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By rylan76 at 2005-07-05 06:12
Knowledge Needed: You must know how to compile, install, and start a new kernel under Fedora Core 3 - take a look at for info on how to do this under FC3. I give some steps from that howto here, but for a more info or interest sake take a look at the url above.

Software Needed: An installed and working Fedora Core 3 setup with the stock standard 2.6.9-1.667 kernel (do a uname -r in a terminal to check this).

A 2.6.12 kernel source downloaded from, but not yet compiled or installed.

You have a GA-8TRS30MT motherboard from Gigabyte, you are running Fedora Core 3 and you want to enable DMA. You can't play back DVDs using Xine or Mplayer because it is too choppy and slow, with stuttering sound, because DMA is not working. Doing /sbin/hdparm -d1 -c1 /dev/hdc does not work for setting DMA, and a HDIO_SET_DMA error is reported.

You have a graphics card from NVidia (I have an FX5900 card - A Winfast A350 XT TDH with 128MB of RAM). This is OPTIONAL! If you do not have an NVidia card, merely skip the section below that refers to reinstalling the NVidia driver after the new kernel is running.

Requirements: (besides an installed and working Fedora Core 3 setup)
- A 2.6.9 kernel source tree, installed to /usr/src/linux


You need to be in Xwindows, in Fedora Core 3.

1. Unpack the 2.6.12 kernel source archive (get it from and rename the directory so that eventually you have /usr/src/linux which contains the 2.6.12 kernel source. See for detailed info.

2. Change to that directory, and do, as root:

make clean
make mrproper
make oldconfig

3. You should get a list scrolling, and then lines will start appearing with a [NEW] at the end. Either press ? and ENTER to see what an option is about, press Y or y (read the line to see which to use - case is IMPORTANT!) and enter to activate an option, M or m if you are unsure, N or n if you definitely don't want one of the new options.

4. Keep on answering the [NEW] lines.

5. Eventually (it will take a while - there are MANY options) you will get back to the shell prompt. Now do

make xconfig

This will make and start the X-Windows based kernel configuration utility. Configure any further kernel options you might want.

6. When done, save the kernel configuration. Now comes the juicy part.

7. Go back in a terminal into the /usr/source/linux directory. Using VI or your editor of choice, open the .config file in this directory.

8. Search for a line with the string IXP in it.

9. Make sure this line is not commented (i. e. has no # in front of it) AND that it has =y at the end. Also make sure that all lines with the string DMA have a =y at the end, EXCEPT the one about disk-only DMA. Obviously, remove the "is not set" words and just put a =y, like the lines above and below it:


# CONFIG_IDEDMA_ONLYDISK is not set <--- make sure this line looks like this

10. Save the .config file.

11. Run make all in the /usr/src/linux directory.

12. make modules_install

13. make install

This will automatically update your grub.conf so that the new kernel is available to be booted.

14. Reboot the machine - select the new kernel.

15. It should boot just fine. Reinstall the NVidia drivers (if applicable) by doing --with-kernel-source-path=/usr/src/linux

16. Try /sbin/hdparm -d1 -c1 /dev/hdc

to see if you can now set DMA on your DVD/CDROM drive.

It should work...

Also try it on /dev/hda (to set dma on your IDE HDD, if you have one) and /dev/hdd to set it on your secondary CDROM / DVDROM / DVD writer drive.

17. Startup Xwindows, compile and install Xine or Mplayer, and you should have perfect DVD playback speeds on the GA-8TRS350MT mobo!

If you have any questions, feel free to contact me at spamnot@<removethis>


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