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By Kropotkin at 2005-08-03 05:47
These instructions are based on my experiences installing the Linksys WMP54G PCI card under Fedora Core 4. They should work for rt2400-based cards as well.

First, install the NIC and verify that the hardware has been detected by running lspci. You should see a line like this:

02:0a.0 Network controller: RaLink Ralink RT2500 802.11 Cardbus Reference Card (rev 01)
Next, download the latest rt2500 CVS source tar package from and unpack it. It will unpack itself in a directory like rt2500-cvs-2005072715/

Then, download the header package for your kernel. For example, if you have kernel 2.6.12-1.1398 installed, download the kernel-devel-2.6.12-1.1398 .RPM. Install it with rpm.

Now, go to Modules/ in the rt2500 directory and compile the rt2500 source code
#./make install
Make sure that /etc/modprobe.conf contains the line:

alias ra0 rt2400'
and that /etc/modules.conf contains the line:

alias ra0 rt2400
You may need to create the modules.conf file.


If the install went correctly, you should see the ra0 interface listed when you run iwconfig.

You then need to open the gnome system-config-network program (Applications --> System Settings --> Network) and enter the relevant network coordinates for this interface. Once you have done this, save your changes, and activate the device on the first page.

Based on

by mystikangel on Tue, 2005-08-16 06:24
I've been searching for the last 3 days through the forums and can't find any help.

i type "lspci" into the terminal window and is not a valaid command. (As you guessed im a newbie)

i downloaded the rt2500 driver from serialmonkey, but i can't find anything about the header.
i really don't understand the header part.

the configure command doesnt work
the make command says cannot find the source files in /lib/module/build
please specify with the KSRC=path
i cannot find the correct path

I am installing a Linksys WMP54G wireless network card on Fedora Core 4.

Any help is greatly appreciated. thanx

by Steve50 on Sun, 2005-09-18 09:31
Try following this link:

by colonel on Sun, 2006-06-04 04:08
Originally Posted by mystikangel
I've been searching for the last 3 days through the forums and can't find any help.

i type "lspci" into the terminal window and is not a valaid command. (As you guessed im a newbie)

i downloaded the rt2500 driver from serialmonkey, but i can't find anything about the header.
i really don't understand the header part.

the configure command doesnt work
the make command says cannot find the source files in /lib/module/build
please specify with the KSRC=path
i cannot find the correct path

I am installing a Linksys WMP54G wireless network card on Fedora Core 4.

Any help is greatly appreciated. thanx
K, i had to learn this the hard way too... but i'll try to shortcut the learning curve a little for you.
I've got Fedora core 5.
if you have a connection to the internet, use yum to install packages.
what you need to do is
# yum -y install kernel-devel
that´ ll take care of the header part. It basically needs some nerdy information to compile the "driver" which is called a module (i think) in linux.

In fedora, for some stupid reason some commands are not in the proper directory and for lspci u have to type
$ /sbin/lspci
its the same for iwconfig and iwlist. (although you may have to get them from the internet. its a program called wireless tools or something. somebody?)

Back to the header part. That's the source code of your kernel which for simplicity we'll say is sorta like the system32 folder in windows (SORTA! no flames!). You need to point the make file to that directory. Which in fedora on mine is /usr/src/kernels/2.6.16-1.2122smp.i686 . Replace my kernel with whatever one yum puts in there for you. Just look around in that general area by doing cd and then ls till you find the right spot. Once you've found it, for the make command, type
$ make KSRC=/usr/src/kernels/yourkernelsource
Yum should have gotten the right kernel source to match your kernel for you.
and all should make smoothly. then do make install or make install-fedora if nothing works.

Linux can be a bitch. likely enough it won't make, and some obscure error will come up. but when linux works its good... lol... i'm only just hanging on myself...

If you don't have an internet connection on that pc... good luck...

you'll have to do it all without yum...

hope i've helped.


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