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By munkie_poo at 2004-11-21 10:23
Linux and playstation online gaming

If your like me, your sick of asking how to get Internet connection sharing to work with your Playstation 2 and getting a reply of " buy a router", "get a decent modem", go and buy one of these and one of those. Were not all loaded with cash...

Ok, ICS might not be the perfect way to connect to the net, but its cheap and it works...sometimes.

I am writing this using slackware 10 (also tried on mandrake 10), one ethernet card, one ugly Alcatel USB DSL modem (like I said about not loaded with cash) and broadband connection, and the vital part, Firestarter.


If your modem is already setup or you use a different modem you can skip this part. I use a speedtouch usb so I thought I may as well include it.

To get the speedtouch working visit and download the driver, then goto and download the firmware.

I used the source package of the driver, it works flawlessly. Remember to not extract the firmware, just place the downloaded file into '/etc/speedtouch'.
now its just a case of (as root) :

speedtouch-setup enter username/password + vpi/vci number.
speedtouch-start starts the connection.
speedtouch-stop stops the connection.

One last thing to note, in '/etc/ppp/peers/speedtouch-pppoa' place a '#' in front of 'usepeerdns'. This will stop the speedtouch script retrieving the DNS servers automatically from your ISP. Then in '/etc/ppp/resolve.conf' and '/etc/resolve.conf' make sure you enter the DNS servers you ISP has given you (ask them for it if unsure). In my case the automatically assigned DNS were different to my service providers and caused some problems.


Slack has a handy tool 'pkgtool'. Run this as root, select 'setup' -> 'netconfig'.

Enter a hostname: darkstar (we'll use darkstar as an example)

Enter a domain:

Setup IP address: static IP

Enter an IP address:

Enter Netmask:

Enter Gateway: (leave blank)

Enter Name Server: yes

Select Name Server: 212.*.112.* (you should receive this from your ISP. DNS)

Accept changes: yes

Your network card should now be set up. If you use another distro, there should be a similar tool to setup the network cards, which will ask for the similar settings.


Download and install Firestarter from
you have to run it as root. I use version 0.9.3 I tried version 1 preview but after a few times of fiddling with it I could no longer connect anything to the Internet.

Run the wizard.

Select internet device: PPP0 (this is for the speedtouch and dialup modems)

start firewall on dial out: no ( I don't think it can detect the speedtouch dialing up so just start it manually)

IP address by DHCP: no ( It will automatically assign IP address)

Enable Network Address Translation: Select your network card connected to Playstation 2. ( Mine is 'eth0')

Autodetect IP Range: yes

Disable public access to all services: (unless you have services you need unblocked)

end of wizard.Save and Quit.


For a quick fix go onto the rules page of firestarter, select 'forwarded ports' right click and 'new rule'.

forward from
firewall port = 1:50000

forward to
IP or hostname = (playstation IP address)
port = 1:50000

This will forward all ports between 1 and 50000 to the IP address of your PS2 (
I imagine this has plenty of security issues, so you can enter the ports individually for certain games, using ':' to define a range of ports. eg. 6000:6009 this opens all ports between and including 6000 and 6009.

When not using your PS2 online, its best to run the firestarter wizard again to disable 'NAT' and maybe even remove the forwarded rule to your PS2, this helps if you use amule etc, to stop you getting a low ID.


Use your Playstation Network Access Disk and setup a new connection.

PPpOe: no

use DHCP: no

Gateway (your computers 'eth0' IP address)

IP Address: (your Playstation IP address)

Auto DNS: no

DNS Servers: 212.*.74.* (The DNS numbers from you ISP)

With these settings, you should now be ready to connect to Central Station and play your favorites online.

Last Notes

2.6 Kernel :

I haven't tried this setup with kernel 2.6, it should work fine (not sure about the speedtouch though). I use 2.4.26 and it all works fine.

Ports to Forward :

Most games tell you in the instructions booklet which ports should be opened/forwarded. If not, try the games website support or the playstation forums.

Problems :

If you have connection problems with applications on your PC, remove the forwarded ports from firestarter and run the wizard and disable NAT.

Contact :

If you feel the need to send me an email, letting me know about improvements etc. Your more than welcome. or see me in-game my handle is rivierra_kid or rivierrakid or similar.

I have no involvement with any of the software mentioned, I have simply wrote down how I managed to get my playstation online with linux.
thank you


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