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By whitster at 2007-02-08 15:10
I hope I have this in the correct place.

I love Debian Linux, enjoy being on the newer edge of things so use Testing and have a need to use Windows XP or higher because of a particular requirement. I would install XP on a slower machine but it wouldn't work so need it on my good boxen.

Anyway long story short. I haven't done much with XP so might run into problems down the line but will address them at that point.

AMD Sempron 2800+ 1.60GHz (Palermo core) 1 Gig. RAM - w. Debian Testing on WD 20G HD and XP on 15G WD HD.
Installed Debian Testing from netinstall months ago - Master with CD as master on Cable 2 on mtb.

Installed Windows XP as Master, by unhooking Debian drive on Cable 1, middle connector and CD as slave on end connector of cable.

Install went fine. Current setup follows:

Debian Testing Master middle connector on Cable 1
XP Slave on end connector on Cable 1
CD Master on end connector on Cable 2. Why end connector. It was easier and it works. :)

Doing searching on how to get it to work this is what I have done.

# I added line 
hd1  /dev/hdb  
# to existing entry of  
hd0   /dev/hda
Added ABOVE the SUTOMAGIK start line, as I think that is done by programs like "grub install" or maybe "grub update" or whatever. I don't know. I'm a noob. I didn't want it changing my setup if I later did something. So it is not in the Automagik area.

Here is the entry:

In menu.lst in /boot/grub/

add -

title		Windows XP
map		(hd0) (hd1)
map		(hd1) (hd0)
root		(hd1,0)
rootnoverify	(hd1,0)
chainloader	+1
make sure there is one space between the map HD entries. I got frustrated over and over by getting an Error 11 before I changed that.

I think this will work for Win 2000 too. And it might even work for 95. It's worth a try.

Have fun. And hope it works for you too. I've been fighting it for 2 days and had a devil of a time trying to find anything for Debian. Lots of stuff for FC*, RH, Gentoo and a little Slack. But even then most of it old. I was beginning to think that no one using Debian was doing multiboots with XP. Oh well. Have fun.



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