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By UsualTuxpect at 2004-10-31 14:43
Installing Fonts in Gnome..

1)Open a Nautilus window -->type "fonts:///" [that should open your fonts folder]

2)Download TTF fonts from the internet.. and by the way fonts you are going to install need not be in rpm files alone, download any file which has a .ttf extension, if its in a zip file unzip it.

3)Open another Nautilus window -->browse to the directory where you have unzipped the .ttf files.

4)Drag and drop them into the other Nautilus window [fonts:///] you have opened earlier (Step 1).
**You wont see the dropped files immediately in nautilus****

5)After you have finished pasting the .ttf files , open your home directory to see all the files are there in .fonts directory in home folder [ie. /root/.fonts or. /home/ur_name/.fonts].

6)Log-out and log back in.

7)Check the Menu -->Preferences -->font [You should see all the newly installed fonts].

If you find and mistakes or inconsistencies in the above guide, please feel free to post them.

by x_theory on Sun, 2004-11-21 20:25
This should seem simple enough, but when I try to drag the .ttf file over to the fonts:/// directory in Nautilus, it says: Error "Not a Directory" While Copying. Would you like to continue?

Any ideas on why it's doing that?

by berberama on Sun, 2005-01-09 12:31
Here's a couple of methods that worked for me, the one in the thread "Installing TTF Fonts in GNOME" does not work for me.

METHOD 1 (Fast Method) [list=1][*]Create a folder called .fonts in your home folder (/home/<username>/.fonts). [*]Copy thr TTF fonts into the .fonts folder you just created.[*]Relogin and you should have access to TTF (TrueType Fonts)[/list=1]

METHOD 2 (A bit longer)
For TTF to be available in OpenOffice and Mozilla:[list=1][*]Copy fonts to /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/TTF[*]Create directory /usr/share/fonts/TTF[*]Also copy fonts into /usr/share/fonts/TTF[*]Edit the file /usr/share/fonts/fonts.cache-1 adding a line that says "TTF" 0 ".dir"[*]Relogin and you should have access to TTF (TrueType Fonts)[/list=1]

Method one worked best and fastest for me. I'm sure someone on the net has a better way but hope this helps someone anyway!

by Simon Bridge on Tue, 2005-04-05 23:29
The method in the article works for non ttf fonts quite well (for me FC2) anyway.
In the end, I add fonts into X11 by creating a file where the X11 fonts are stored called "misc", copying all the fonts I want into it then running mkfontdir ... this last utility will automatically create and edit the font directory files needed.

This produces no trouble at all, and all kinds of fonts can be added by this system.


by subvertigo on Tue, 2005-04-26 20:00
The command-line way of adding True-type fonts (and possibly the only way on my older Red Hat 7.3 Valhalla system) is reasonably well documented in ttmkfdir -o fonts.scale is done before mkfontdir, which quite a few distros perform on start-up.

by Spoony Bard on Thu, 2005-10-06 10:12
Would it work to create a symbolic link to

[location where windows is mounted]/WINDOWS/Fonts

In my case


Note I have that directory mounted read only.

by Simon Bridge on Sat, 2005-10-08 22:44
Doubt it - remember, the directory has to be a X font directory.
You could, perhaps, run mkfontdir on the windows font directory (provided you can write to it - you need captive to write to ntfs) and include it's path in the x fonts path.

However - just copying them all over would be quicker - easier - and so on. It is normal to duplicate files when you have windows...

by Simon Bridge on Sat, 2005-10-08 22:46
Interestingly, while dragging font files to fonts:/// under FC4 dosn't work (nothing happens) it does work under ubuntu 5.04.


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