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-   -   gui login failed despite users created. but Text mode + root + startx works OK (

Emmanuel_uk 11-20-2005 03:41 PM

gui login failed despite users created. but Text mode + root + startx works OK
Hi, I hate asking this, but I can help at the computer club only 2h/forthnight
and I do not have the PC with me to tincker

I had a look at
but did not spot the answer to my problem

I boot with linux-gui (lilo option), the GUI comes with the water and the pinguins going around the screen, I enter any of the username created during install (and select any of the desktop manager),
there is no box for the password strangely, then press login,
login fails with the box moving

I have installed VLinux 5.1, created 2 users + password during install.
I do not get it...

So I rebooted in text mode (linux-tui), login as root, then startx, then went
to the manager created the 2 users again, logout, reboot,
same story, start linux-gui, login screen, none of the the user works,
neither root, no password field

Can you please help.
I am between newbie and a bit more advanced, but here there is something idiotic that I do not seem to get.


thorn168 11-21-2005 11:16 AM


I just figured this one out myself after installing Vector 5.1 standard.

At the login box type in the login name, i.e. root, etc

Then press the enter key

This will bring up the password logon field. Type in the password and press enter.

That should allow you to log into Vector.

Emmanuel_uk 11-21-2005 03:41 PM


after installing Vector 5.1 standard
Hi that is what I installed.

Thanks for taking the time to answer. :)
I know it sounded like a daft question :confused: , and believe me I have a bit of computer
experience, but I was locked in such a frame of mind :tisk: of happy clicking,
and the help button was no help (it just gives the kernel version)...
I was not going to press enter for a while; I might have tried <tab> :confused:

I shall try pressing <enter> and try the <return> key as well,
and see if this solves it.
I hope it works

Will let you know in 2 weeks... ;)

I really thought I had lost my marbles and my wit. :scratch:

Thanks again

Do you mind me asking, I saw you use DSL and Puppy.
I have booted both of them a few times to explore what they were like,
and as toolboxes. Do you find you always use rather 1 than the other for some given tasks?
That is how come you use both?

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