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By mickeyboa at 2006-04-03 16:39

Setting up my two boxes on the a local network with a router.

A FC5-64 and FC4-i386 boxes, from my i386 box, using KDE Konqueror, in the Location box entering: fish://root@FC5-64 and typing in password for root@FC5-64, allows me to go into root of FC5-64 box and edit changes in files,etc. Fish in KDE uses SSH to connect to remote boxes.

But the most unique feature is to Edit in a crashed Linux box:
I put my #1 install cd into the FC5-x86_64 and did a "linux rescue" on cd and followed instructions to do a linux rescue, and doing a Network enable and after doing the chroot /mnt/sysimage and then doing a /sbin/service sshd start, then starting fish://root@FC5-64 in the i386 box, I was able to edit problems in the crashed x86_64 box.
Neat huh!!! , only drawback to this is you better hope you can get a network and sshd connection.

I had my i386 box /etc/hosts, setup as;
# Do not remove the following line, or various programs
# that require network functionality will fail. FC4-i386 localhost.localdomain localhost FC5-64
And similar setup in my x86_64 /etc/hosts file for the i386 box .

I thought this may be a good tip for future use, if you got a network.
I'm sure you can add to this brillant discovery of mine

by mimithebrain on Tue, 2006-04-04 14:21
You can even use Knoppix to do rescue:

Both the computer in question using Knoppix
Mount the drives
Enable networking and assign an IP
plug the computer on a hub (if wired)
boot the computer that will transfer/modify data on the target computer
Enable networking and assign an IP
plug computer if wired
then you can use Fish to do what you want to do.

I've used fish for quite a while to transfer data back and forth between two linux machines.


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