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By d_GeNeRiT at 2006-01-27 21:43

I got DVDShrink 3.2 working under wine for Fedora Core 4. Then I burn the DVD using K3B. Here is an idiot's guide tutorial step-by-step. I present this info for Noobs coming from a windows environment. I will try to use as much GUI as possible to make it easy for you. These instructions should work for any rpm based Linux Distro. You cant fail if you follow these instructions exactly:

First install wine as follows:

Go to
choose rpm from under Fedora 4 category. Probably wine-0.9.2-1fc4winehq.i686.rpm if you are using a newer Pentium Processor. I use an AMD Semptron 3000+ so I chose the package named wine-0.9.2-1fc4winehq.athlon.rpm

WARNING: Do NOT do any of this as root unless I specify that you do so.

Download the rpm to your home directory. (example: /home/Larry) Where Larry is your user name. This is a good place to Download everything. I assume your browser is FireFox like me. Configure your FireFox as follows: On FireFox menu click Edit > Preferences choose "Downloads" from left column. Select the radio button "Save all files to this folder: Click the show folder button. Navigate to the folder /home/Larry (where “Larry” is your user name) click OK to get out of Firefox options.

Now on your Fedora Desktop double click on Larry's Home and find the rpm you downloaded. If you screwed up and saved it to your desktop instead then just drag and drop the rpm to where i told you it should go.

Now double click on the rpm. You will be prompted to enter root password. Ok, thats it.

Now download DVDShrink 3.2 you should already have it. If not then download it from
Download it to /home/Larry. That is the last time I will specify this. You will download all files to /home/Larry unless told otherwise.

Its a .zip file so we will need to extract the contents to another directory. Right click and choose "extract here". Now a new folder will have been created named "dvdshrink32setup.zip_FILES". Double click that folder. Now you see the file we need named "dvdshrink32setup.exe" Drag and drop that file onto your Desktop.

Now we open a terminal window (sorry you gotta learn the command line sooner or later....) "Click Applications>System Tools>Terminal" to open a terminal window.

type: su (hit enter)
enter your root password (hit enter)
type: winecfg

Now the wine configuration window comes up. If you have read older tutorials that mention wine.conf disregard all that. You can configure settings with this gui much easier.

The first tab is Applications. If not, select Applications tab. Highlight "default settings". Now from the pull down on the bottom choose Windows XP.

Now for the part THAT SCREWS EVERYONE UP so pay attention. Here other tutorials refer to symlinks and such. Disregard all that, here is the easy way. Click the tab that says Drives. DO NOT CLICK AUTO-DETECT. You probably have:

c: ../drive_c
z: /

We are gonna add one more for your DVD-RW drive. Before we do this you have to know the name of your DVD-RW drive. Mine is /media/cdrecorder1. Here is an easy way to find out. Open a seperate terminal window. Type this:

gedit /etc/fstab/

Write down the ones that say things like /media/cdrom or /media/cdrecorder. You may even have /media/cdrecorder1. I have 3 optical drives and My DVD-RW is a secondary slave. Dont change anything here. You are not logged into gedit as root so you shouldnt be able to change anything anyway. Close gedit.

Now Insert a DVD into your DVD-RW Drive. After it stops spinning type this into a terminal window:

cd /media/cdrecorder

Now if you see the files from your DVD like VIDEO_TS you know you found the right one. If not try cd /media/cdrecorder1 or cdrom until you find the right one. Make a note of it.

Now go back to the winecfg window. You probably see things like:

c: ../drive_c
z: /

We are gonna add one more for your DVD-RW drive. Click the ADD button. A drive letter will be assigned. Probably D: or E: Now click the browse button next to path. Double click the media folder. Now select the drive that corresponds to your DVD-RW drive and click OK. Now click APPLY and OK. As you can see you can use this procedure to map your cd-rw or cd-rom drive as well to make it available to Wine but do that some-other time.

Ok now we will install DVD Shrink. In the terminal window type:

cd /home/Lamer/Desktop (hit enter)
wine dvdshrink32setup.exe (hit enter)

The DVDShrink setup screen will appear. Click Next, accept the agreement + next, Now it asks you where you want to install the program. Click BROWSE. Click the icon of a silver box. Click home > Lamer > .wine > drive_c > Program Files. Select Program Files folder then click Ok. Then Next and complete the setup wizard. Leave the box checked that says launch DVDShrink now. Click Finish.

Let's change some options in DVDShrink options. Click Edit > Preferences. Choose DVD-5. Check "Automatically open VIDEO_TS subfolders" Click preview tab. Uncheck enable audio video preview. You can go back and change these options in the future but for now we want to troubleshoot with minimal conflicts and make sure everything is working so do as I say. go to Output Files tab and check the first 4 boxes. On Stream Selections tab dont change anything. On the last tab uncheck "enable burning with Nero" leave everything else the way it is. Click Ok.

Ok, now to test it out. Click Open Disk. Your DVD drive should show up in the list. If not you did something wrong. go back to the instructions on winecfg Drives tab above and read carefully to see what u did wrong. Now while the "initial analysis" is happening you can check the preview check box. Now you can see the movie as it progresses. If its garbled up you need that libdvdcss package. I spelled it wrong here. Ask someone else.

Now to create a shortcut so you can open up DVDShrink in the future without navigating thru a bunch of directories.

On your taskbar on top....... right click and choose "Add to Panel" Choose “custom application launcher “ and click ok. For Name type DVDShrink. For command you must specify the full path.

Here is an example (substitute your user name):

wine /home/Larry/.wine/drive_c/Program\ Files/DVD\ Shrink/DVD\ Shrink\ 3.2.exe

Put a Check in box that says "launch from terminal"

Now click OK. That little question mark icon on your taskbar is for launching DVDShrink in the future. Change the icon to something else if you know how. Go ahead and try it out, it should launch DVD Shrink.

Ok, now DVDShrink will copy the DVD to your hard drive, de-crypt it on the fly and resize it if need be. But we need a way to burn the file to a DVD. For that we will use good 'ol K3B

In Gnome Menu Go to Applications > Sound and Video > K3B

Ignore the wizard that comes up. If it asks you the speed of your drives, fill it in and say ok. From K3B menu click File > New Project > New Movie DVD project. Then Drag and Drop your AUDIO_TS and VIDEO_TS folders into the window like it says. The rest I think you can figure out on your own.

Good Luck! :)


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