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By artistikone at 2004-06-23 01:59
.::: How I installed gDesklets-0.26.1 on Slackware 9.0 :::..

I spent over 4 hours trying to get this installed and working. After trying out numerous different packages, I had to go from source. This walkthrough will cover installing from source, using checkinstall to make your packages for easy removal, and provide as much information as possible incase you're not the most talented Linux user. This is not guarenteed to work! I've kept my Slackware 9 setup with mostly fresh install settings, so if you installed Slackware with personal settings etc, you may have issues. Although, if you did that, you probably won't need this walkthrough. All download links are active and working as of 04/28/2004. If they are not when you try this, please use Google and find it.

All this was done from /home/user/

Download and install the following:

#1. XML-Parser-2.34
- wget
- tar zxf XML-Parser-2.34.tar.gz
- cd XML-Parser-2.34
- perl Makefile.PL
- make
- checkinstall
- cd ..

#2. PyGTK-2.2.0
- wget
- tar zxf pygtk-2.2.0.tar.gz
- cd pygtk-2.2.0
- ./configure --prefix=/usr
- make
- checkinstall
- cd ..

#3. PyORBit-2.0.0
- wget
- tar zxf pyorbit-2.0.0.tar.gz
- cd pyorbit-2.0.0
- ./configure --prefix=/usr
- make
- checkinstall
- cd ..

#4. gnome-python-2.0.0
- wget
- tar zxf gnome-python-2.0.0.tar.gz
- cd gnome-python-2.0.0
- ./configure --prefix=/usr
- make
- checkinstall
- cd ..

#5. gDesklets-0.26.1
- wget
- tar jxf gDesklets-0.26.1.tar.bz2
- cd gDesklets-0.26.1
- ./configure --prefix=/usr
- make
- checkinstall
- cd ..

#6. Create your Display and Sensors directories:
- mkdir /usr/local/share/gdesklets_sensors
- mkdir /usr/local/share/gdesklets_displays

#7. Download some Displays and Sensors.

I will be using PSI's Package as it's the usally what got you here in the first place.

Go here :
- Download the Display & Sensor packages (PsiDisplayPackage-20040420.tar.gz & PsiSensorPackage-20040420.tar.gz)

Extract the Displays package into your gdesklets_displays directory:
- mv PsiDisplayPackage-20040420.tar.gz /usr/local/share/gdesklets_displays
- tar zxf PsiDisplayPackage-20040420.tar.gz

Extract the Sensors package into your gdesklets_sensors directory:
- mv PsiSensorPackage-20040420.tar.gz /usr/local/share/gdesklets_sensors
- tar zxf PsiSensorPackage-20040420.tar.gz

#8. Add gDesklets to your Startup Sessions.

Goto Applications > Desktop Preferences > Advanced > Sessions
Click on Startup Programs.
Click on Add.
Type gdesklets into the 'Startup Command:' box, click OK.
Click Close.
Log out of X.
Log back into X.
Start up a terminal.

#9. Install the Sensors.

You should get a popup after each install saying it's ready to use.

- /usr/local/share/gdesklets_sensors/CPU-0.2.0/Install_CPU_Sensor.bin
- /usr/local/share/gdesklets_sensors/Disk-0.2.0/Install_Disk_Sensor.bin
- /usr/local/share/gdesklets_sensors/ExternalInterval-0.1.4/Install_ExternalInterval_Sensor.bin
- /usr/local/share/gdesklets_sensors/FontSelector-0.2.0/Install_FontSelector_Sensor.bin
- /usr/local/share/gdesklets_sensors/IconButton-0.1.4/Install_IconButton_Sensor.bin
- /usr/local/share/gdesklets_sensors/Memo-0.1.5/Install_Memo_Sensor.bin
- /usr/local/share/gdesklets_sensors/MemoOver-0.1.2/Install_MemoOver_Sensorbin
- /usr/local/share/gdesklets_sensors/Memory-0.2.1/Install_Memory_Sensor.bin
- /usr/local/share/gdesklets_sensors/Network-0.2.0/Install_Network_Sensor.bin
- /usr/local/share/gdesklets_sensors/Ping-0.1.0/Install_Ping_Sensor.bin
- /usr/local/share/gdesklets_sensors/Theme-0.1.2/Install_Theme_Sensor.bin
- /usr/local/share/gdesklets_sensors/VariableBorder-0.1.4/Install_VariableBorder_Sensor.bin
- /usr/local/share/gdesklets_sensors/clock-desklet-0.32/Install_Clock_Sensor.bin
- /usr/local/share/gdesklets_sensors/popmail-0.1.5/Install_popmail_Sensor.bin
- /usr/local/share/gdesklets_sensors/Install_StarterBar_Sensor.bin

#10. Install the Displays.

$shell> gdesklets /usr/local/share/gdesklets_displays/psi-displays-v0.2/*.display

This will load all the displays, each popping up one at a time on your mouse cursor. Place them anywhere until all are loaded.
Once all are loaded on your desktop, drag them around until you are satisfied with how you want your layout.
You may need additional displays, as in more then 1 ETH monitor or another border. For these, do this:

- $shell> gdesklets /usr/local/share/gdesklets_displays/psi-displays-v0.2/name_of_display.display

#11. Configure your Displays.

Once all are loaded and in their spot, right click on each display and goto Configure Display. Play around with all the settings until you find what you like, then set the others to look the same.

Please keep in mind that not all displays and sensors work correctly. The above PSI package worked fine for me at the time of this writing. If the display or sensor you're trying to use doesn't work, but your install of gDesklets went ok, try another display or sensor. I have also stopped using gDesklets recently as it became too buggy and unstable to use. I also moved over to KDE and now use SuperKaramba which has proved to be much nicer. I'll work on a walkthrough for that in the near future.


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