanks, jankom

by barton on Mon, 2004-12-20 13:52
Originally posted by jankom

Here is my problem: I was able to get out to the internet once or twice, but now I can't. The truth is that in-between I recompiled the kernel for various other bad problems.
I am not familar with Fedora. I would suggest that you uninstall the ndiswrapper. If there is nothing valuable on the system, redo the os install. I have only use ndiswrapper only with the 2.6.5 kernel.

When you recompile the kernel you have to reinstall ndiswrapper. I have to reinstall ndiswrapper when I recompiled from 2.4 to 2.6.5. Just reinstall the program. Be sure to follow the instructions.

by colombo187 on Tue, 2004-12-28 18:13
I'm new to linux and running slackware 10 trying to get my realtek 8180 up and running fo days I was about toquit when I found this article 5min later interenet is up Bam!


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