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By Steel_J at 2005-12-30 16:22

Some of you may have encountered a few AVI movies with DTS audio tracks.

Sometimes we don't want to keep it as DTS.

Unfortunately, to extract and convert DTS audio some creativity must be involved as this format is not accepted widely by A/V tools in LINUX.

Here is a script I created to rip a bunch of AVI files DTS tracks and convert them to Stereo AC3 tracks automagically.

Copy/paste this to a text file and save it as "avidts2ac3":


#avidts2ac3 (extracts DTS tracks from video file and converts it to ac3)

#requirements: mplayer / ffmpeg

current_directory=$( pwd )
OUTPUT_AVI="output_avi.av" #'av' extension used to prevent filename conflict

#remove spaces
for i in *.avi; do mv "$i" `echo $i | tr ' ' '_'`; done > /dev/null 2>&1 &

#remove uppercase
for i in *.[Aa][Vv][Ii]; do mv "$i" `echo $i | tr '[A-Z]' '[a-z]'`; done > /dev/null 2>&1 &

#rip with Mencoder / encode with ffmpeg
for i in *.avi ; do nice -n 10 mencoder $i -oac pcm -ovc copy -o $OUTPUT_AVI && nice -n 10 ffmpeg -i $OUTPUT_AVI -acodec copy $OUTPUT_WAV && nice -n 10 ffmpeg -i $OUTPUT_WAV -ac 2 -ab 192 -ar 48000 $OUTPUT_AC3 && mv $OUTPUT_AC3 "`basename "$i"`.ac3" && rm $OUTPUT_WAV ;done



You might want to copy this as root to your path so you can use it in any directory. (/usr/bin or /urs/local/bin)

Don't forget to give it permission: chmod +rx avidts2ac3

Then put all the AVI movies you want to convert in one folder and use the script in console from that folder.

For those who want or need to understand the mechanics of it all here it is broken down for you in a step by step guide:

DTS to AC3

1)Convert the audio in the movie in WAV PCM:

nice -n 10 mencoder input_video.avi -oac pcm -ovc copy -o output_movie.avi

2)Extract the WAV file from the new AVI:

nice -n 10 ffmpeg -i output_movie.avi -acodec copy movie_audio.wav

3)Convert the WAV to AC3 Stereo

nice -n 10 ffmpeg -i movie_audio.wav -ac 2 -ab 192 -ar 48000 audio.ac3

After that you can multiplex your mpeg2 movie with your new AC3 track

* Note that once the WAV is extracted you can convert it to whatever you prefer also.


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