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By cwwilson721 at 2006-04-02 21:53
The Hardware:

Built in:

Gateway Solo 1450LS Laptop
1.3G Mobile Celeron
256MB 133Mhz SDRAM
3.5" Floppy
2 USB 1.1 ports
AC '97 Intel Modem
Intel Chipset
Allegro 2 Sound
15" 1024x768 LCD + external monitor port
Intel i830m AGP Graphics
Synaptics Touchpad
Intel PRO 10/100 Ethernet


USB Wireless Mouse
D-Link DWL-650P1 Wireless B PCMCIA card (Prism2 Chipset)
USB Flashcard Reader (512MB)


I bought this laptop new from Gateway to use on the road (I was driving an over-the-road
truck at the time, and needed it for email and movie watching).
It came with XP Professional and Office XP. After 3 years of abuse, the motherboard
power died. I got the motherboard replaced, and thought that I may as well dump XP
and run Slackware 10.2. I downloaded the first 2 CD's from, and started the install.

The Install

I booted CD1 and pressed 'F3' to get the kernel choices. I chose 'bareacpi.i', because I needed
the ACPI functions for the laptop battery and fan.

I chose the default ketboard layout, then looged in as 'root'. I then ran 'cfdisk' and partioned
my HDD as follows:

1GB as swap
5GB as /root
5GB as /home
9GB as /

I then saved/wrote the partition table, and to be safe, rebooted. I chose the same options as before.

At the command prompt, I typed 'setup', and chose 'Install from CD'

I chose 'Automatic Full Install'. I chose this because I had the space, and will be compiling some
other programs, plus I like KDE. I chose all the package series except 'KDEI'

After the install, the 'Configure' options start. I installed the 'bareacpi.i' kernel, made a floppy bootdisk,
chose ttys0 for my modem, and 'Yes' to hotplug,

Then comes lilo. I always use 'Expert mode' and install to the MBR, remembering to start with a new header, 1024x768
screen resolution, 5 second prompt (will be needed later), and added the '/' partition (/dev/hda) in the Linux section.

In the 'mouseconfig', I selected 'USB Mouse' and to install gpm at boot.

I next configured the network. I used 'toaster' as hostname, and '' as domain name.
(Use whatever you want. I used 'mshome' because I have three other Windows computers in my workgroup, and confusing them is too easy!)
I chose DHCP (My router acts as a DHCP server).

In the next section, I wanted the following to run at bootup:

rc.atalk	no	I have no Apple/Macs on my network
rc.bind		no	No need for a DNS server
rc.cups		no	No printer attached yet.
rc.dnsmasq	no	DNS/DHCP server. Already have one (My wireless router)
rc.httpd	yes	Apache webserver
rc.inetd	yes	Needed for any type of networking
rc.ip_forward	no	Not using the laptop as a router
rc.mysqld	no	MySQL Database. Can be enabled later
rc.pcmcia	yes	Needed for PCMCIA cards
rc.portmap	yes	Needed for NFS mounts
rc.samba	yes	Samba Server (File/printer sharing for Windows)
rc.sasloauthd	yes	Authetication Deamon
rc.sendmail	no	Mail Server (Not needed. Have a mail server on my network already)
rc.syslog	yes	System Log
rc.sshd		yes	ssh shell (remote logins)
After that, I chose 'No' for custom screenfonts, and 'Local' for the time. (Choose what you wish)

I then chose 'KDE' as my default windows manager.

Then I set a password for 'root', and then rebooted after the setup completed.

The First Boot

At the lilo prompt, I chose my Slackware install, and waited. The first boot takes awhile,
because it needs to setup RSA keys, and all the hardware.

I logged in as 'root', and moved the mouse to make sure it worked.

I then typed 'adduser' and created a regular user account, accpting all the defaults.

I then typed 'xorgsetup' to get XWindows setup. Then ran 'alsaconf', 'alsamixer', and 'alsactl store'
to setup my soundcard.

I can then logout, login as a user, and run 'startx'

That concludes the basic install and setup. Next parts will deal with my specific hardware configuration,
kernel compiling,and getting eveything to work properly.

More info can be found at my website at

by Randux on Tue, 2006-04-04 11:02
It looks like a very nice start, CW. Now if you can get my usb soundcard working, you might really be onto something!


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