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By Ryzol at 2008-04-12 16:44
The current version of flash (9r115) does not work with Opera 9.26. A workaround is to use the beta version of Opera (9.50b) which does work with the most recent flash. If you do not want to use beta Opera than read on. Note that this was done on slackware 12.0, commands might be slightly different for other distros. Overview for the command line proficient: Go here and download the flash player 9 archive. If that link doesn't work try this one. Now the flash version you want is 9r48, run the install script and test it. If it complains that the path you've given for opera is wrong and it isn't you will need to install manually. Copy and overwrite to /usr/lib/opera/plugins/ . Run opera and it flash should work. exact commands for command line newbs:
wget unzip cd fp9_archive/9r48/ tar -xzf install_flash_player_9r48_linux.tar.gz cd install_flash_player_9r48_linux/ chmod +x flashplayer-installer su ./flashplayer-installer  enter the path /usr/lib/opera     If it the installer doesn't complain you should be done. If it complains that /usr/lib/opera is the wrong path and you know it isn't keep going           cp /usr/lib/opera/plugins/ exit
Test flash, it should be working. Note if you use any sort of package manager you will need to explicitly tell it NOT to upgrade to the newest version of flash.

by vincebs on Fri, 2008-06-20 17:40
I just upgraded by Opera to 9.50 and Flash still doesn't work. The file is in the /usr/lib/opera/plugins directory.


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