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By Alessandro at 2005-01-05 09:49
A very basic apt how to for Suse 9.1

Install apt-libs and apt from here:

Now go to /etc/apt and edit your sources list like this:

# Repository created by: aptate (version 0.69.0)
# At: Tue Dec 28 22:10:16 MET 2004
# More info about aptate at:
rpm SuSE/9.1-i386 usr-local-bin base update kde gnome gnome2 misc xfree86 mozilla samba3 ximian suser-rbos suser-oc2pus suser-guru suser-gbv suser-kpietrz suser-tcousin suser-scorot suser-sbarnin suser-jogley suser-ollakka labplot funktronics packman packman-i686 wine suse-people suse-projects kde3-stable security

Now go to:

and edit "GPG::Check true" with "GPG::Check no"

Very important: in order for everything to work you need to run YasT Online Update first of all.

Now you are almost there:
# apt-get update
# apt-get install synaptic

Now you have a nice GUI interface to apt.

Finally, in order to upgrade KDE, you need to use only the following components: base update security kde3-stable

Create another line in your sources list or use Synaptic.

For instance you could add this line to your /etc/apt/sources.list

rpm SuSE/9.1-i386 base update security kde3-stable

Comment out the other line, by putting a "#" in front of it.

Or just check/uncheck in Synaptic what you need.

*Strong recommendation*: do not perform a dist-upgrade with *all* the components listed in the sources list on top.


For SUSE 9.2

Install apt-libs and apt from here:

Now go to /etc/apt and edit your sources list like this:

# Repository created by: aptate (version 0.69.0)
# At: Wed Dec 22 14:19:08 MET 2004
# More info about aptate at:

rpm SuSE/9.2-i386 update security kde misc xorg mozilla samba3 ximian suser-rbos suser-oc2pus suser-guru suser-gbv suser-tcousin suser-scorot suser-ollakka funktronics packman packman-i686 wine suse-people kde3-stable suse-projects suser-sbarnin
# rpm SuSE/9.2-i386 update security kde3-stable

Comment out the first line (by adding a "#") and uncomment the second line (by removing "#") in case you want just to upgrade KDE. Or just check/uncheck in Synaptic what you need.

*Strong recommendation*: do not perform a dist-upgrade with all the components listed in the first line.

Now go to:

and edit "GPG::Check true" with "GPG::Check no"

Now you are almost there:
# apt-get update
# apt-get install synaptic

Now you have a nice GUI interface to apt.

Please notice that everything will work better once the component "base" is released, in about a week from now. The components "base" contains the whole SuSE 9.2 distribution. Also notice that more components could be released, for instance "usr-local-bin" (Gnome packages)

Good luck!

by pAn1k on Wed, 2005-02-09 14:55
Very interesting. Apt is one thing that I miss about Fedora. Is it safe to assume that by using this the file structure will remain the same. I would like some more explanation about this.

by ptesone on Sat, 2005-04-30 20:05
I got this error during an apt-get upgrade in suse 9.2:

apt-get E: Transaction set check failed

so I edited my:
and changed "GPG::Check true" with "GPG::Check false" (not "no")

and then had to remove:
apt component 'update-prpm (or *-prpm) in your sources.list
to continue with upgrade


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