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By jagjitnatt at 2005-10-19 05:46
Good News for all those who have been fiddling with ATI drivers in Fedora Core. Here is an easy way to setup your card. But here are the requirements:

1. Fedora Core 4 (Clean, in working condition)
2. ATI Xorg 6.8 Drivers from their Web Site.
3. A little Brain.
4. Patience.

Caution: This page describes installation of ATI card on a system with a motherboard without onboard graphics and AGP or PCI-Express Interface. Those with onboard graphics enabled + ATI card are going to face much problems. There are some other instructions for them in other tutorials.

Here we go:
1. First after getting the ATI drivers install them by double clicking them ( not through console). This is to install a dependency.

2. Then in console go to the directory which contains the ATI drivers and give this command. Remember the text in <<< >>> is not to be typed exactly but to be followed.

rpm -Uvh --force <<<filename>>>.rpm

3. This should install the drivers. If you receive a dependency error, install the dependency from Fedora Core CDs. Then reinstall drivers.

4. In console type


5. Follow the wizard, accepting the defaults.

6. Reboot the computer.

7. After starting the computer and logging in type:


and check if it says something like this
display: :0.0 screen: 0
OpenGL vendor string: ATI Technologies Inc.
OpenGL renderer string: RADEON 9200SE DDR Generic
OpenGL version string: 1.3.1010 (X4.3.0-8.16.20)

If it display something like Mesa then something has gone wrong and you need to start over.

8. Type glxinfo | grep direct
and it should say Direct Rendering : Yes
if it says no you need to start over.


Make sure your Xorg Version is 6.8 or higher. If not download and install it. All those with onboard graphics an addition to ATI cards are really gonna suffer. They need to recompile their kernel, patch it, install DRI, Mesa drivers and do a whole lot of other stuff. I recommend going for an NVidia card or changing the motherboard for those guys.

If everything else fails update. Use drivers from Livna if these drivers don't help you. If Mesa irritates too much just remove it using : rpm -e <<<mesa version>>>.rpm although it is not recommended.

by spooon on Sat, 2005-10-22 16:27
The article looks incomplete. Like what RPMs are you trying to install?

by WhiskeyTangoFoxtrot on Sat, 2005-11-12 13:15
ive tried and tried and tried what the article outlines on a fresh FC4 installation. Still, Mesa persists. is there something to do with the fact that i have a 9600Pro ? either way, i think there is something missing o the article.


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