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By cameronric at 2005-03-21 21:27
I've had a project where I had to get rid of the mouse in a kiosk. But the client still wanted the mouse in normal development mode.

We were using Mozilla as the browser and used a kiosk plugin (from But getting rid of the mouse was a pain. Here is how I did it.

Mozilla uses its own default directory for its cursor /usr/share/icons/Bluecurve. So go to /usr/share/icons and do cp -a Bluecurve Bluecurve.bak. Now edit /usr/share/icons/default/index.theme and modify the "inherits" field to say Bluecurve.bak. Create a transparent icon (from Gimp or whatever) and save it as a png file (say blankcursor.png). Create a file called cursor.conf with the following in it:
32 0 0 blankcursor.png
And the type:
xcursorgen cursor.conf /usr/share/icons/Bluecurve/cursors/left_ptr
Restart X and the mouse should have disappeared under Mozilla but should be present in all other screens.

by FunFactor100 on Thu, 2009-10-15 04:44
I tried this and it removed the mouse cursor which was fantastic. However it removed it from the whole system, not just firefox.

I'm guessing this has something to do with the fact that Bluecurve is the default theme for Fedora (I'm using FC11), and that firefox now uses whatever theme the OS is using.

Does anyone know how to remove the cursor in just firefox, but have it show up in the rest of the OS ?


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