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By scott_R at 2003-11-27 05:48
Using Linux can be daunting at first. There is a lot of information and power here. One of the things you'll learn quickly when working with Linux is that most of the information presented to you is for advanced users, and the trick is to sort out just enough to get by for your needs. There's little reason anyone should have to learn every command or spend an hour on every program's tutorial just to use it. Another thing to remember is that most programs share traits. For instance, 'q' exits info pages, but also exits man pages, and :q exits vi/vim (without changes to the text, :q! exits regardless). This guide is a cheat sheet in the true sense. It's intended not for the expert or even the average user. It's for the person that needs information now! For now, let's focus on info.

So, on to info:

'q' exits.
<enter> selects sections marked by :: (double colon)
'p' moves to the previous chapter.
'n' moves to the next chapter.
'u' moves up (to the table of contents of the section you're in).

For those of you new to Linux/the command line, I suggest stopping in at 'info coreutils' first. This is a list of all commands basic to Linux (and most Unix's as well). For other commands, 'info' can probably help you.

Five keys, simple enough, no?

by pleinair on Tue, 2004-08-10 16:00
But what if your system doesn't have info.
I tried installing texinfo but that doesn't seem to give me the program info.

by chrism01 on Tue, 2004-08-24 07:16
Well, you could try the man pages, or this electronic bookshelf:
or this:

by widda on Fri, 2010-01-01 06:32
Quote>For those of you new to Linux/the command line, I suggest stopping in at 'info coreutils' first. This is a list of all commands basic to Linux (and most Unix's as well).<

Got my hopes up at this point.
But alas, I did type 'info coreutils' into a terminal, and have no idea how to use the information, except to embark on deep study course.
I suppose when I get to be fluent in linux, I too will be unable to actually imagine what IS basic essential information for newbies lol, no offence meant, I do appreciate motives and effort behind your work, it's just that it's not useful to me. maybe I am the dumbest person in galaxy.
But I will learn linux if I live long enough.

by craigevil on Fri, 2010-01-01 07:34
Nice short concise guide, good work.

One thing for sure info is a bit easier on the eyes than just doing man foo.

As for newbie docs @widda : the below should cover pretty much anything what they don't a quick Google search will.
Linux Man Pages -
The Linux Documentation Project -
Official Ubuntu Documentation - First place to look should be your distros documentation.
LINUX: Rute User's Tutorial and Exposition -

by JZL240I-U on Wed, 2010-06-30 05:13
I suggest
info info
(No hoax, try it).


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