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By abattoir at 2005-08-21 14:49
Please note that it is recommended that you have URPMI set up before you proceed.(The wiki should be self explanatory).

1.Go Here and choose a mirror.

2. Now you need to choose whether you want to download all the rpms(in that case, skip the next step(3)and go to step4) or just the ones you need to upgrade the existing kde.

3. If you choose to download only the ones you
need for upgrading, you need to find what packages you already have installed. For that, in a terminal(konsole), enter the following.
rpm -qa | grep kde
Now a list of packages would be printed on screen. These are the packages you need to download

NOTE: There may be some packages which are printed on the screen but not available in the mirror, you can choose to ignore those.

4. You now have to download the packages. You can use your favorite download tool(Kbear/Kget), I used wget, which is a simple command line tool.
If you decide on using wget, create a folder(wherever you want), now move to that directory(eg. cd /home/user/newdirectory).

If you want to download all the packages, all you now have to do is
Note: I have used the official kde mirror, you can replace that with the mirror you chose.

Wget would now start downloading all the packages one by one.

5. After all the packages have been downloaded, you need to use urpmi to install them(I hope you have at least browsed through the wiki).

I initially had suggested a method of just doing 'urpmi *' you can try that(if successful, you can ignore all the stuff that comes up next and you should have a working kde 3.4.2), in case it does not work, you need to add the local folder as a urpmi medium.
Execute the following as root:
 urpmi.addmedia kde /home/user/kde342/
Where kde is the name of the medium and /home/user/kde342 is the path to the folder where the rpms are. You should obviously substitute the path to the folder.

then do a

urpmi --media kde *
Now comes the hard part, you would be told that "some packages cannot be installed due to missing.....", Most of the "missing...." stuff are within the folder, if they are not you have to install them via urpmi

by why2jjj on Sun, 2005-09-25 14:57
Originally posted by abattoir
This thread is to discuss the article titled: Upgrade to KDE 3.4.2 in Mandriva LE 2005

for people who choose to try and do the 'konstruct' thing and compile the stable kde sources on their computer, you would not happen to know how to get past the situation when a checksum fails, don't you?

I am doing an install everything (that is stable).

For digikam-0.7.4.tar.bz2, the checksum is failing. I would like to risk that the checksum is failing and still try to compile and install this file. But I am not sure how to get around this with 'konstruct'.




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