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By XavierP at 2006-05-07 15:29
Please note, this is a copy of the page originally written by Trickykid (LQ moderator). The only way to access the original page is via the Wayback Machine. The information provided will enable you to install AcidRip and associated programs. The version numbers listed are, largely out of date - ensure you get the current versions.

Despite their age, these instructions still work.

Version - 0.4 by trickykid (aka Drew Bentley)
January 30, 2004

1.0 About

* 1.1 About acidrip
* 1.2 Legal Stuff

2.0 Requirements

* 2.1 What you will need
* 2.2 Optional packages
* 2.3 Download information

3.0 Installation

* 3.1 Preparation for installation.
* 3.2 Installation
* 3.3 Starting and somewhat using acidrip

4.0 Wrapup

* 4.1 Credits[/b]

1.0 About

1.1 About acidrip

AcidRip is a Gtk2-Perl application for ripping and encoding DVD's. It neatly wraps MPlayer and MEncoder, which I think is pretty handy, seeing as MPlayer is by far the best bit of video playing kit around for Linux. As well as creating a simple Graphical Interface for those scared of getting down and dirty with MEncoders command line interface, It also automates the process in a number of ways:

* Parses DVD into contents tree
* Finds longest title
* Calculate video bitrate for given filesize
* Finds black bands and crops them
* Other stuff!

1.2 Legal Stuff

Most likely this program follows the GPL but unsure since the author of the program never mentions it. But the program is totally free for download and use. Also to add I don't think there is any warranty for using this program, the author is in no way liable for misuse of the program. By using this program you will be totally liable so don't come crying about how you trashed your system by using or installing this program. No legal action can be taken upon the author for any reason for the use of this program.

2.0 Requirements

2.1 What you will need

acidrip which you will want to download from Sourceforge requires several other packages to perform and function properly. Here is the requirements of what you will need:

Hardware needed:

Most likely your going to need a DVD player or this program will serve you no purpose. And of course a working computer.

Software needed.

Basically you will need a working Linux system. I recommend Slackware myself and as you will find out soon, everything downloaded is in source form, so if your use to using wussy RPM's get over it now and hopefully you have GCC installed with all the other requirements to install source packages. You will most likely need the latest version of Perl installed. Not necessarily the latest version but you might as well if you don't already have it.

* acidrip - Latest version currently is 0.12 "Perfectly Symmetrical Violence"
* lsdvd - A small C program which is a requirement also written by Chris Phillips.
* MPlayer - The best movie player for Linux.
* libdvdread - The most popular dvd reading library for *nix.
* gtk2-perl - You'll most likely need to install this so you can use the graphical interface. This comes basically in two packages, Glib and Gtk2 with Glib requiring two dependencies you can get from the main download site.

2.2 Optional packages

Along with the actual requirements, there are some other recommendations you might want to consider when using acidrip. The first would be lame. Read all about it here, you'll see what its used for as I don't feel like explaining it. You can also consider downloading and installing libdvdcss but acidrip will function properly without either of these.

Any other options for MPlayer like skins or other types of codecs, fonts are all ok to download install, as they are not needed to run and use acidrip as well.

2.3 Download information

* acidrip and lsdvd -
* Mplayer -
* libdvdread -
* gtk-perl -
* lame -

3.0 Installation

3.1 Preparation for installation

Well obviously the first thing your going to want to do is download the requirements. It is fine to download them to your /home directory of whatever user your logged in as.
Some basic steps you will want to perform that makes the rest of the installation and later use of acidrip will be mentioned now. Lets make a symlink to your dvd device. Now for instance if your DVD drive like mine is on your second IDE controller as the Slave device, its device name is /dev/hdd. So this is what I did to make the symlink:
$ su
# cd /dev
# ln -s /dev/hdd dvd
# exit
Basically we su'd to root for access to create the symlink. Created the symlink then exited back out of root. I always make it a habit not to be logged in as root all the time. And you don't have to type the $ or # signs, those are there to indicate the shell prompt and if your logged in as either a regular user or root.

Now at this point, it is a good idea if you want to install any other options for mplayer for example lame, now is the time to do that. That way when you install MPlayer, it detects any codecs that you may want installed. And don't think I'm going to show you how to install those, cause I'm not, refer to their installation instructions for help.

3.2 Installation

Now for the required packages, we will start with the Gtk2-Perl. First you will want to unpackage it with the tar command. But you will also need to install the dependent packages that Glib needs, which are ExtUtils::Depends and ExtUtils::PkgConfig.
$ tar xzvf ExtUtils-Depends-0.104.tar.gz
Now you'll see all those files fly past you on your screen. At this point it should have created a new directory called ExtUtils-Depends-0.104 in your home directory. Follow these steps to install this package properly onto your system:
$ cd ExtUtils-Depends-0.104
$ perl Makefile.PL
$ make
$ su -m
# make install
# exit
I'm not going to explain each process for the required packages for Gtk2-Perl at this time as they are basically the same as above. You will want to install them in this order though so you don't run into any complaints along the way, ExtUtils-Depends-0.104.tar.gz, ExtUtils-PkgConfig-1.02.tar.gz, Glib-1.021.tar.gz, and then Gtk2-1.023.tar.gz. These packages mentioned may differ on the download page. At the time of updating this howto, these were the latest stable packages which are known to work with the latest acidrip.

*Note when viewing all the packages on the Gtk2-Perl download page on, these are the only required packages needed to run acidrip. All the others are optional as most are development type packages.

Any other options at this time when installing Gtk2-Perl you will want to refer to the INSTALL and README files within that directory as with any of the other packages were going to be installing after this one. Now that Gtk2-Perl is installed we can now install libdvdread. Oh and if your wondering what the su -m is used for, its to su to root and stay in your present working directory. If that -m flag does not work for you, you'll just have to su to root then cd back into the directory your currently installing the package in.

To unpack and install, follow these steps:
$ tar xzvf libdvdread-0.9.4.tar.gz
$ cd libdvdread-0.9.4
$ ./configure
$ make
$ su -m
# make install
# exit

Next for some reason on some systems when you install libdvdread, it will install the file to /usr/local/lib which is read by the lsdvd package that is required. You can check your /etc/ to check if /usr/local/lib is listed but for some reason it still may not find it after we install lsdvd. So to save some time, lets go ahead and copy the to your /usr/lib directory which will save some time scratching your head later on. You can also just create a link which at times is safe as well by doing this:

$ cd /usr/lib
$ su -m
# ln -s /usr/local/lib/
# ln -s /usr/local/lib/
# exit
Now if you don't know how to simply copy a file over from one directory to another, you might as well quit now and save yourself some time cause I'm not going to show you how to do that. man cp for details if you do want to continue but still unsure how to copy files.

Now we can go ahead and install MPlayer. Oh you already have it you say, go ahead and remove it and lets install the latest version. But you have the latest version? I said lets remove MPlayer from your system and get on with installing it.

To install MPlayer at this time follow these steps and also remember if you want any other codecs, fonts, etc, be sure to install them before doing this step so MPlayer detects them. One tip though is if you want to enable the GUI for mplayer, you need to pass the --enable-gui option on the ./configure line, also taking note if you do want the gui enabled for use, its best to go ahead and install the skins, fonts and such. ( Also take notice now we don't have a tar.gz file but a tar.bz2 file, be sure to look closely on how to unpack it or it will give you errors):
$ tar jxvf MPlayer-0.92.tar.bz2
$ cd MPlayer-0.92
$ ./configure (This is optional and only add this if you want to enable the GUI for mplayer) --enable-gui
$ make
$ su -m
# make install
Now that we have Gtk2-Perl, libdvdread and MPlayer installed, its now time to install the main part for acidrip. Before installing acidrip itself, we want to install lsdvd. Basically at this point you should be able to handle installing this type of file without me explaining the steps once again. Its just like installing libdvdread above but instead you unpack lsdvd-0.10.tar.gz with the tar command, then cd into the new directory called lsdvd-0.5 then run the rest like ./configure, make, su -m, make install. Damn. I basically just told you all the steps there. Oh well.

Now at this point, we will want to install acidrip itself. Alright, hopefully your last step before getting to use the program.

Take these steps to install acidrip:
$ tar -xvf acidrip-0.12.tar.gz
$ cd acidrip-0.12
$ perl Makefile.PL
$ make
$ su -m
# make install
# exit
Hopefully all goes well after that last install with no compiling errors. Basically if you have problems installing either acidrip or lsdvd, you can visit the Forums at Sourceforge for any questions or want to leave a comment on this awesome program. For all the other programs we installed like Gtk_Perl, MPlayer, etc, go to their site for help if you get errors while installing them, as they are going to have better documentation and more knowledge of their own products. Or maybe go to which is the best resource for newbies. But don't be offended if we tell you to RTFM, which is always a good habit to have.

3.3 Starting and somewhat using acidrip

Well basically to run acidrip, just type acidrip at a command prompt. If you want to create a pretty little link on your desktop or a panel like in Gnome or KDE, your on your own. But however I do plan on making a logo for the program and maybe an icon for desktop use as given permission from the creator.

The rest of the program once started is pretty self explanatory. I'll leave it as that for now. I might come around and write a small part on how to use the program itself one day, but for now I'm too busy ripping movies.

4.0 Wrapup

4.1 Credits

acidrip along with lsdvd is written and created by Chris Phillips, also known as acid_kewpie. He is a moderator at one of the best Linux forums called

trickykid is just a monkey writer of this howto for you stupid newbies who is also a moderator at Its not that easy of an installation so I thought I would write a howto so it makes it easier for everyone to install and use so this program becomes more popular so acid_kewpie can start his monopoly in the dvd ripping industry.

Disclaimer: This howto can be distributed or modified in anyway, shape or form except you must give credit to the author and origins if used, modified and or redistributed, along with this disclaimer. Though the other programs listed and any other trademarks mentioned are rightful to their respected owners.
CopyLeft 2004. trickykid (Drew Bentley)

by acid_kewpie on Sun, 2006-05-07 16:19
heh, cheers ray

by XavierP on Sun, 2006-05-07 16:48
Not a problem, I'd been meaning to do this for a while. Makes it easier for me to find it

by leopoldb on Fri, 2010-12-31 03:35
Thank you for the fine article/tutorial about AcidRip.

Kind regards

by acid_kewpie on Fri, 2010-12-31 18:29
I just can't believe people still use that piece of crap software...

by GazL on Fri, 2010-12-31 19:26
Perhaps there just aren't many alternatives that don't require a baggage-load of gnome/kde dependencies?

Personally, I still use cdda2wav and flac command-line tools and then use EasyTag to tag/rename the tracks afterwards.

by acid_kewpie on Sat, 2011-01-01 02:41
Heh, well seeing as it's a dvd ripper, it's absolutely awful at mp3 tagging!

by GazL on Sat, 2011-01-01 06:35
lol. Is it. I take it back then.

A CiD Rip, makes far more sense as a name if it was a CD ripper like I expected it to be.

by acid_kewpie on Sat, 2011-01-01 11:12
Nah, I just named it after my username here.


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