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By J_W at 2007-07-29 19:23
ESP Ghostscript 8.15.4 which comes with Slackware-12.0 supports CJK printing.
However, in order to enable printing Japanese documents, you need several additional setups.

A HOW-TO below assume that you are using "Sazanami TTF-font" as your Japanese font.

** ESP Ghostscript setup **
Step-1. create /usr/share/fonts/default directory
 # cd /usr/share/fonts
 # mkdir default
Step-2. create symbolic link TrueType to the directory in which sazanami-mincho.ttf
and sazanami-gothic.ttf are.
 # cd default
for example, if sazanami-mincho.ttf and sazanami-gothic.ttf are
in /usr/share/fonts/TrueType directory,
# ln -s ../TrueType TrueType
Then espgs can find sazanami-mincho.ttf and sazanami-gothic.ttf.

(memo) You can find sazanami TT-fonts here.

Step-3. edit cidfmap
Then move to /usr/share/ghostscript/8.15/lib directory, and edit cidfmap like below.
% $Id: cidfmap,v 1.7 2003/02/07 00:31:11 igor Exp $
% This is a sample map file for CIDFont category.

% The map is a set of records, which must use one of the two formats :
% 1. A substutution of a CIF font with another CID font :
% /substituted /original ;
% Where 'substituted' is a name being used in a document,
% 'original' is a name of an available resource.
% 2. A substutution of a CIF font with a True Type font :
% /substituted << /FileType /TrueType /Path (path) /SunfontID 1 /CSI [(ordering) supplement] >> ;
% Where 'substituted' is a name being used in a document,
% 'path' is a path to a True Type font file,
% 'ordering' is a value of Ordering required for CIDSystemInfo dictionary,
% 'supplement' is a value of Supplement required for CIDSystemInfo dictionary.
% Examples :
% /ShinGo-Bold /HeiseiKakuGo-W5 ;
% /Ryumin-Medium << /FileType /TrueType /Path (H:/AuxFiles/Fonts/BATANG.TTC) /SubfontID 3 /CSI [(Japan1) 2] >> ;
% cidfmap.ja
/Sazanami-Gothic << /FileType /TrueType /Path (sazanami-gothic.ttf) /CSI [(Japan1) 6] >> ;
/Sazanami-Gothic-Regular /Sazanami-Gothic ;
/Sazanami-Gothic-JaH << /FileType /TrueType /Path (sazanami-gothic.ttf) /CSI [(Japan2) 0] >> ;
/Sazanami-Gothic-Regular-JaH /Sazanami-Gothic-JaH ;
/Sazanami-Mincho << /FileType /TrueType /Path (sazanami-mincho.ttf) /CSI [(Japan1) 6] >> ;
/Sazanami-Mincho-Regular /Sazanami-Mincho ;
/Sazanami-Mincho-JaH << /FileType /TrueType /Path (sazanami-mincho.ttf) /CSI [(Japan2) 0] >> ;
/Sazanami-Mincho-Regular-JaH /Sazanami-Mincho-JaH ;
/Kochi-Gothic /Sazanami-Gothic ;
/Kochi-Mincho /Sazanami-Mincho
/Ryumin-Light /Sazanami-Mincho ;
/GothicBBB-Medium /Sazanami-Gothic ;
/Adobe-Japan1 /Sazanami-Gothic ;
/Adobe-Japan2 /Sazanami-Gothic-JaH ;

** Xpdf **
In order to display and print japanese PDF documents with Xpdf, follow these steps.

Step-1. install Japanese language support file
Download xpdf-japanese.tar.gz from Xpdf home page.
 # tar xzvf xpdf-japanese.tar.gz
 # mv xpdf-japanese /usr/share/xpdf/japanese
Step-2. create xpdfrc
In case of Sazanami TT-fonts, add entries below to your /etc/xpdfrc.
#----- begin Japanese support package
cidToUnicode Adobe-Japan1 /usr/share/xpdf/japanese/Adobe-Japan1.cidToUnicode
unicodeMap ISO-2022-JP /usr/share/xpdf/japanese/ISO-2022-JP.unicodeMap
unicodeMap EUC-JP /usr/share/xpdf/japanese/EUC-JP.unicodeMap
unicodeMap Shift-JIS /usr/share/xpdf/japanese/Shift-JIS.unicodeMap
cMapDir Adobe-Japan1 /usr/share/xpdf/japanese/CMap
toUnicodeDir /usr/share/xpdf/japanese/CMap
#displayCIDFontTT Adobe-Japan1 /usr/share/fonts/TrueType/kochi-mincho.ttf
#displayCIDFontTT Adobe-Japan1 /usr/share/fonts/TrueType/sazanami-mincho.ttf
### use Sazanami (Mincho) by default
displayCIDFontTT Adobe-Japan /usr/share/fonts/TrueType/sazanami-mincho.ttf
# use Kochi (Gothic) if gothic font is required
displayNamedCIDFontTT ShinGo-Bold /usr/share/fonts/TrueType/sazanami-gothic.ttf
displayNamedCIDFontTT ShinGo-regular /usr/share/fonts/TrueType/sazanami-gothic.ttf
displayNamedCIDFontTT MidashiGo-MB31 /usr/share/fonts/TrueType/sazanami-gothic.ttf
displayNamedCIDFontTT FutoGoB101-Bold /usr/share/fonts/TrueType/sazanami-gothic.ttf
displayNamedCIDFontTT HeiseiKakuGo-W5 /usr/share/fonts/TrueType/sazanami-gothic.ttf
displayNamedCIDFontTT HeiseiKakuGo-W9 /usr/share/fonts/TrueType/sazanami-gothic.ttf
displayNamedCIDFontTT HeiseiMaruGo-W4 /usr/share/fonts/TrueType/sazanami-gothic.ttf
displayNamedCIDFontTT MS-Gothic /usr/share/fonts/TrueType/sazanami-gothic.ttf
displayNamedCIDFontTT HG-GothicB /usr/share/fonts/TrueType/sazanami-gothic.ttf
displayNamedCIDFontTT Kochi-Gothic /usr/share/fonts/TrueType/sazanami-gothic.ttf
displayNamedCIDFontTT GothicBBB-Medium-H /usr/share/fonts/TrueType/sazanami-gothic.ttf
displayNamedCIDFontTT GothicBBB-Medium /usr/share/fonts/TrueType/sazanami-gothic.ttf
displayNamedCIDFontTT Ryumin-Light-H /usr/share/fonts/TrueType/sazanami-mincho.ttf
displayNamedCIDFontTT Ryumin-Light /usr/share/fonts/TrueType/sazanami-mincho.ttf

### make default font name to "Ryumin-Light" when converted to PostScript
psFont16 Adobe-Japan1 H Ryumin-Light-H ISO-2022-JP
psFont16 Adobe-Japan1 V Ryumin-Light-V ISO-2022-JP
# use "Gothic-BBB-Medium" if gothic font is required
psNamedFont16 MidashiGo-MB31 H GothicBBB-Medium-H ISO-2022-JP
psNamedFont16 MidashiGo-MB31 V GothicBBB-Medium-V ISO-2022-JP
psNamedFont16 FutoGoB101-Bold H GothicBBB-Medium-H ISO-2022-JP
psNamedFont16 FutoGoB101-Bold V GothicBBB-Medium-V ISO-2022-JP
psNamedFont16 HeiseiKakuGo-W5 H GothicBBB-Medium-H ISO-2022-JP
psNamedFont16 HeiseiKakuGo-W5 V GothicBBB-Medium-V ISO-2022-JP
psNamedFont16 HeiseiKakuGo-W9 H GothicBBB-Medium-H ISO-2022-JP
psNamedFont16 HeiseiKakuGo-W9 V GothicBBB-Medium-V ISO-2022-JP
psNamedFont16 HeiseiMaruGo-W4 H GothicBBB-Medium-H ISO-2022-JP
psNamedFont16 HeiseiMaruGo-W4 V GothicBBB-Medium-V ISO-2022-JP
psNamedFont16 MS-Gothic H GothicBBB-Medium-H ISO-2022-JP
psNamedFont16 MS-Gothic V GothicBBB-Medium-V ISO-2022-JP
psNamedFont16 HG-GothicB H GothicBBB-Medium-H ISO-2022-JP
psNamedFont16 HG-GothicB V GothicBBB-Medium-V ISO-2022-JP
psNamedFont16 Kochi-Gothic H GothicBBB-Medium-H ISO-2022-JP
psNamedFont16 Kochi-Gothic V GothicBBB-Medium-V ISO-2022-JP
#----- end Japanese support package
Step-3. Xpdf print dialogue
In xpdf print dialogue, check on "Print With command" and
type "lpr -P <YOUR_PRINER_NAME>".


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