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By bbo at 2005-02-08 17:34
This is the mini how-to for Belkin F5D6001 Wireless PCI adapter (version 3)
using Ndiswrapper.
This card use RTL8180 chipset

Slackware 10.0

This how-to is just for my personal howto and want to share with you guys.
I got most of the part of this how to from
Many Thanks!!!***

Ndiswrapper is a project that provides a kernel module to load windows NDIS
drivers under linux. NDIS stands for Network Driver Interface Specification
and is a Windows driver interface that allows for a single NIC to support
multiple network protocols, for example IPX and TCP/IP. Most cards that do
not have native linux drivers are supported. While still in beta, the latest
version is quite usable. Keep in mind that this is beta quality software and
crashes and even kernel panics can be caused by buggy kernel modules. This
tutorial assumes you have basic knowledge of simple shell commands and basic
linux networking. If you are unfamiliar with these concepts there are basic
tutorials at

Download the latest version of ndiswrapper from Scroll down to latest file
releases and click download. The latest release at the time of writing was
0.10. Then download the Windows XP drivers for this card from

Extract the ndiswrapper sources with

[user@host]\$ tar xzf ndiswrapper-0.10.tar.gz

Then cd into the source directory, and as root run make install to build and
install the ndiswrapper kernel module.

[user@host]\$ cd ndiswrapper-0.10
[user@host]\$ su
[root@host]\# make install

You can download BEL6001.sys and Bel6001.inf driver files here.
Any problems? let me know at bbo.isu at

You need a windows XP machine to get the BEL6001.sys and Bel6001.inf
You can use some software to extract these files from cab file. Cab file can
get by unzipping F5D6001_ver3.exe, that you download from
The way I did was installed F5D6001_ver3 to windows XP machine that I
download from and used search to find those files. If you
need those file without doing anything, just email me at,
I can send you those files.

Once you got those windows inf and sys file, copy it to a folder, just
memorize where you copy to, (/home/user is a good place) and install it using
ndiswrapper -i as root.
For the rtl8180 the file in question is Bel6001.INF. Once
installed, run ndiswrapper -l also as root to see the status of your
installed driver. If you're using the correct driver you should see a
message stating the hardware is present. Replace /home/user with the full
path to where you extracted the driver.

[root@host]\# ndiswrapper -i /home/user/Bel6001.INF
[root@host]\# ndiswrapper -l
Installed ndis drivers:
bel6001 hardware present

This tests to see if the directory /etc/ndiswrapper exists, and if it does
not it creates it. It then copies all of the necessary files to this
directory and creates the configuration for your card. You will then need to
load the ndiswrapper module, and check to see if it generates any error
messages. Do this by typing as root

[root@host]\# modprobe ndiswrapper
[root@host]\# dmesg | grep ndiswrapper
ndiswrapper version 0.10 loaded (preempt=yes,smp=no)
ndiswrapper: using irq 11
wlan0: ndiswrapper ethernet device 00:0e:2e:06:ef:d7 using driver BEL6001.sys
ndiswrapper device wlan0 supports WPA with AES/CCMP and TKIP ciphers
ndiswrapper: driver BEL6001.sys () added

You should see a great deal of information after the dmesg command. Some of
the details may be different on your system, for example the hardware
address of the ethernet device. The most important thing is to check for any
errors. In this output, if the module has loaded successfully you should see
ndiswrapper version <version> loaded. If you have the correct windows driver
installed ndiswrapper will load it, and you will see ndiswrapper: driver
<driver>. You should also at this stage see some or all of the LEDs on your
wireless card light up. If everything has gone smoothly so far, you write
the settings to cause ndiswrapper to load automatically on boot by running
as root

[root@host]\# ndiswrapper -m

This adds a line into /etc/modprobe.conf that states alias wlan0
ndiswrapper. This causes the ndiswrapper kernel module to be loaded
automatically when you use the interface wlan0, which is your default
wireless device.

Now you will need to configure your device using iwconfig or ifconfig. If
you do not have the linux wireless tools package download it from here.While
it is not necessary to have these tools to use a simple wireless setup you
will find them quite useful. Click 'Download' and then scroll right to the
bottom of the page. You'll see quite a few packages and down near the bottom
some named 'wireless tools'. Grab the latest version you see there which is
at the time of writing wireless_tools.26.tar.gz.

Extract sources and cd into the source directory. Then run make and manually
copy the binaries and documentation it creates into the correct directories.
While you can run make install it is not advised by the developers.

[user@host]\$ make
[user@host]\$ su
[root@host]\# cp iwconfig iwspy iwpriv /usr/sbin
[root@host]\# cp iwconfig.8 iwspy.8 /usr/man/man8

At that point the problem I got is couldn't load. So I find using search, then copy and paste it to /lib folder.

Reading the iwconfig man page would be a good next step. There are many
possible configurations for a wireless network. A very simple configuration
with a single access point and your Internet gateway at could
be set up like this

[root@host]\$ ifconfig wlan0 up
[root@host]\$ ifconfig wlan0 // assign your IP
[root@host]\$ route add -net gw
[root@host]\$ route add default gw // any one works for you

If you have set things up after you assign an ip address to wlan0 you should
be able to ping your gateway. Once you have set this default route you
should be able to ping Internet addresses. Note that if you cannot ping your
gateway after the second command the third will fail. You must be able to
see your gateway before you can add it as your default route. You will also
have to check that you have valid dns settings in /etc/resolv.conf
(should be (nameserver ( is your gateway)).
While you can use iwconfig to manually force the card to register with a
certain access point the card by default will use automatic mode which
selects the best access point in range. If you have to use WEP or manually
set a channel the iwconfig man page has more information.

To load your wireless adapter at start up (Slackware 10.0).
enter these commands in your /etc/rc.d/rc.local file. (slackware 10.0)

/bin/sleep 1
/sbin/ifconfig wlan0 up
/bin/sleep 1
/sbin/ifconfig wlan0 up // for some reason, I've to do wlan0 up twice when I put it in rc.local file
/sbin/ifconfig wlan0 // assign your IP
/sbin/route add default gw // add default gateway

If you see any error in above how-to, let me know.



by bbo on Tue, 2005-03-08 00:05
I've updated this how-to since i couldn't upload .sys file on geocities.

This is the mini how-to for Belkin F5D6001 Wireless PCI adapter (version 3)
using Ndiswrapper.
This card use RTL8180 chipset

Slackware 10.0

I got most of the part of this how to from
Many Thanks!!!***

Ndiswrapper is a project that provides a kernel module to load windows NDIS
drivers under linux. NDIS stands for Network Driver Interface Specification
and is a Windows driver interface that allows for a single NIC to support
multiple network protocols, for example IPX and TCP/IP. Most cards that do
not have native linux drivers are supported. While still in beta, the latest
version is quite usable. Keep in mind that this is beta quality software and
crashes and even kernel panics can be caused by buggy kernel modules. This
tutorial assumes you have basic knowledge of simple shell commands and basic
linux networking. If you are unfamiliar with these concepts there are basic
tutorials at

Download the latest version of ndiswrapper from Scroll down to latest file
releases and click download. The latest release at the time of writing was
0.10. (latest version has some bug when I install last week, so u use 0.10
version when u have a installation problem with latest version)

Extract the ndiswrapper sources with

[user@host]\$ tar xzf ndiswrapper-0.10.tar.gz

Then cd into the source directory, and as root run make install to build and
install the ndiswrapper kernel module.

[user@host]\$ cd ndiswrapper-0.10
[user@host]\$ su
[root@host]\# make install

Now its time to get the driver files.
You can download rtl8081.sys and Bel6001.inf driver files here.
Any problems? let me know at bbo.isu at

Once you got those windows inf and sys file, copy it to a folder, just
memorize where you copy to, (/home/user is a good place) and install it using
ndiswrapper -i as root.
For the rtl8180 the file in question is Bel6001.INF. Once
installed, run ndiswrapper -l also as root to see the status of your
installed driver. If you're using the correct driver you should see a
message stating the hardware is present. Replace /home/user with the full
path to where you extracted the driver.

[root@host]\# ndiswrapper -i /home/user/Bel6001.INF
At that point you may encounter error, to solve this problem-
copy your rtl8081.sys to /etc/ndiswrapper/bel6001 folder manually by
using this command
[root@host]\# cp rtl8081.sys /etc/ndiswrapper/bel6001/

then issue this command

[root@host]\# ndiswrapper -l
Installed ndis drivers:
bel6001 hardware present

This tests to see if the directory /etc/ndiswrapper exists, and if it does
not it creates it. It then copies all of the necessary files to this
directory and creates the configuration for your card. You will then need to
load the ndiswrapper module, and check to see if it generates any error
messages. Do this by typing as root

[root@host]\# modprobe ndiswrapper
[root@host]\# dmesg | grep ndiswrapper
ndiswrapper version 0.10 loaded (preempt=no,smp=no)
ndiswrapper: using irq 10
wlan0: ndiswrapper ethernet device 00:30:bd:4e:bd:59 using driver bel6001
ndiswrapper: driver bel6001 (Belkin,07/08/2003,5.145.0708.2003) added

You should see a great deal of information after the dmesg command. Some of
the details may be different on your system, for example the hardware
address of the ethernet device. The most important thing is to check for any
errors. In this output, if the module has loaded successfully you should see
ndiswrapper version <version> loaded. If you have the correct windows driver
installed ndiswrapper will load it, and you will see ndiswrapper: driver
<driver>. You should also at this stage see some or all of the LEDs on your
wireless card light up. If everything has gone smoothly so far, you write
the settings to cause ndiswrapper to load automatically on boot by running
as root

[root@host]\# ndiswrapper -m

This adds a line into /etc/modprobe.conf that states alias wlan0
ndiswrapper. This causes the ndiswrapper kernel module to be loaded
automatically when you use the interface wlan0, which is your default
wireless device.

Now you will need to configure your device using iwconfig or ifconfig. If
you do not have the linux wireless tools package download it from here.
While it is not necessary to have these tools to use a simple wireless setup you
will find them quite useful. Click 'Download' and then scroll right to the
bottom of the page. You'll see quite a few packages and down near the bottom
some named 'wireless tools'. Grab the latest version you see there which is
at the time of writing wireless_tools.26.tar.gz.

Extract sources and cd into the source directory. Then run make and manually
copy the binaries and documentation it creates into the correct directories.
While you can run make install it is not advised by the developers.

[user@host]\$ make
[user@host]\$ su
[root@host]\# cp iwconfig iwspy iwpriv /usr/sbin
[root@host]\# cp iwconfig.8 iwspy.8 /usr/man/man8

At that point the problem I got is couldn't load. So I find using search, then copy and paste it to /lib folder.

Reading the iwconfig man page would be a good next step. There are many
possible configurations for a wireless network. A very simple configuration
with a single access point and your internet gateway at could
be set up like this

[root@host]\$ ifconfig wlan0 up
[root@host]\$ ifconfig wlan0 // assign your IP
[root@host]\$ route add -net gw
[root@hotst]\$ route add default gw // any one works for you

If you have set things up after you assign an ip address to wlan0 you should
be able to ping your gateway. Once you have set this default route you
should be able to ping internet addresses. Note that if you cannot ping your
gateway after the second command the third will fail. You must be able to
see your gateway before you can add it as your default route. You will also
have to check that you have valid dns settings in /etc/resolv.conf
(should be (nameserver ( is your gateway)).
While you can use iwconfig to manually force the card to register with a
certain access point the card by default will use automatic mode which
selects the best access point in range. If you have to use WEP or manually
set a channel the iwconfig man page has more information.

To load your wireless adapter at start up (for slackware!!!)
enter these commands in your /etc/rc.d/rc.local file.

/bin/sleep 1
/sbin/ifconfig wlan0 up
/bin/sleep 1
/sbin/ifconfig wlan0 up // for some reason, i've to do wlan0 up twice when I put it in rc.local file
/sbin/ifconfig wlan0 // assign your IP
/sbin/route add default gw // add default gateway

by awong07 on Sun, 2005-04-24 01:17
hey bbo,
Please help, I am newby to linux world. I have belkin f5d6001 v3.

I have followed the steps above but I have no luck. When tried to install bel6001.inf I got "cp: cannot stat `/home/user/Bel6001.INF': No such file or directory" and when I tried to copy the .sys file to ndiswrapper "cp: cannot stat rtl8180.sys': No such file or directory" instead. but when I did ndiswrapper -l command I got "Installed ndis drivers:
bel6001 hardware NOT present

by bbo on Sun, 2005-04-24 11:51
Originally posted by awong07
hey bbo,
Please help, I am newby to linux world. I have belkin f5d6001 v3.

I have followed the steps above but I have no luck. When tried to install bel6001.inf I got "cp: cannot stat `/home/user/Bel6001.INF': No such file or directory" and when I tried to copy the .sys file to ndiswrapper "cp: cannot stat rtl8180.sys': No such file or directory" instead. but when I did ndiswrapper -l command I got "Installed ndis drivers:
bel6001 hardware NOT present

1. Make sure you have Bel6001.INF and rtl8180.sys files downloaded..
2. ' home/user/Bel6001.INF ' should be the directory path that you downloaded Bel6001.INF and rtl8180.sys

by ChunkxZor on Mon, 2005-05-09 10:33
I did everything up to the modprobe ndiswrapper command. when i do that, it doesnt say anything, am i supposed to run some other command to see if it loaded or what? i dont know too much about linux, but ive been learning as i go and im figuring this out slowly.

by bbo on Mon, 2005-05-09 11:43
Do this -

[root@host]\# ndiswrapper -l

what u got?

by ChunkxZor on Mon, 2005-05-09 12:27
thats an L right? ive done that, it says installed, but the led's on the card never star t blinking.

by bbo on Mon, 2005-05-09 15:21
copy your rtl8081.sys to /etc/ndiswrapper/bel6001 folder manually


[root@host]\# modprobe ndiswrapper

by ChunkxZor on Mon, 2005-05-09 15:30
Ive done that too. when i type modprobe ndiswrapper is anything suposed to come up?

by bbo on Mon, 2005-05-09 15:51

If you want to see the result, type
[root@host]\# dmesg | grep ndiswrapper

by ChunkxZor on Mon, 2005-05-09 15:53
nothing comes up when i type that, does that mean it isnt doing anything?


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