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oocevin 02-27-2011 09:46 AM

Zenwalk Core can't get the startx to work
Hello one and all. First thing I want to say I love linux.....
And now I want to build my own system out of Zenwalk core.
I can get to the part where it is installed and to restart.
This is the info I got to try to install and to log in:

Install a minimal GUI on top of Zenwalk Core

From Zenwalk Wiki

This is a guide to show you how you can install an alternative WM on top of Zenwalk Core to create a minimal GUI installation with as less packages installed as possible.

Start with selecting a mirror and upgrading everything to the latest version:

netpkg mirror
netpkg upgrade

Core is missing all the xorg packages that you need for X to work. You
can see which packages you need by running this (it will take about a
minute or two so be patient):

netpkg list N | grep "\[x\]"

netpkg everything in the list with their dependencies. You can of course leave out the drivers packages that you don't need.

You'll then need to setup xorg for your graphics card, so do:


and if you need to set up your keyboard layout run:


You can then install your favourite WM:

netpkg fluxbox


netpkg icewm

or whichever you like, with their dependencies.

Now log out from the root account and log in your user account. Run one of these to make fluxbox or icewm the default wm respectivelly:

cp /etc/X11/xinit/xinitrc.fluxbox ~/.xinitrc
cp /etc/X11/xinit/xinitrc.icewm ~/.xinitrc

or something similar for the WM you want to use, I think you get the point.

You now only need to do:


to start your favourite WM in your minimal Zenwalk installation. You can then add any apps you might be needing with netpkg.

Can some one tell me what am I doing wrong. Plus what is this bar and how do I make it:
netpkg list N | grep "\[x\]" What and how do I make the bar between N and grep??

Please help me. I do so much want to make my own system..

dijetlo 02-27-2011 05:48 PM

The bar is the "pipe" symbol, normally the capped version of the backslash key directly above the enter key on your keyboard.
Good luck

oocevin 03-06-2011 09:25 AM

OK I am really new to installing from core. My first time actually.
I have it burned to cd and I can get to where you need to log in to
root and type in netpkg mirror but it says can not connect So I try
the upgrade and it says it can not connect the videoconfig works and
the keyboardconfig works but that is all that works. I know my internet
is working so what am I missing. I have been trying to find a guid that
leads one by the hand to do this can't find one. I love linux been
using it for bout a year now. I have use kubuntu ubuntu lubuntu pclinux
so on. But I would really like to build one from scratch.. I would like to
put gnome on it. But I have to get past this problem first.
Is there some one that has done this that can tell me just what do do...

Thank You dijetlo for your info..


stillborn 03-10-2011 11:48 AM

did you update your netpkg.conf?

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